History of the Cluster System

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Health in Humanitarian Emergencies

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A comprehensive, best practices resource for public health and healthcare practitioners and students interested in humanitarian emergencies.

Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems

Book Description

Dramatic progress is a trademark of the recent study of globular cluster systems. Considerations about the formation and evolution compose the first chapter, followed by a chapter on young star clusters. Then come four chapters reviewing the globular cluster system of early-type, late-type and dwarf galaxies, as well as of groups of galaxies. One chapter is dedicated to stellar population models and their applications to the field. Finally a chapter reviews the kinematics of galaxies derived from globular cluster systems and another their role in the context of galaxy formation and evolution studies. As a whole, the book gives an up-to-date view of the field at the beginning of the new decade, which will without doubt again bring significant progress in our understanding of globular cluster systems and galaxy formation and evolution.

The Origin of Stars and Planetary Systems

Book Description

A few years after the publication of The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, we received a request from the publisher for an up dated second edition of this popular reference book. As originally intended, the volume had proved to be a useful "text" book for graduate astronomy courses and seminars which dealt with topics related to stellar origins. The book was based on a series of lectures delivered by a distinguished group of leading researchers at a NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) held in May 1990 on the island of Crete, Greece. The primary goal of the ASI was in fact to produce a book which "would simultaneously provide a broad and systematic overview of, as well as a rigorous introduction to, the fun damental physics and astronomy at the heart of modern research in star formation and early stellar evolution. " However, by 1995 concern had arisen among those who used the text as a reference for graduate seminars and courses that the book would need to be updated to stay abreast of the discoveries and progress in this rapidly evolving field. After some discussion we concluded that a new edition of the book was warranted and that the goal of producing a new edition would be best accomplished by organizing a second ASI in Crete to review the progress in star formation research.

Can unconditional cash transfers mitigate the impact of civil conflict on acute child malnutrition in Yemen?: Evidence from the national social protection monitoring survey

Book Description

Hunger and acute child malnutrition are increasingly concentrated in fragile countries and civil conflict zones. According to the United Nations, Yemen’s civil war has caused the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in recent history. We use high-frequency panel data and district fixed-effects and household fixed-effects models to estimate the impact of civil conflict on child nutrition. Our results indicate that an increase by one standard deviation in civil conflict intensity translates into an increase in the prevalence of acute child malnutrition by at least 0.7 percentage points if measured by weight-for-height z-scores and by at least 1.7 percentage points if measured by mid-upper arm circumference z-scores. In mid-December 2018, Yemen’s main warring parties agreed to a ceasefire for the contested port city of Hodeida and to allow humanitarian aid to be shipped in and distributed through protected corridors. While the recent agreements are an important, first step to tackle the humanitarian crisis, the road to a sustainable peace agreement will certainly be long and bumpy. Relative stability could soon open a window of opportunity for targeted interventions to support recovery in Yemen. Against this background, our analysis suggests that unconditional cash transfers can be an effective tool in situations of complex emergencies. Our estimation results show that cash transfers can mitigate the detrimental impact of lingering civil conflict on child nutritional status in Yemen on a large scale. Our results also reveal that the regularity of transfer payments influence the magnitude of the mitigation effect, as regular assistance allows beneficiary households to smoothen their food consumption and other demands influencing child nutrition outcomes.

The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies

Book Description

In the centennial year, 1985-86, of Harlow Shapley's birth, the study of globular clusters was no less important to the development of astronomy than in 1915, when Shapley first noted their concentration on the sky. By 1917 Shapley had used the properties of the system of globular clusters to complete the Copernican revolution and locate the solar system, and its Earth-bound observers, far from the center of the Galaxy and the globular cluster distribution. Seven decades later, in the year of these proceedings, globular cluster research and the study of the system of globular clusters in our own and distant galaxies is undergoing a renaissance of activity. The introduction of new observational tools, particularly CCD imagers and digital spectrographs, as well as powerful theoretical methods have transformed the study of globular clusters into one of the main line areas of modern astrophysics. Thus it seemed particularly appropriate to one of us, when considering how the Harvard College Observatory might mark the Shapley centennial, to propose and plan for an IAU Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies. Planning for the Shapley Symposium, as it came to be called, was even more drawn out than the preparation of this volume. The Symposium was originally proposed to the IAU Secretariat in time for it to be held in August, 1985, so that it might occur in the centennial (calendar) year.

Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux

Book Description

Enabling technologies - An overview of cluster computing / Thomas Sterling / - Node Hardware / Thomas Sterling / - Linux / Peter H. Beckman / - Network Hardware / Thomas Sterling / - Network Software / Thomas Sterling / - Setting Up clusters : installation and configuration - How fast is my beowulf? / David Bailey / - Parallel programming / - Parallel programming with MPI / William Gropp / - Advanced topics in MPI programming / William Gropp / - Parallel programming with PVM / Al Geist / - Fault-tolerant and adaptive programs with PVM / Al Geist / - Managing clusters / - Cluster workload management / James Patton Jones / - Condor : a distributed job scheduler / - Maui scheduler : A multifunction cluster scheduler / David B. Jackson / - PBS : portable batch system / James Patton Jones / - PVFS : parallel virtual file system / Walt Ligon / - Chiba city : the Argonne scalable cluster.

High Performance Cluster Computing

Book Description

An authoritative guide to today's revolution in "commodity supercomputing, " this book brings together more than 100 of the field's leading practitioners, providing a single source for up-to-the-minute information on virtually every key system issue associated with high-performance cluster computing.

The Development of Propulsion Technology for U.S. Space-Launch Vehicles, 1926-1991

Book Description

In this definitive study, J. D. Hunley traces the program’s development from Goddard’s early rockets (and the German V-2 missile) through the Titan IVA and the Space Shuttle, with a focus on space-launch vehicles. Since these rockets often evolved from early missiles, he pays considerable attention to missile technology, not as an end in itself, but as a contributor to launch-vehicle technology. Focusing especially on the engineering culture of the program, Hunley communicates this very human side of technological development by means of anecdotes, character sketches, and case studies of problems faced by rocket engineers. He shows how such a highly adaptive approach enabled the evolution of a hugely complicated technology that was impressive—but decidedly not rocket science. Unique in its single-volume coverage of the evolution of launch-vehicle technology from 1926 to 1991, this meticulously researched work will inform scholars and engineers interested in the history of technology and innovation, as well as those specializing in the history of space flight.