History Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This book contains several fundamental ideas that are revived time after time in different guises, providing a better understanding of algebraic geometric phenomena. It shows how the field is enriched with loans from analysis and topology and from commutative algebra and homological algebra.

A History of Algebraic and Differential Topology, 1900 - 1960

Book Description

This book is a well-informed and detailed analysis of the problems and development of algebraic topology, from Poincaré and Brouwer to Serre, Adams, and Thom. The author has examined each significant paper along this route and describes the steps and strategy of its proofs and its relation to other work. Previously, the history of the many technical developments of 20th-century mathematics had seemed to present insuperable obstacles to scholarship. This book demonstrates in the case of topology how these obstacles can be overcome, with enlightening results.... Within its chosen boundaries the coverage of this book is superb. Read it! —MathSciNet

History of Analytic Geometry

Book Description

This study presents the concepts and contributions from before the Alexandrian Age through to Fermat and Descartes, and on through Newton and Euler to the "Golden Age," from 1789 to 1850. 1956 edition. Analytical bibliography. Index.

An Undergraduate Primer in Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This book consists of two parts. The first is devoted to an introduction to basic concepts in algebraic geometry: affine and projective varieties, some of their main attributes and examples. The second part is devoted to the theory of curves: local properties, affine and projective plane curves, resolution of singularities, linear equivalence of divisors and linear series, Riemann–Roch and Riemann–Hurwitz Theorems. The approach in this book is purely algebraic. The main tool is commutative algebra, from which the needed results are recalled, in most cases with proofs. The prerequisites consist of the knowledge of basics in affine and projective geometry, basic algebraic concepts regarding rings, modules, fields, linear algebra, basic notions in the theory of categories, and some elementary point–set topology. This book can be used as a textbook for an undergraduate course in algebraic geometry. The users of the book are not necessarily intended to become algebraic geometers but may be interested students or researchers who want to have a first smattering in the topic. The book contains several exercises, in which there are more examples and parts of the theory that are not fully developed in the text. Of some exercises, there are solutions at the end of each chapter.

History Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This book contains several fundamental ideas that are revived time after time in different guises, providing a better understanding of algebraic geometric phenomena. It shows how the field is enriched with loans from analysis and topology and from commutative algebra and homological algebra.

Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations

Book Description

Originally, my intention was to write a "History of Algebra", in two or three volumes. In preparing the first volume I saw that in ancient civiliza tions geometry and algebra cannot well be separated: more and more sec tions on ancient geometry were added. Hence the new title of the book: "Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations". A subsequent volume on the history of modem algebra is in preparation. It will deal mainly with field theory, Galois theory and theory of groups. I want to express my deeply felt gratitude to all those who helped me in shaping this volume. In particular, I want to thank Donald Blackmore Wagner (Berkeley) who put at my disposal his English translation of the most interesting parts of the Chinese "Nine Chapters of the Art of Arith metic" and of Liu Hui's commentary to this classic, and also Jacques Se siano (Geneva), who kindly allowed me to use his translation of the re cently discovered Arabic text of four books of Diophantos not extant in Greek. Warm thanks are also due to Wyllis Bandler (Colchester, England) who read my English text very carefully and suggested several improve ments, and to Annemarie Fellmann (Frankfurt) and Erwin Neuenschwan der (Zurich) who helped me in correcting the proof sheets. Miss Fellmann also typed the manuscript and drew the figures. I also want to thank the editorial staff and production department of Springer-Verlag for their nice cooperation.

Geometry in History

Book Description

This is a collection of surveys on important mathematical ideas, their origin, their evolution and their impact in current research. The authors are mathematicians who are leading experts in their fields. The book is addressed to all mathematicians, from undergraduate students to senior researchers, regardless of the specialty.

Unknown Quantity

Book Description

Perfect for history buffs and armchair algebra experts, Unknown Quantity tells the story of the development of abstract mathematical thought. John Derbyshire discovers the story behind the formulae, roots, and radicals. As he did so masterfully in Prime Obsession, Derbyshire brings the evolution of mathematical thinking to dramatic life by focusing on the key historical players. Unknown Quantity begins in the time of Abraham and Isaac and moves from Abel's proof to the higher levels of abstraction developed by Galois through modern-day advances. Derbyshire explains how a simple turn of thought from "this plus this equals this" to "this plus what equals this?" gave birth to a whole new way of perceiving the world. With a historian's narrative authority and a beloved teacher's clarity and passion, Derbyshire leads readers on an intellectually satisfying and pleasantly challenging historical and mathematical journey.

Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

An introduction to algebraic geometry and a bridge between its analytical-topological and algebraical aspects, this text for advanced undergraduate students is particularly relevant to those more familiar with analysis than algebra. 1953 edition.

Geometry by Its History

Book Description

In this textbook the authors present first-year geometry roughly in the order in which it was discovered. The first five chapters show how the ancient Greeks established geometry, together with its numerous practical applications, while more recent findings on Euclidian geometry are discussed as well. The following three chapters explain the revolution in geometry due to the progress made in the field of algebra by Descartes, Euler and Gauss. Spatial geometry, vector algebra and matrices are treated in chapters 9 and 10. The last chapter offers an introduction to projective geometry, which emerged in the 19thcentury. Complemented by numerous examples, exercises, figures and pictures, the book offers both motivation and insightful explanations, and provides stimulating and enjoyable reading for students and teachers alike.