History of TSNPAC

Book Description

This book is about the history behind foundation of TSNPAC and depiction of pictures.

Archives of TSN

Book Description

This details the accomplishments of an Indian Percussionist and contains news articles and short biographies about this artist.


Book Description

This book is for informational purpose. This is a brochure which was created for his organization TSN's Percussive Arts Centre.Inc (TSNPAC) which covers the achievements, articles and history of TSN with some rare pictures.

Diamond Jubilee of TSN in New Jersey

Book Description

This is about the details of diamond Jubilee of TSN and speech recorded by different individuals related to the Music Industry and some pictures supporting to the event.

Cartography of Exhaustion

Book Description

In our current landscape of communicative and connective excess, a very novel contemporary exhaustion exacerbated by our relation to the postdigital terrain is ever present. The Brazilian philosopher and schizoanalyst Peter Pál Pelbart pushes the vital question of our nihililstic age to the limits: how can one learn to be left alone, live alone, and perhaps, by way of a Deleuzian “absolute solitude,” conjure a vitality for living again and, indeed, finding something truly “worthy of saying”? Through various poetic meanderings and meditations and building on the works of Blanchot, Musil, Guattari, and Delingy, among others, Pelbart reestablishes the possibility of fighting off the exhaustion of our current state of affairs. For Pelbart, we must chart the cartography of exhaustion as if it were a sort of molecular symptomology.