Homological Algebra of Semimodules and Semicontramodules

Book Description

This book provides comprehensive coverage on semi-infinite homology and cohomology of associative algebraic structures. It features rich representation-theoretic and algebro-geometric examples and applications.

Noncommutative Geometry and Global Analysis

Book Description

This volume represents the proceedings of the conference on Noncommutative Geometric Methods in Global Analysis, held in honor of Henri Moscovici, from June 29-July 4, 2009, in Bonn, Germany. Henri Moscovici has made a number of major contributions to noncommutative geometry, global analysis, and representation theory. This volume, which includes articles by some of the leading experts in these fields, provides a panoramic view of the interactions of noncommutative geometry with a variety of areas of mathematics. It focuses on geometry, analysis and topology of manifolds and singular spaces, index theory, group representation theory, connections of noncommutative geometry with number theory and arithmetic geometry, Hopf algebras and their cyclic cohomology.

Relative Nonhomogeneous Koszul Duality

Book Description

This research monograph develops the theory of relative nonhomogeneous Koszul duality. Koszul duality is a fundamental phenomenon in homological algebra and related areas of mathematics, such as algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and representation theory. Koszul duality is a popular subject of contemporary research. This book, written by one of the world's leading experts in the area, includes the homogeneous and nonhomogeneous quadratic duality theory over a nonsemisimple, noncommutative base ring, the Poincare–Birkhoff–Witt theorem generalized to this context, and triangulated equivalences between suitable exotic derived categories of modules, curved DG comodules, and curved DG contramodules. The thematic example, meaning the classical duality between the ring of differential operators and the de Rham DG algebra of differential forms, involves some of the most important objects of study in the contemporary algebraic and differential geometry. For the first time in the history of Koszul duality the derived D-\Omega duality is included into a general framework. Examples highly relevant for algebraic and differential geometry are discussed in detail.

Representation Theory and Beyond

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the Workshop and 18th International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA 2018) held from August 8–17, 2018, in Prague, Czech Republic. It presents several themes of contemporary representation theory together with some new tools, such as stable ∞ ∞-categories, stable derivators, and contramodules. In the first part, expanded lecture notes of four courses delivered at the workshop are presented, covering the representation theory of finite sets with correspondences, geometric theory of quiver Grassmannians, recent applications of contramodules to tilting theory, as well as symmetries in the representation theory over an abstract stable homotopy theory. The second part consists of six more-advanced papers based on plenary talks of the conference, presenting selected topics from contemporary representation theory: recollements and purity, maximal green sequences, cohomological Hall algebras, Hochschild cohomology of associative algebras, cohomology of local selfinjective algebras, and the higher Auslander–Reiten theory studied via homotopy theory.

Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Spaces

Book Description

This book is aimed at presenting different methods and perspectives in the theory of Quantum Groups, bridging between the algebraic, representation theoretic, analytic, and differential-geometric approaches. It also covers recent developments in Noncommutative Geometry, which have close relations to quantization and quantum group symmetries. The volume collects surveys by experts which originate from an acitvity at the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.

Semi-Infinite Algebraic Geometry of Quasi-Coherent Sheaves on Ind-Schemes

Book Description

Semi-Infinite Geometry is a theory of "doubly infinite-dimensional" geometric or topological objects. In this book the author explains what should be meant by an algebraic variety of semi-infinite nature. Then he applies the framework of semiderived categories, suggested in his previous monograph titled Homological Algebra of Semimodules and Semicontramodules, (Birkhäuser, 2010), to the study of semi-infinite algebraic varieties. Quasi-coherent torsion sheaves and flat pro-quasi-coherent pro-sheaves on ind-schemes are discussed at length in this book, making it suitable for use as an introduction to the theory of quasi-coherent sheaves on ind-schemes. The main output of the homological theory developed in this monograph is the functor of semitensor product on the semiderived category of quasi-coherent torsion sheaves, endowing the semiderived category with the structure of a tensor triangulated category. The author offers two equivalent constructions of the semitensor product, as well as its particular case, the cotensor product, and shows that they enjoy good invariance properties. Several geometric examples are discussed in detail in the book, including the cotangent bundle to an infinite-dimensional projective space, the universal fibration of quadratic cones, and the important popular example of the loop group of an affine algebraic group.

An Introduction to Homological Algebra

Book Description

Homological algebra, because of its fundamental nature, is relevant to many branches of pure mathematics, including number theory, geometry, group theory and ring theory. Professor Northcott's aim is to introduce homological ideas and methods and to show some of the results which can be achieved. The early chapters provide the results needed to establish the theory of derived functors and to introduce torsion and extension functors. The new concepts are then applied to the theory of global dimensions, in an elucidation of the structure of commutative Noetherian rings of finite global dimension and in an account of the homology and cohomology theories of monoids and groups. A final section is devoted to comments on the various chapters, supplementary notes and suggestions for further reading. This book is designed with the needs and problems of the beginner in mind, providing a helpful and lucid account for those about to begin research, but will also be a useful work of reference for specialists. It can also be used as a textbook for an advanced course.

A Course in Homological Algebra

Book Description

In this chapter we are largely influenced in our choice of material by the demands of the rest of the book. However, we take the view that this is an opportunity for the student to grasp basic categorical notions which permeate so much of mathematics today, including, of course, algebraic topology, so that we do not allow ourselves to be rigidly restricted by our immediate objectives. A reader totally unfamiliar with category theory may find it easiest to restrict his first reading of Chapter II to Sections 1 to 6; large parts of the book are understandable with the material presented in these sections. Another reader, who had already met many examples of categorical formulations and concepts might, in fact, prefer to look at Chapter II before reading Chapter I. Of course the reader thoroughly familiar with category theory could, in principal, omit Chapter II, except perhaps to familiarize himself with the notations employed. In Chapter III we begin the proper study of homological algebra by looking in particular at the group ExtA(A, B), where A and Bare A-modules. It is shown how this group can be calculated by means of a projective presentation of A, or an injective presentation of B; and how it may also be identified with the group of equivalence classes of extensions of the quotient module A by the submodule B.

Homological Algebra

Book Description

When this book was written, methods of algebraic topology had caused revolutions in the world of pure algebra. To clarify the advances that had been made, Cartan and Eilenberg tried to unify the fields and to construct the framework of a fully fledged theory. The invasion of algebra had occurred on three fronts through the construction of cohomology theories for groups, Lie algebras, and associative algebras. This book presents a single homology (and also cohomology) theory that embodies all three; a large number of results is thus established in a general framework. Subsequently, each of the three theories is singled out by a suitable specialization, and its specific properties are studied. The starting point is the notion of a module over a ring. The primary operations are the tensor product of two modules and the groups of all homomorphisms of one module into another. From these, "higher order" derived of operations are obtained, which enjoy all the properties usually attributed to homology theories. This leads in a natural way to the study of "functors" and of their "derived functors." This mathematical masterpiece will appeal to all mathematicians working in algebraic topology.