
Book Description

Or Not To Be

Book Description

Swedish-born DI Inga Larsson stood in the barn that chilly morning looking down at the body of the poor young wretch. It may now be a world of phones that are too smart and Beats headphones, of kissy-kissy greetings and social media the British public get fussed about. But in some aspects, life has not changed one iota. Being dead is still as dead as it has always been. Two squabbling factions come to the attention of Larsson and her team - not the usual hoodlums or drug gangs. These two outfits are Lincoln's amateur dramatic groups, both overflowing with odd balls, antagonistic miscreants, and eccentrics who refuse to see eye-to-eye. As Larsson digs deeper, she comes face-to-face with homophobic and racist attitudes, with unadulterated snootiness served as a side dish. Has an innocent young woman become embroiled in their dispute in the name of art and paid the price with her life? As Shakespeare put it: Murder most foul, as in the best it is; But this most foul, strange, and unnatural.

Performance Art

Book Description

Part of our socialization is the urge to perform. We perform images of ourselves for others. For some, the urge is so great and the talent sufficient that we become performers. Performance Art is a series of short stories about performers and performances that are extreme—fire-eaters, knife-throwers, stand-up comedians, escape-artists, weight-loss artists—why we watch them, and why they do what they do. David Kranes dives into the inner lives of these risk-takers, exploring the allures and the costs of “performance.” His characters are unpredictable, quirky, and sometimes bizarre, but Kranes also reveals their humanity and insecurities. The result is a collection that is engagingly unique, sometimes comical, ironic, heart-tugging, and full of unexpected insights and delights.

Rainbow Soul Food

Book Description

This book is dedicated to everyone I have ever met, read, studied, or encountered. You have in some way been a phenomenal teacher, and I am truly blessed by your participation in the creative birthing process of this book. Through the awakening that is my life, I have been magically attracted to all the perfect teachers for all the perfect lessons that allowed me peace, acceptance, kindness, and an abundance of gratitude for all the blessings that have been bestowed me. I am über-grateful to Lao Tzu, Rumi, Kahlil Gibran, Haziz, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Henry David Thoreau, Rosa Parks, Peace Pilgrim, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Caroline Myss, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Marci Shimoff, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Baba Hari Dass, Paramahansa Yogananda, Oprah, Nelson Mandela, Ellen, Deepak Chopra, Ernest Holmes, Dr. Robert Holden, Marianne Williamson, Bob Proctor, Cheryl Richardson, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Jack Canfield, and my mom. May this blessing enter your hearts as you have mine. It is my intention to donate 75 percent of the proceeds from this book to World Vision, as we are a global village.

Memories of Adulthood

Book Description

If only people could be more like books. In that they would give the information we want to know without the information that will make us feel bad. There are so many perfect places to start that there is even no need to continue past this sentence. Anyway, thus saith a poet/punster/poopoo-er who keeps starting over, which is the nature of writing poetry. The only art you can't do fast if you have to is poetry. It's God making us compulsive rhymers. Because God loves everyone. (We have to love the very same bastards.) Humans, however, have all the easy chores: poverty, crime, disease. God has the hard one: how to bring all people to get along together. Poetry is not the same as lyrics. Poetry is simple self-love; lyrics, the poet wanting others to love, where words are made to sing without music. But submitting poetry is also the storm warning before rejection. Although just because one never finishes anything doesn't mean he shouldn't be starting things. After all, what's the verb for what you do?

The Aldrich Dictionary of Phobias and Other Word Families

Book Description

Do you know the difference between words such as 'ananymy', 'anonymy' and 'euonymy'? Of course you are familiar with everyday terms like 'homicide' and 'suicide', but are you sure about 'felicide', 'femicide' and 'feticide'? If not, this is the book for you. The Aldrich Dictionary of Phobias and Other Word Families is an authoritative guide to a selection of almost nine thousand terms, many of which are found in specialist technical books and journals or other arcane literary sources only, and features among other: A unique arrangement of words, based on 100 familiar and not so familiar English word roots, i.e. -agogue, -ambulation, -animity, -anthropy, -archy, -aster, -biosis, -bund, -chore, -cide, -clast, -cole, -cosmic, -cracy, -culture, -deme, -demonic, -diction, -digitate, -drome, -duction, -ennial, -esthesia, -facient, -fauna, -fluence, -form, -fuge, -glot, -glyph, -gnomy, -gon, -gony, -grade, -graphy, -iatrics/iatry, -jection, -lagnia, -latry, -lepsy, -logy, -loquy/loqu-ence, -lucence, -lude, -machy, -mancy, -mathy, -mania, -mer, -mere, -metry, -mimetic, -mnesia, -nasty, -naut, -nik, -noia, -nomy, -onymy, -orama, -orexia, -ousia, -parous, -pathy, -poeia, -phagy, -phany, -phily, -phobia, -phrenia, -phyly, -polis, -poly, -potence, -rogate, -rrhoea, -ruption, -science, -script, -sere, -sexuality, -sophy, -spermia, -stat, -staxis, -taxis, -techny, -thanasia, -theism, -therapy, -therm(ia), -trophy, -tropy, -urgy, -version, -volant, -volence, -volution, -vore, -xeny. A comprehensive survey of each root listed above and an etymological explanation of each suffix. A complete alphabetical index to all main and runon entries in the book. So whether you are a media professional, crossword enthusiast or just keen to improve your vocabulary, in The Aldrich Dictionary of Phobias and Other Word Families you will find a unique reference and a valuable supplement to your standard dictionaries.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Phobias

Book Description

An accessible book on phobias and how to overcome them. Phobia: an irrational, intense, persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things or people. Here, a psychologist discusses over 100 phobias. Beginning with the current theories about phobias, the book has a complete listing of the most common phobias, each with a full history and description, with the most effective ways to cope. Interesting, jargon-free and full of insight, it sheds light on this widespread condition. ? Informal and informative ? Combination of reading and dictionary format for quick reference ? Full advice on how to cope with phobias

The Paranoid's Pocket Guide to Mental Disorders You Can Just Feel Coming On

Book Description

Giving neurotics everywhere something to worry about, The Paranoid's Pocket Guide to Mental Disorders You Can Just Feel Coming On profiles more than 40 of the most outrageous and yet eerily familiar psychological disorders—a fascinating array of obsessions, compulsions, phobias, fixations, and full-blown mental maladies. Every disorder is well documented, including common symptoms, causes, and treatment options, along with a handy quiz for easy self-diagnosis. And in case you can't tell whether or not you're losing it, each entry includes a sample inner monologue detailing the thought processes at play—because sometimes you don't know you're crazy until you see it in writing. This humorous guide to the nuttiness within all of us will have even the most rational thinkers second-guessing their sanity.

Avoiding the Fear Trap

Book Description

Fear. This one small word is responsible for destroying relationships, choking off success, and preventing any number of positive changes. Unfortunately, until the root cause of the fear is addressed, it will continue to control decision-making processes and taint the way we see the world. Dr. Casalnnie Henry confronts this issue head-on in Avoiding the Fear Trap, a book that will teach you how to find relief from the fear that follows you throughout your day. Using brief but comprehensive descriptions of basic psychological concepts, Avoiding the Fear Trap covers all levels of relationships including individual, familial, and much bigger groups such as your place of employment (corporate) and national. Politicians and corporations alike have used fear to manipulate and control the public as a way to affect their decisions and behavior, but you can be free from that. Don't let fear immobilize you! Combining his Christian faith and years of experience, Dr. Henry has developed a healing technique called Spiritual Euphoric Therapy. It is a therapeutic process that teaches individuals and organizations how to overcome fear and delivers hope for the fearful using powerful Christian counseling principles. This new therapy will help you understand yourself better as well as why others behave the way they do. Learn the secret to Avoiding the Fear Trap and live a more productive life.

The Pocket Book of Phobias

Book Description

Here is a compilation of nearly 400 phobias such as - Barophobia - Fear of gravity Cheimaphobia - Fear of cold Chirophobia - Fear of hands Globophobia - Fear of balloons Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words. Ailurophobia- Fear of cats Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single. Onomatophobia - Fear of hearing a specific word Pogonophobia - Fear of beards Zeusophobia - Fear of God