Honduras: Fourth Reviews Under the Stand-by Arrangement and the Arrangement Under the Standby Credit Facility, Requests for Augmentation of Access, Extension and Rephasing of the Arrangements, and Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report

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The protracted pandemic and two tropical storms have hit Honduras hard. Despite authorities’ responses, these shocks continue to weigh on activity; reconstruction needs are high while the outlook remains uncertain. The authorities plan to rebuild a more climate-resilient economy, given Honduras’ vulnerabilities to climate change. Presidential elections are scheduled for November 2021.


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This paper presents Honduras’ Second Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Arrangement Under the Stand-By Credit Facility, Requests for Augmentation and Rephasing of Access, and Modification of Performance Criteria. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and external spillovers are expected to hit Honduras hard, and the augmentation of access will support the authorities’ response to mitigate the impact. The completion of the reviews will help Honduras meet urgent balance of payments needs stemming from the pandemic, including increased health care and social spending. The authorities continue to take steps to improve the institutional framework in the electricity sector. Important measures have been incorporated into the program. These aim at improving governance and facilitating the unbundling of the national electricity company. Tariffs continue to reflect the cost of electricity provision while providing subsidies to the poor. The augmentation of access under the Stand-By Arrangement and the Arrangement under the Standby Credit Facility should help the authorities cover external financing needs to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.


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This paper discusses Honduras’ First Reviews Under the Stand-by Arrangement (SBA) and Standby Credit Facility (SCF). Program implementation for the first reviews has been strong. All 2014 performance criteria and indicative targets were met, most with significant margins. The authorities have also created fiscal space within the program to increase social spending and support efforts to reduce poverty. On the structural side, December 2014 and March 2015 benchmarks were also generally observed. The revised program proposed for 2015 envisages further strengthening fiscal and net international reserves targets. The IMF staff supports the completion of the first reviews under the SBA and the SCF Arrangements.


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This paper discusses Honduras’ Second Review Under the Stand-by Arrangement (SBA) and the Arrangement under the Standby Credit Facility (SCF). All 2015 end-June performance criteria and indicative targets were met, most with significant margins. On the structural side, June and September 2015 benchmarks were broadly observed. The revised program proposed for 2016 envisages a further strengthening of fiscal and net international reserve targets. The authorities are pressing ahead with structural reforms, including the introduction of a Fiscal Responsibility Law, an overhaul of tax administration, and reforms to the Honduran Social Security Institute. Based on performance to date and the authorities’ updated intentions and commitments, the IMF staff recommends completion of the second review under the SBA/SCF arrangement.

OECD Public Governance Reviews: Honduras Inclusive and Effective Governance for Better Outcomes

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The OECD Public Governance Review of Honduras offers recommendations to strengthen the effectiveness, coherence and openness of the country’s public sector, and in particular its centre of government. It first provides an overview of Honduras’s public sector and assesses its performance across interrelated dimensions.

Planning and Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in Fiscal Policy

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This Staff Climate Note is part of a series of three Notes (IMF Staff Climate Note 2022/001, 2022/002, and 2022/003) that discuss fiscal policies for climate change adaptation. A first Note (Bellon and Massetti 2022, henceforth Note 1) examines the economic principles that can guide the integration of climate change adaptation into fiscal policy. It argues that climate change adaptation should be part of a holistic, sustainable, and equitable development strategy. To maximize the impact of scarce resources, governments need to prioritize among all development programs, including but not limited to adaptation. To this end, they can use cost-benefit analysis while ensuring that the decision-making process reflects society’s preferences about equity and uncertainty. A second Note (Aligishiev, Bellon, and Massetti. 2022, henceforth Note 2) discusses the macro-fiscal implications of climate change adaptation. It reviews evidence on the effectiveness of adaptation at reducing climate change damages, on residual risks, and on adaptation investment needs, and suggests ways to integrate climate risks and adaptation costs into national macro-fiscal frameworks with the goal of guiding fiscal policy. It stresses that lower-income vulnerable countries, which have typically not contributed much to climate change, face exacerbated challenges that warrant increased international support. This third Note considers how to translate adaptation principles and estimates of climate impacts into effective policies.


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The economy of Honduras contracted as a result of the global economic crisis. In the economic policy area, the authorities gave priority to strengthening the financial position of the public sector and restarting the external assistance. Measures are taken to strengthen the fiscal position, in particular wage bill control, energy subsidies, public sector tariffs, domestic arrears. Monetary and exchange rate policies will be geared at maintaining low inflation, safeguarding competitiveness, and strengthening the external reserves position. The authorities planned to improve the regulatory framework.


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