History and Status of American Physical Education and Educational Sport

Book Description

A potential history book for professional practitioners and a potential textbook for undergraduate majors in physical education and kinesiology in the United States.

American Sport and Physical Education History (to 1975)

Book Description

This volume (i.e., anthology) of selected historical topics on the subject of American sport and physical education history to 1975 has been re-issued because professional students in physical activity education and educational sport need to fully understand the background of the field they are entering. The fine efforts of the many colleagues of the editor and author were rated highly by the editors of Choice in September, 1975. It is now 34 years later. The typical history course in professional preparation programs in physical (activity) education and (educational) sport in the United States in the 20th century covers the world history of physical education and sport with significant emphasis on U.S.A history. This practice still prevails largely with the limited number of texts available, but there are "changes in the wind" occasioned by historical developments within the overall field. The editor/author believes strongly that "what has gone before" in American sport and physical education should not be forgotten. To continue colloquially, if you don't know "where you've been," it's hard to know "where you are," and really difficult to know "where you should go!" This is the plight facing the field at the beginning of the 21st century.

History of Sport and Physical Education in the United States

Book Description

This historical introduction to the history of sport, physical activity and physical education in the United States covers school, college, amateur and professional sports. It provides a history of men, women and diverse ethnic groups in sport and considers the influence of such phenomena as music, economics, technology and industry. The influence of events and periods such as the jazz age, great depression, affluence, technology and industry are related to sports, with comparative timelines of historical events to give students a frame of reference. Ancient and modern Olympics are compared and there is a new chapter on post World War II history.

The American Crisis in Physical Activity Education

Book Description

The American Crisis in Physical Activity Education was written because the author is terribly upset about what is happening to physical activity education and so-called educational sport within the education system. He lives in North America as a dual citizen, and he feels sad that we appear to be a large part of the world's problem! He thought that the world would be a better place for all people by the year 2000. Because now it definitely doesn't seem to be heading in that direction, he is forced to conclude: (1) that in many ways we are confused about what our values are at the present, (2) that we need to reconsider them and then re-state exactly what we believe they are in light of the changing times, and (3) finally that we will then need to assess more carefully, on a regular basis, whether we are living up to those values we have chosen and so often glibly espouse. Physical activity education, including what is called educational sport, is a field that in the 21st century is facing one more crossroad in its torturous historical development.