Materia Medica of New and Old Homeopathic Medicines

Book Description

David S. Riley’s interest in the history, methodology and results of homeopathic drug provings began with his exposure to homeopathy in 1988 and his later study at the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in Albany, California. The homeopathic drug provings published here are the result of his investigation of the research methods associated with homeopathic drug provings and contemporary research methodology. Dr. Riley has developed explicit and transparent research tools for (1) symptom selection criteria, (2) electronic data collection, and (3) blinding to reduce bias. These homeopathic drugs provings follow good clinical practice research guidelines (GCP) and incorporate the guidelines suggested by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann more than 200 years ago

Homoeopathic Drug Pictures

Book Description

This book, first published in 1942, consist of 125 remedy pictures portrayed with M.L. Tyler's experience along with quotations from Hahnemann, T.F. Allen, Hering, Burnett, Farrington, Kent, Clarke and others. For every medicine, Tyler presents valuable background information, including history, use and preparation, and often compares each remedy with one (or more) closely similar remedies. "Black letter symptoms" denote remedy characteristics; other listed symptoms may relate to organ affinities or clinical usefulness. Tyler's remedy differentials are very useful for clinical practice. Tyler's liberal inclusion of cases, articles, and letters from multiple sources enriches the picture of the remedies and gives this work an encyclopedic scope. Her writing style makes the study of remedies easy and satisfying. Useful background to each drug picture has been provided with respect to its history, source, preparation, use & comparative aspect. A captivating writing style and sublime description of various particulars make this literature simply fascinating to read. Enjoy the flowing narrative and you will be spell bound by the insightful description of drug action. A sure treat for students who love their materia! The book truly deserves a place of pride in your bookshelf.

The Spirit of Homeopathic Medicines

Book Description

This book will be a great addition to your homeopathic library. Once you've been using homeopathics for a while, and begin to work on a deeper level with them, you'll wonder which (for instance) liver remedy is really the one you need, when there are several which might be right. This book is the book that gives the particular spiritual/psychological picture of the remedies that will let you decide. With an unbelievable insight in some 300 homeopathic medicines Didier Grandgeorge gives us in a nutshell the essence (the spirit) of these remedies.

Copeland's Cure

Book Description

Today, one out of every three Americans uses some form of alternative medicine, either along with their conventional (“standard,” “traditional”) medications or in place of them. One of the most controversial–as well as one of the most popular–alternatives is homeopathy, a wholly Western invention brought to America from Germany in 1827, nearly forty years before the discovery that germs cause disease. Homeopathy is a therapy that uses minute doses of natural substances–minerals, such as mercury or phosphorus; various plants, mushrooms, or bark; and insect, shellfish, and other animal products, such as Oscillococcinum. These remedies mimic the symptoms of the sick person and are said to bring about relief by “entering” the body’s “vital force.” Many homeopaths believe that the greater the dilution, the greater the medical benefit, even though often not a single molecule of the original substance remains in the solution. In Copeland’s Cure, Natalie Robins tells the fascinating story of homeopathy in this country; how it came to be accepted because of the gentleness of its approach–Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow were outspoken advocates, as were Louisa May Alcott, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Daniel Webster. We find out about the unusual war between alternative and conventional medicine that began in 1847, after the AMA banned homeopaths from membership even though their medical training was identical to that of doctors practicing traditional medicine. We learn how homeopaths were increasingly considered not to be “real” doctors, and how “real” doctors risked expulsion from the AMA if they even consulted with a homeopath. At the center of Copeland's Cure is Royal Samuel Copeland, the now-forgotten maverick senator from New York who served from 1923 to 1938. Copeland was a student of both conventional and homeopathic medicine, an eye surgeon who became president of the American Institute of Homeopathy, dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical College, and health commissioner of New York City from 1918 to 1923 (he instituted unique approaches to the deadly flu pandemic). We see how Copeland straddled the worlds of politics (he befriended Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, and Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, among others) and medicine (as senator, he helped get rid of medical “diploma mills”). His crowning achievement was to give homeopathy lasting legitimacy by including all its remedies in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. Finally, the author brings the story of clashing medical beliefs into the present, and describes the role of homeopathy today and how some of its practitioners are now adhering to the strictest standards of scientific research–controlled, randomized, double-blind clinical studies.

The Complete Guide to Homeopathy

Book Description

The Complete Guide to Homeopathy reveals the key principles of homeopathy, including the way we are categorized into "constitutional" types according to our physical and emotional characteristics. Self-assessment Questionnaire: A specially designed questionnaire, based on what a homeopath might ask during a first office visit, provides unique insight into the link between health and temperament and helps determine which constitutional type you most closely match. Index of Remedies: A photographic index of 150 remedies illustrates plant, mineral, and animal sources, ranging from common foods such as honey to toxic substances such as snake venom. A profile of each remedy gives its historical background, medicinal uses, and its corresponding constitutional type. Treating Common Ailments: Easy-to-use ailment charts show which remedies to take for everyday health problems such as insomnia, anxiety, eczema, and toothaches. Additional self-help treatments are recommended, and there is a quick-reference guide to homeopathic first aid.

Illustrated Materia Medica

Book Description

The Young Author Has Tried To Visualise The Symptoms Of Medicines, Making The Difficult Subject Materia Medica Easy To Understand And Remember.