"Hindutva" Demystified

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Demystifying Brahminism and Re-Inventing Hinduism

Book Description

‘Religion is a tool in the hands of the oppressor against the oppressed solely because he frames the commandments and calls them the God’s’, is an apt description of the Hindu social order. The book rips open the raw nerve of Hinduism—its invidious castes, positioned as a ‘God-ordained’ institution, commandeered by its freebooter priestly class while clandestinely establishing its religious, social and political hegemony through interpolation of its pristine and effulgent scriptures. The author boldly analyses this imbroglio through a microscopic analysis of these and more related issues: • How priests controlled the Hindu religious, social, educational and political apparatus? • How the dominant priestly class fractured the society into mutually antagonistic subordinated hierarchical segments, and ruled it by reserving all elite jobs for itself? • How the fiendish priesthood emasculated shudras by depriving them of the ‘shaastra and shastra’ (education and arms) and made them permanent ‘village servant classes’? • How the pretensions of attaining siddhis through 'meditation and penances' established priests as the ‘gods on earth’ for their assertions of ‘purity and effulgence’? • How ‘karma’, ‘reincarnation’ and ‘84-lakhs births’ theories were devised to justify fatalism and hierarchical gradation of varnas? • Can India be rightfully called the ‘vishvaguru’ and the mother of all civilisations? • How Buddhism effeminated Hindus and made them the doormats for the ruthless? • Why Hindus had to abandon their own, to adop foreign institutions of governance? • Why Hinduism should become a universal and proselytising faith and fight demographic challenges posed by Islam and Christianity?


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Hindutva as Political Monotheism

Book Description

In Hindutva as Political Monotheism, Anustup Basu offers a genealogical study of Hindutva—Hindu right-wing nationalism—to illustrate the significance of Western anthropology and political theory to the idea of India as a Hindu nation. Connecting Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt's notion of political theology to traditional theorems of Hindu sovereignty and nationhood, Basu demonstrates how Western and Indian theorists subsumed a vast array of polytheistic, pantheistic, and henotheistic cults featuring millions of gods into a singular edifice of faith. Basu exposes the purported “Hindu Nation” as itself an orientalist vision by analyzing three crucial moments: European anthropologists’ and Indian intellectuals’ invention of a unified Hinduism during the long nineteenth century; Indian ideologues’ adoption of ethnoreligious nationalism in pursuit of a single Hindu way of life in the twentieth century; and the transformations of this project in the era of finance capital, Bollywood, and new media. Arguing that Hindutva aligns with Enlightenment notions of nationalism, Basu foregrounds its significance not just to Narendra Modi's right-wing, anti-Muslim government but also to mainstream Indian nationalism and its credo of secularism and tolerance.

Hindutva For The Changing Times

Book Description

Senior RSS leader J Nandakumar, in Hindutva for the Changing Times, states that Hindutva (Hindu-ness) is the apt expression that captures the spiritual, intellectual, religious, philosophical and political dimensions of the millennia-old Dharmic civilization. The book will interest academicians, political thinkers, sociologists and intellectuals, as it is the first time that an RSS leader has attempted to analyze topics such as Multiculturalism versus Hindu Universalism, Cultural Marxism, Environmentalism, Dataism through the Hindutva prism. He states Hindu Rashtra will remain the unchanging core of the RSS. Vedic scholar David Frawley has written the foreword for this thought-provoking book.

Demystifying Brahminism and Re-Inventing Hinduism

Book Description

There is nothing more miserable than to feel that emancipation is in the air and yet suffer the slavery of a mistaken idea. The author seeks to re-invent Hinduism by bringing to the fore its most fundamental postulates as: 1. Worship of the monotheistic formless Brahm. 2. God-realisation through Nishkam Sewa (selfless service). 3. Social equality and brotherhood (vasudhaiva kutumbakam). 4. Self-realisation through Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. 5. Salvation through worldly life of Purushaarth (Dharm, Arth, Kaam, Moksha). 'EK Samaj' repudiates the following attributes as excrescences and repugnant to the faith: 1. Mixing philosophy and religion made Hinduism an unorganised religion. 2. Worshipping numerous deities and limiting religious service to mere darshan of the idols fragmented Hinduism. 3. Hereditary priesthood, as permanent intermediaries for communion with God, polluted the religion. 4. Occupational ‘purity’ and ‘pollution’ camouflaged iniquitous social divisions. 5. Individual instead of congregational worship smothered Hindu brotherhood. 6. Pretensions of attaining Siddhis through ‘meditation and penances’ eulogised. 7. Escapism in worldly renunciation honoured. 8. Fatalist karma theory made Hindus pessimistic and other-worldly. 9. Transmigration, reincarnation, 84-lakh births used as props for gradation of castes. 10. Acceptance of Ahimsa made Hindus a doormat for the ruthless barbarians. 11. Karma kand and Mantra, Tantra, Yantra etc. justified as the sole religious expressions. 12. Lack of proselytisation prevented Hinduism from becoming a world religion. 13. Devdasi tradition made temples the venues of entertainment and recreation.


Book Description

'Religion is a tool in the hands of the oppressor against the oppressed solely because he frames the commandments and calls them the God's', is an apt description of the Hindu social order. The book rips open the raw nerve of Hinduism-its invidious castes, positioned as a 'God-ordained' institution, commandeered by its freebooter priestly class while clandestinely establishing its religious, social and political hegemony through interpolation of its pristine and effulgent scriptures. The author boldly analyses this imbroglio through a microscopic analysis of these and more related issues: - How priests controlled the Hindu religious, social, educational and political apparatus? - How the dominant priestly class fractured the society into mutually antagonistic subordinated hierarchical segments, and ruled it by reserving all elite jobs for itself? - How the fiendish priesthood emasculated shudras by depriving them of the 'shaastra and shastra' (education and arms) and made them permanent 'village servant classes'? - How the pretensions of attaining siddhis through 'meditation and penances' established priests as the 'gods on earth' for their assertions of 'purity and effulgence'? - How 'karma', 'reincarnation' and '84-lakhs births' theories were devised to justify fatalism and hierarchical gradation of varnas? - Can India be rightfully called the 'vishvaguru' and the mother of all civilisations? - How Buddhism effeminated Hindus and made them the doormats for the ruthless? - Why Hindus had to abandon their own, to adop foreign institutions of governance? - Why Hinduism should become a universal and proselytising faith and fight demographic challenges posed by Islam and Christianity?

Principles of Hinduism Explained to Non-Hindus

Book Description

The book is an effort to clear a lot of misconception about Hindu theology and philosophy , such as its origins , it’s concept of a supreme being , the meaning of the multitudes of images of God and the ways and manners of worshiping the various forms of God. The book identifies the various scriptures that Hindus follow in the conducting of the religion . It explains the philosophical thoughts, its applications and the purpose or goal. Hinduism not just a religion or philosophy but a way of life for the whole population who follows it.


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Contours of Hindu Rashtra

Book Description

The book is a collection of essays and articles written over a period of 5 years. The essays numbering 40 in number have been divided into nine main sections. Section I discusses essays on religion and society, Section II contains articles on Hindutva, Section III has essays on Hindutva and minorities, Section IV selected articles on Hindutva threat protection Islam and terrorism, have been given. Section V has essays on communalism and violence, Section VI has articles on political chess board, Section VII has essays on Hindutva and Dalits, Section VIII discusses women and Hindu right and lastly Section IX contains articles on faith and reason.