Home in May (Storycuts)

Book Description

Yongshan is taking her son back to Licheng to visit relatives, and to see the town where she grew up. But when they get there, all she could find were desolate houses. Even the people on the street seemed not to recognise her. But then, in the rubble of her old neighbourhood, Yongshan finds something to grab hold of - a memento of the past. Part of the Storycuts series, this short story was previously published in the collection Madwoman on the Bridge.

On Saturdays (Storycuts)

Book Description

You don't expect some guy making small talk on a train to turn into a real friend, but that was just the kind of friend Papa Qi was. And afterwards, Saturday became Papa Qi's visiting day. Every Saturday. Part of the Storycuts series, this short story was previously published in the collection Madwoman on the Bridge.`

Atmospheric Pressure (Storycuts)

Book Description

The train was late, and the wind was blowing Meng's coat open in the snow. With no sign of his cousin, he needed somewhere to stay the night. An old man enticed him to a second-rate hostel, and despite his annoyance, Meng couldn't shake the feeling that he'd seen this place, and the old man, before. Part of the Storycuts series, this short story was previously published in the collection Madwoman on the Bridge.

Madwoman on the Bridge (Storycuts)

Book Description

The madwoman was wearing a white velvet cheongsam. Standing on the bridge, she revelled in her own faded splendour. Normal people pay no attention to madwomen, but one woman from Shaoxing stayed on the bridge that afternoon to talk to this one; what was she coveting? Part of the Storycuts series, this short story was previously published in the collection Madwoman on the Bridge.

Dance of Heartbreak/The Diary for August (Storycuts)

Book Description

In 'Dance of Heartbreak', something happened to a young boy in Grade 4, at Red Flag Elementary School; but even today the whole affair remains fresh in his mind. He'd never met another girl like her; she was a little child of glass, beautiful in her sorrow when she ran to centre stage. For him, she was an archetype. In 'The Diary for August', the inspector looked at the suspect who had been brought in for the incident at the city wall. He was fourteen or fifteen, dripping wet from the swimming pool where they had found him, and both his legs were trembling. It looked like he knew he had caused a disaster. Part of the Storycuts series, these two short stories were previously published in the collection Madwoman on the Bridge.

Goddess Peak/The Q of Hearts (Storycuts)

Book Description

In 'Goddess Peak', Miaoyue and Li Yong were almost the last two passengers aboard the steamboat to Goddess Peak - them and Li Yong's friend Mr Cui. Miaoyue found Mr Cui taller and better built than she'd imagined, and also a little younger and more handsome. For some reason, this irritated her. In 'The Q of Hearts', when the boy found the Queen of Hearts missing from his deck of cards, he immediately assumed that someone had stolen it. It was 1969, and those cards were his only toy. He searched everywhere for a new one - but only found things to frighten him. Part of the Storycuts series, these two short stories were previously published in the collection Madwoman on the Bridge.

Michael's Room (Storycuts)

Book Description

An aggrieved man forces a lawyer to face natural justice. Stanley Wade can't even be sure that his absence will be noticed, after a simple trip to the food store takes an unexpectedly dark turn. A practising lawyer, Wade is forced to confront truths that challenge his most basic notions of justice and good. Part of the Storycuts series, this short story was previously published in the collection Ford County.

Raven Feeder (Storycuts)

Book Description

Set during the turmoil of the brutal Christian conversion of the Norse, this short story is the coming of age tale of Arne Thoreson. Thoreson, whose condemnation of Christianity is born out of respect for his lineage, is the son of Thore, feeder of ravens, and Ranveig, a Singer witch. When adversity befalls Orkney, Arne must not only assert his defiant rejection of Christianity, but take decisive action to thwart the Christ-Wolf, Olaf Trygvason. Part of the Storycuts series.

Passage (Storycuts)

Book Description

A captivating short story of one man's journey into a cult and out the other side by bestselling author, Caroline Overington... Paul Bannerman is the newly elected deputy premier of Victoria, and he has a story to tell. For politics hasn't always been his life. Thirty years ago he was a young university student without a sense of purpose or any real ambition. Until a chance meeting one morning with the infamous Brother Ruhamah gives him the direction he seeks - straight into the cult of the Jesus People...

The Private Banquet (Storycuts)

Book Description

Bao Qing was a classic example of what people in Maqiao meant when they spat out the word 'intellectual'. Coming home to his old town for the holidays was just as much trouble as not coming home, for this was a town where his old schoolmate Fatcat had every local business in his pocket. And Fatcat considered the returning 'professor' a celebrity. Bao Qing was about to get an invitation he could not refuse. Part of the Storycuts series, this short story was previously published in the collection Madwoman on the Bridge.