HOPE PEDDLERS: How the Prosperity Gospel has Corrupted the Influence, Integrity and Witness of the Institutional Church

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This book is a profound indictment on how the prosperity gospel has corrupted the influence, integrity and witness of the institutional church.Every aspect of deception, witchcraft and demonic activity is exposed in this book. The pursuit of the almighty dollar has bastardized the ability to develop spiritually mature believers that will be able to infiltrate the marketplace and become effective witnesses for Christ! Trust me, if you are living foul, you will be offended by this book!

The Idol Factory: Who and What Do You Worship?

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"The Idol Factory" (TIF) has been authored to prescribe various remedies to the life of the Christian who has lost faith in God or who has yet to identify their purpose for living. The deities today sing lyrics, score touchdowns and preach sermons. They are the abyss that has been forged between the Christian and God Almighty.

The Chaos of the Prosperity Gospel

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Over the years, John Ntui has written so many articles on Christian apologetics and defense from false teachers. On his journey, he became increasingly aware that Christianity is being ravaged by the prosperity gospels, so John decided, as a theologian and pastor, to confront the heresy of his age where Christianity is being reduced by a group of sophist to a mere meal ticket. He then decided to write in order to correct the influence of a defective Christianity in the minds of those who truly desire to know God. Join Pastor John on a ride to uncover the tricks of these false prophets who are ravaging the Gospel for their own gain and taking the lead of spreading the gospel from Africa to ends of the earth. Americans, in their quest for a flamboyant lifestyle, invented the prosperity gospels; and Nigerians, consumed by their lust, are spreading it to the ends of the earth (John Ntui-Abung).

The Prosperity Gospel Exposed

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"Michael Fortner makes an invaluable contribution by showing that such commonly heard claims as that believing in Jesus will make you rich are totally mistaken." (Robert S. McElvaine, author of Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion in America) Unlike other writers on this subject, the author once believed the Prosperity Gospel, but after twenty years of financial struggle and frequent unemployment God called him to research the Prosperity Gospel. What he found proves the Prosperity Gospel is totally false, and a horrible sin, and calls for a Reformation of the Charismatic Movement. Other books on this subject take a theological point of view, but the prosperity teachers failure is in not properly interpreting the Scriptures; so he analyzes every verse they use to teach the Prosperity Gospel, and gives the correct interpretation. As a result of properly interpreting the Scriptures, this book totally destroys the Prosperity Gospel. Fortner says all Christians have been deceived by wealth, not just Charismatics, the result is spiritual lukewarmness. The Scriptures show that Biblical prosperity is having all your needs met, or not being in want, but the American definition is having lots of stuff. He also says that many pastors, especially the mega-church pastors, earn too much money, while Jesus taught that his future ministers should live without high incomes or material wealth. This book says most preachers on Christian TV today, the Bible refers to as almost true yet false prophets because they are leading people away from the truth. But he is not against all Pentecostal / Charismatic doctrines, but takes a balanced approach because he grew up attending an old fashioned Pentecostal church. He believes Christianity in America today is the church of Laodicea, and so God has already started to refine us as gold; which means suffering the fire of judgment. He details the economic and natural disasters that have come upon America in the last few years and calls it is the judgment of God upon us, and calls for Christians to repent of materialism and the Prosperity Gospel. He says that the judgment will likely get worse until we repent, resulting in another Great Awakening in America. Michael D. Fortner was called into the ministry at age 20, but because he is not an eloquent speaker he chose to spend his adult life doing in-depth study of the Scriptures. He has a B.A. in journalism with a minor in history, and is a skilled researcher, with God-given ability to figure things out. He is also the author of "The Truth About United Flight 93" (showing the conspiracy theories are false), and Discoveries in Bible Prophecy. He is the editor of The Sibylline Oracles: Revised and Updated, and The Book of Enoch Updated. This book gets under the skin of people who believe in the prosperity gospel and it makes them really angry because it proves them wrong. Introduction ... Chapter 1 - Deceived by Wealth ... Chapter 2 - Spirituality and Riches ... Chapter 3 - The Way of Balaam ... Chapter 4 - Using Proper Context and Interpretation ... Chapter 5 - No Wisdom Here ... Chapter 6 - The New Covenant Priesthood ... Chapter 7 - Rich and Poor Christians ... Chapter 8 - Supernatural Signs or Strange Fire ... Chapter 9 - The Almost True Yet False Prophet ... Chapter 10 - Holy Laughter and Strange Manifestations ... Chapter 11 - Strange Charismatic Doctrines ... Chapter 12 - Prophetic Voices Crying in the Wilderness ... Chapter 13 - The Judgment of God and Revival ... Conclusion ... Bibliography ... At this low price you can buy a print copy and an eBook copy so you can search for words and phrases. Ebooks now take the place of indexes; without an index a printed book uses less paper and sells at a lower price. Please leave a review of this book, thanks.

Health, Wealth, and Happiness

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Be faithful in your giving and God will reward you financially. It's not always stated that blatantly but the promises of the Prosperity Gospel--or the name-it-and-claim-it gospel, the health-and-wealth gospel, the word of faith movement, or positive confession theology--are false. Yet its message permeates the preaching of well-known Christian leaders: Joyce Meyer, T. D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and many more. The appeal of this teaching crosses racial, gender, denominational, and international boundaries. Why are otherwise faithful Christians so easily led astray? Because the Prosperity Gospel contains a grain of biblical truth, greatly distorted. For anyone who knows that Prosperity Gospel theology is wrong but has trouble articulating and refuting the finer points, this concise edition contains all the robust arguments of the hard-hitting original edition in a shorter, more accessible form.

Counterfeit Gospels

Book Description

What if the biggest danger to the church of Jesus Christ is not blatant heresy, the moral failures of church leaders, persecution, the rise of Islam or the loss of our rights? What if the biggest threat is counterfeit gospels within the church, ways of thinking and speaking about the good news that lead to a gradual drift from the truth of Scripture? The gospel is like a three-legged stool. There’s the Gospel Story – the grand narrative of Scripture (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration). Within that overarching framework, we make the Gospel Announcement about Jesus Christ (His perfect life, substitutionary death, resurrection, exaltation). The gospel announcement then births the Gospel Community: God’s church – the embodiment of the gospel, the manifestation of God’s kingdom. A counterfeit gospel is like a colony of termites, eating away at one of the legs of this stool until the whole thing topples over. This book exposes six common counterfeits (Therapeutic, Judgmentless, Moralist, Quietist, Activist, and Churchless) that would get us off track. The goal of Counterfeit Gospels is to so deepen our love for the unchanging gospel of Jesus Christ that we would easily see through the many counterfeits that leave us impoverished. So come, love the gospel, recognize and overcome the counterfeits, and be empowered for ministry!

Exposing Mega Churches and the Prosperity Gospel Scam

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Nearly eight million people will die from starvation this year and 554,000 homeless Americans will sleep in cardboard boxes and eat out of garbage cans today, while Christian mega churches and ministries in America have enough money in their bank and investment accounts to feed all of these starving people three meals a day throughout the year, and to also house, feed, and provide medical care for every homeless person in America. Seven hundred children die from starvation every hour while prosperity preachers drive Rolls Royce automobiles, live in multi-million-dollar homes and fly in private jets.

Health, Wealth & Happiness

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A timely exploration and discussion of the prosperity gospel movement

Hope and Holiness

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No amount of rules, software filters, or accountability talks can bring the healing we need. The war against sexual immorality—which begins in our minds and hearts—cannot be won by trying harder to modify our behavior. This will always leave us feeling defeated and discouraged. But we can win victory by knowing our identity in Christ. We gain clarity and power through the Holy Spirit to overcome sexual temptation as we truly grasp the gospel—what God has done for us and in us. And it’s necessary to have the gospel regularly preached to us and to regularly preach the gospel to ourselves in order to experience consistent victory. In Hope and Holiness, author John Fonville shows that the gospel, not practical steps or more self-discipline, is God’s provision for the power to live a life of sexual purity. And it is available to every Christian. With a shepherding heart and theological acumen, Fonville answers essential questions for all who desire to honor God with their minds, hearts, and bodies: Who are we? What is the body? and Who is God? Fonville sets us on a desperately needed joyful path of renewed strength and faith-filled purity.

The Dorean Principle

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