Historical Aspect of Independence in Modern Kazakh Literature

Book Description

This book is about the history of Kazakh literature place of the poetry of the period of independence. The changes brought by the independence, chain of historical consistency in spiritual world introduced new feature to domestic spirituality. Concepts of independence, liberty, freedom, country having been raised in the history of Kazakh literature early and often have reached new level and acquired new feature. Year in, year out dream of freedom, social movements on the way to get it, historical events and milestone endeavors influenced creative wave directly. After gaining independence domestic literature did not lose its old course and Soviet style immediately, but in the following decades it showed leap forward and reached new heights. ТҮЙІНДЕМЕ Қазақ әдебиеті тарихында тәуелсіздік кезеңіндегі поэзияның алатын орны айрықша. Тәуелсіздік әкелген өзгерістер, рухани әлемдегі желісі үзілмеген тарихи сабақтастық отандық руханиятқа соны сипат алып келді. Қазақ әдебиетінің арғы-бергі тарихындағы үздіксіз көтерілген тәуелсіздік, азаттық, еркіндік, елдік ұғымдары жаңа деңгейге көтеріліп, жаңа сипатқа ие болды. Ұзақ жылдар бойындағы азаттықты аңсау, оған қол жеткізудің жолындағы қоғамдық қозғалыстар, тарихи уақиғалар мен дәуірлік бетбұрыстар шығармашылық толқынға тікелей әсер етті. Ал егемендікке қол жеткізгеннен кейінгі отандық әдебиет алғашқы кезеңде ескі сарқыншақ пен советтік сарыннан айырыла қоймағанымен, кейінгі онжылдықтарда тың серпіліс көрсетіп, жаңа биікке шықты. Publisher: IPRJB peer reviewed journals and books publishers ISBN: 978-9914-9663-0-5 Authors: Dr.Assel R. Auzhanova. Pages: 202.

Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature

Book Description

*Shortlisted for the 2018 Book Award in Social Sciences of the Central Eurasian Studies Society* Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature is a book about cultural transformations and trajectories of national imagination in modern Kazakhstan. The book is a much-needed critical introduction and a comprehensive survey of the Kazakh literary production and cultural discourses on the nation in the twentieth and twenty first centuries. In the absence of viable and open forums for discussion and in the turbulent moments of postcolonial and cultural transformation under the Soviets, the Kazakh writers and intellectuals widely engaged with the national identity, heritage and genealogy construction in literature. This active process of national canon construction and its constant re-writing throughout the twentieth century will inform the readers of the complex processes of cultural transformations in forms, genres and texts as well as demonstrating the genealogical development of the national narrative. The main focus of this book is on the cultural production of the nation. The focus is on the narratives of historical continuities produced in the literature and cultural discontinuities and inter-elite competition which inform such production. The development of Kazakh literary production is an extremely interesting yet underrepresented field of study. Since the late nineteenth century it saw a rapid transformation from the traditional oral to print literature. This brought an unprecedented shift in genres and texts production as well as a rapid growth of the ‘writing’ class – urban colonial and first generations of Soviet intelligentsia. Kazakh literary production became the flagman of republic’s rapid cultural modernization and prior to the World War II local publishing industry produced up to 6 million print copies a year. By the 1960s and 1970s – the golden era of Kazakh literature, the most read literary journal Juldyz sold 50,000 copies all over the country. Literature became the mass provider of knowledge about the past, the present and of the future of the country. Because “Kazakh readers were hungry to find out about their pre-Soviet past and its national glory” national writers competed in genres, styles and ways to write out the nation in prose, poems, essays and historical novels.

An Illustrated History of Kazakhstan

Book Description

This lavishly illustrated book reveals the full history of the heart of Central Asia across the ages, focusing on the region that is modern-day Kazakhstan. Using essays from renowned archaeologists, historians and scholars as the core of each chapter, this book explains Kazakhstan s long and complex history. This flowing narrative is complemented ......

The History of Kazakhstan from the Earliest Period to the Present time. Volume I

Book Description

The first volume of the History of Kazakhstan for the students of non-historical specialties has provided with extensive materials on the history of the present-day territory of Kazakhstan from the earliest period to 1991. Here found their reflection both recent developments on Kazakhstan history studies, primary sources evidences, teaching materials, control questions that help students understand better the course. Many of the disputable issues of the times are given in the historiographical view.The textbook is designed for students, teachers, undergraduates, and everybody, who is interested in the history of Kazakhstan.

The Hungry Steppe

Book Description

The Hungry Steppe examines one of the most heinous crimes of the Stalinist regime, the Kazakh famine of 1930–33. More than 1.5 million people perished in this famine, a quarter of Kazakhstan's population, and the crisis transformed a territory the size of continental Europe. Yet the story of this famine has remained mostly hidden from view. Drawing upon state and Communist party documents, as well as oral history and memoir accounts in Russian and in Kazakh, Sarah Cameron reveals this brutal story and its devastating consequences for Kazakh society. Through the most violent of means the Kazakh famine created Soviet Kazakhstan, a stable territory with clearly delineated boundaries that was an integral part of the Soviet economic system; and it forged a new Kazakh national identity. But this state-driven modernization project was uneven. Ultimately, Cameron finds, neither Kazakhstan nor Kazakhs themselves were integrated into the Soviet system in precisely the ways that Moscow had originally hoped. The experience of the famine scarred the republic for the remainder of the Soviet era and shaped its transformation into an independent nation in 1991. Cameron uses her history of the Kazakh famine to overturn several assumptions about violence, modernization, and nation-making under Stalin, highlighting, in particular, the creation of a new Kazakh national identity, and how environmental factors shaped Soviet development. Ultimately, The Hungry Steppe depicts the Soviet regime and its disastrous policies in a new and unusual light.

Historical Dictionary of Kazakhstan

Book Description

Kazakhstan is in some ways a very old nation dating back to the Kazakh Khanate of 1458, but it dramatically transformed within the Russian Empire and even more so during the period when it was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Since 1991 it has been independent and has had to forge its own policy in all fields. Kazakhstan is in an enviable position in terms of exportable natural resources, but at the same time it is faced with many domestic problems, such as an inadequate infrastructure. Along with solving a multitude of social problems, Kazakhstan has had to simultaneously create a normal functioning state, which added to its political difficulties. The situation at present is a state run by a strong ruler, which solves some problems but creates others. The Historical Dictionary of Kazakhstan covers the history of Kazakhstan through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and a bibliography. The dictionary section has over 400 cross-referenced entries on important personalities, politics, economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about Kazakhstan.


Book Description

This is the most comprehensive guide to Kazakhstan on the market with full details on where to stay and eat, plus background information on the country's history and people. This new, fully updated and revised second edition includes an expanded section on winter sports in Kazakhstan, more detailed sections on nightlife in Astana and Almaty and recommended itineraries for travel within Kazakhstan.

The Military and the State in Central Asia

Book Description

The military played a pivotal role in the political development, state functions, foreign policy and the daily lives of the people in the Central Asian states from the early twentieth century until the present. This book is the first major, in-depth study of the military institutions in Central Asian states. It examines their hidden story, the different stages of their development from the early twentieth century until the present, and the influence they had on the state and society. It effectively combines history, sociology of the military and political science and provides deeper insights into how recently formed states function. By concentrating extensively on the military, this book is an important and a timely contribution to a wide range of disciplines including Central Asian studies, and post-colonial state and nation-building studies.

Historical Dictionary of Kazakhstan

Book Description

The Historical Dictionary of Kazakhstan contains a chronology, an introductory essay, an extensive bibliography, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries.