Homeplanet Defense

Book Description

Constructing a global currency based on the generation of knowledge can better tap abundant energy sources and the productive power of the human spirit. By exploring new worlds, nations can finally achieve an active peace on Earth. Homeplanet Defense calls for preempting multiple threats to the human family through space-based strategies, aided by the vast resources and expertise in all military industrial complexes - transformed into explorative information networks. This work adds to an ongoing paradigm shift toward a new realism in the practice and study of international relations, to protect the global chessboard multilaterally rather than to dominate it unilaterally or through alliances. This small book is packed dense with new ideas and concepts. It is best read slowly, one section at a time whether one is already a leader of positive change, a student or a global citizen who is discontent with the way the world works now.

Homeplanet Defense

Book Description

We now face multiple threats to human existence. History demands that we do our duty We must attack the assorted threats in unison. Six billion together cannot fail

Homeplanet Defense

Book Description

Constructing a global currency based on the generation of knowledge can better tap abundant energy sources and the productive power of the human spirit. By exploring new worlds, nations can finally achieve an active peace on Earth. Homeplanet Defense calls for preempting multiple threats to the human family through space-based strategies, aided by the vast resources and expertise in all military industrial complexes - transformed into explorative information networks. This work adds to an ongoing paradigm shift toward a new realism in the practice and study of international relations, to protect the global chessboard multilaterally rather than to dominate it unilaterally or through alliances. This small book is packed dense with new ideas and concepts. It is best read slowly, one section at a time whether one is already a leader of positive change, a student or a global citizen who is discontent with the way the world works now.

A Process of Elimination

Book Description

Captain Raferty Hawkins, the Duke of Black Hallow and consort to Queen Alexis I, has two big challenges. There is a blood contract out on him and Killian O'Hare. The money is coming from the Aurora Empire, but the operators are near at hand in the Badlands. The second problem is less immediate but has greater consequences for the universe. The Goldenes Tor military is about to overthrow their emperor and enter the war in support of the Orion Confederation against the Aurora Empire. Such an event would mean defeat for the Zekes. The pirate leader decides to focus on the latter problem while letting his allies handle the former problem. His Badlands comrades are used to such situations as someone has been trying to kill them for the majority of their lives. Destiny Flores, Tactical, Baby Doll, and the two hit men, Shelby Pope and Jackson Kemper, make a formidable group regardless of the threat. Now they will search for the people who are administering the contract. Once found, they will be dealt with in the usual way such problems are handled in the Badlands: ruthless violence administered with vengeance. The blood contract is being funded by members of the peerage within the Aurora Empire. These elites know this is their best chance to get Hawkins and O'Hare before these two would-be contemporaries can become forces within Aurora upper society at the war's end. Queen Alexis intends to bring these instigators to justice. Unfortunately for the guilty peers involved, the punishment will not be the usual slap on the wrist reserved for members of the ruling class who stray outside of the law. Alexis loves her consort and has no intention of letting this slide. With the aid of media mogul David Van Drucker, Alex will dish out her own brand of justice. It will not be violent, but it will be just as effective in ending the threat. Meanwhile, Hawkins addresses the bigger problem. If Emperor Viktor Aurick is taken by the traitors within the Goldenes Tor Imperial Staff, the attack on the Aurora Empire would immediately follow. Despite knowing of the attack, the Royal Navy does not have the ships to defeat such a massive onslaught. The longer the emperor stays free, the longer the attack is delayed. The emperor turns to Hawkins for help in retrieving his throne. Hawkins searches for allies to bring to the cause. He is under no illusion that allies will join him to help create a better universe, but they will join for money or other favors that the emperor can grant. Hawkins directs the recruitment of the greedy, the needy, and anyone else with a warship and ordnance for this fight. Captains Killian O'Hare, Shane Delacruz, and Dylan Whitlock do their parts to achieve the goals of Pirate Flotilla One as ongoing missions are concluded and old scores are settled. This may be the last time such an occasion will present itself, and revenge cannot be put off until tomorrow. Old enemies become new allies as a threat that could take them all down must be defeated.

The Trouble With Aliens

Book Description

Humans on the space frontiers may have enough problems with befuddled bureaucrats, rules that don't fit the realities of very dangerous situations, and general rear-echelon incompetence without bringing in unfriendly aliens, but it's that kind of universe. On the other hand, as master satirist Christopher Anvil makes clear, the aliens are anything but omnipotent and have plenty of problems of their own. Here for the first time the stories and short novels of the war with the Outs are collected into a novel-length chronicle. The Outs had mental powers they could use to make humans see illusions and convince them to change sides. Obviously, they were unbeatable-until some troublesome humans found their Achille's heel.Another set of aliens arrive to conquer the Earth with the promise of eternal youth and healthfulness, and might have won, if some humans weren't too plain ornery not to be suspicious.Who's the best human envoy to deal with aliens who can read minds and learn anything their opponents know-the man who knows little or nothing, of course, including why he was sent there.When an investigator was hired to find out the reason for the strange events in a palatial mansion, he quickly solves the case-until he wakes up and finds that his solution was only a dream and the case is still unsolved. And the same thing happens again every night.These and other stories of human/alien conflict fill this large volume by the master of wryly sardonic science fiction adventure. At the publisher's request, this title is sold without DRM (Digital Rights Management).

Going Home

Book Description

Many of the details of the main character’s life parallel’s actual life events of the author. The author earned an MBA in finance, served four years in the military, and 14 years with the Department of Homeland Security. The motivation for the book arose when a Jewish friend asked him to describe his feelings about the afterlife. After that, he wrote the book with inspiration for the story being the Two Great Commandments from the Bible as well as thoughts from The Inescapable Love of God by Thomas Talbott and finally a lifetime of experiences. The author was highly inspired by a quote from the movie Gladiator, “what we do in life echoes in eternity.” The book was intended to be more action/romance than spiritual but as he experienced a spiritual awakening of his own, the author’s point of view of the world changed. People would ask, “how are you doing?’ and he would answer, “better than I deserve.” The author was dazzled at the extent of religious fervor in many communities but was all too keenly aware of the sadness and desperation brought about by generational poverty on the part of many and generational greed on the part of others. He was also deeply saddened at the spread of godlessness in the secular world. The author earnestly wants to produce an allegory showing a broken special ops soldier, representing every broken man or woman within the reach of this book, nevertheless making his way to heaven to experience the love of God. How can such a man, or any of us, achieve eternity in heaven with the Holy Father when faced with all that we have done? Joe, the special ops man, was told by the archangels that ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden there had been a vicious struggle in the Universe between God and the Devil for the souls of the living. The angels in heaven are tasked to assist the Heavenly Father in this struggle. Joe and other warriors were masters of the skills needed to help the Heavenly Father in this effort.

Archon Than

Book Description

The planet Athapon, capital of a vast space empire, houses a populace dedicated to pastimes of leisure and imagination, both real and virtual. Supported by legions of robotic workers, android and gynoid companions, and powerful computers, the inhabitants do not know labor, sickness, or fear. High Archon Thanatos is the last of an elite minority tasked with security in a time when all people are united and resources are plentiful. Constantly training and engaging in exercises of tactics and strategy in a society where the concept of war is archaic, Than is considered a vestigial oddity of ancient times. Then the Emperor of Athapon sets upon a senseless campaign of conquest targeted at the distant and mysterious planet Vovok. This brings a retaliation more immediate and deadly than any anticipated, leaving Than as one of the few standing between Athapon and destruction.

Beyond Earth

Book Description

This is a critical time for the space program, and for all of us. Even the significant steps that we have taken since the dawn of the space age in 1957, including orbital flight, the Moon landings, and orbiting space stations, will in retrospect seem to be tiny steps compared to what lies ahead. Migrating into space will challenge us beyond anything we have previously accomplished, and we are destined to face adventures that are both fantastically breathtaking and supremely dangerous. "Beyond Earth" is for everyone interested in humankind's next great adventure -- the human settlement of the Solar System. A unique collection of world-class scholars, scientists, engineers, managers, astronauts, artists, authors, and professors examine the key questions of our unique circumstance at the dawn of a new era in space exploration and development: Why does space matter to us? What can we use it for? How can we get there efficiently? What will ordinary life be like in space? What will our homes be like on the Moon? On Mars? In orbit? Will we play? Will we love? The book does not stop with questions. It goes beyond the dramatic, the superficial, and the overly technical to the prescriptive, literally laying the brick and mortar for our future space faring civilisation. Contributing authors come from both hard and soft sciences; include education and the arts; and ask children, who will be the future space dwellers, for their visions. They document needed research. There are three underlying assumptions driving this book: First, that the human urge for flight, exploration and survival, plus its curiosity about the universe, are deeply embedded in our genes and in our minds; Second, that even if these urges were ignored, the continual improvement of the quality of life for the human race on earth, and perhaps even its ultimate survival, hinge on the successes of human exploration and habitation of space; and, Third that our generation can use the opportunity presented by outwards expansion to design a rewarding and exciting future of collaboration to capitalise on the lessons learned from human history on Earth.

Oblivion's Galaxy - The Complete Trilogy

Book Description

First Lieutenant Shaara was dead this morning. Her captain is furious at her. She wasted company resources getting herself killed, and it’s coming out of her paycheck. Now, she’s sitting across from the first other human being she’s seen in six years. His name is Adnan. He claims to come from Earth—but that’s impossible. Earth died a long time ago. If Adnan’s telling the truth, he and the decaying ship the captain pulled him off are nearly a thousand years old. Wherever he’s from, he’s Shaara’s responsibility now. Which is the last thing she needs. But it’s either that, or the captain sells Adnan into slavery. Shaara knows what that would mean. Most humans do. And something inside her won’t let her abandon Adnan to it: revenant memories, stabbed awake by the look in his eyes. Facing those memories won’t be easy. It’d be far easier to ignore the feeling driving her forward. Far easier to let it all go to hell, and drift back to sleep. Until a shadowy new faction starts stoking the fires of war. They’re looking for Adnan; Earth’s last survivor holds the key to unleash a terrible, indiscriminate vengeance on the galaxy that wronged them. Who they are is a mystery—to everyone but Shaara. Hard as she’s tried to forget, she knows them all too well. Which means she’s the only one who can stop them. The question is: does she want to? Maybe the galaxy’s earned a little vengeance. The first book in the trilogy, Oblivion's Cloak, won First Place in the Space Opera category at the 2023 Cygnus Awards!

Oblivion's Triumph

Book Description

Shaara is running out of friends. The sacrifices she and Warden made two years ago bought the League time, not victory. The war against the Undying has left them exhausted, drained of everything but hope—and precious little of that. The simple fact is that the Undying are going to win. Warden knows it, Shaara knows it. The Undying sure as hell know it. Until, out of the black, the Eternal comes to Shaara with an offer she can’t refuse, however much she’d like to. The threat he warned her about two years ago is real, and now it’s come calling. It cares nothing for their little war. All life in the galaxy, Undying or not, will end if it spreads unchecked. Shaara and the Eternal have little choice but to work together to destroy it . . . At least, for now. But people on both sides aren’t happy with an alliance, however temporary. Some of them are willing to risk all that lives just for a shot at power—and revenge. If Shaara can’t find a way to defeat them, she and the few friends she has left will lose more than their lives. They’ll lose everything.