Horizontes en la práctica docente. Complejidad, TIC y mediación educativa

Book Description

Pensar la docencia desde la complejidad educativa. Esta obra reúne una serie de capítulos en los que se abordan temáticas relacionadas con la educación superior desde una mirada académica, destacándose como premisas el pensamiento complejo, las TIC, así como el trabajo estratégico que desempeña el docente como facilitador de procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a nivel universitario. Para ello, se toma como contexto la llamada «sociedad de la información y el conocimiento», en donde se ha definido una nueva ordenanza global que deviene en marco de referencia para entender los procesos de transformación que se les requieren a las universidades, en términos de políticas educativas, para la innovación de su currículo, los modelos educativos, como la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de sus académicos. Lo obra integra una serie de textos en donde se analiza el fenómeno educativo, con énfasis en el papel que jueganlos docentes en la configuración de ambientes educativos que contribuyan al aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, para lo cual se proponen tres capítulos: «Perspectivas en la educación y el pensamiento complejo», «Comunicación, diversidad y mediación educativa» y «Sujetos de la educación y ámbitos emergentes para la enseñanza». Cada uno de los cuales se compone de textos que, en lo particular, abordan temáticas que permiten ampliar el horizonte desde el cual pueden se comprendidas problemáticas que caracterizan a la educación contemporánea en el nivel superior.

Information Technology Trends for a Global and Interdisciplinary Research Community

Book Description

Data is the base for information, information is needed to have knowledge, and knowledge is used to make decisions and manage 21st century businesses and organizations. Thus, it is imperative to remain up to date on the major breakthroughs within the technological arena in order to continually expand and enhance knowledge for the benefit of all institutions. Information Technology Trends for a Global and Interdisciplinary Research Community is a crucial reference source that covers novel and emerging research in the field of information science and technology, specifically focusing on underrepresented technologies and trends that influence and engage the knowledge society. While highlighting topics that include computational thinking, knowledge management, artificial intelligence, and visualization, this book is essential for academicians, researchers, and students with an interest in information management.

Advances in Design and Digital Communication III

Book Description

This book reports on research findings and practical lessons featuring advances in the areas of digital and interaction design, graphic design and branding, design education, society and communication in design practice, and related ones. Gathering the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Design and Communication, Digicom 2022, held on November 3–5, 2022, as an hybrid event, from Barcelos, Portugal, and continuing the tradition of the previous book, it describes new design strategies and solutions to foster digital communication within and between the society, institutions and brands. By highlighting innovative ideas and reporting on multidisciplinary projects, it offers a source of inspiration for designers of all kinds, including graphic and web designers, UI, UX and social media designers, and to researchers, advertisers, artists, and brand and corporate communication managers alike.

Researching Social Media with Children

Book Description

Reflecting on the methodological issues involved in researching digital spaces with children, this book shares good practices and delves into the ethics of such research. Social media has completely redefined how children and young people relate to each other, express themselves, and present their identities and sexualities. Yet researching social media can be a difficult and daunting task given the ephemerality of the content, its contextual hyperspecificity, the complex power relationships between users, celebrity culture, digital capitalism, and the ethical issues that arise from the reimagining of the public/private space. Using digital ethnography and creative digital storytelling workshops with children and young people aged 13-15 and 13-18 on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitch, this book studies their interactions, language, codes, the risks they take, and the victimizations they suffer. Researching Social Media with Children will be of use to social scientists conducting online research, and to students and scholars of media studies, digital criminology, psychology, and sociology. [The authors draw on experiences from studies carried out in Spain on children and social media by the Knowledge-Research Group on Social Problems at Universidad Europea de Madrid.]


Book Description

El presente libro pretende mapear el planeta de las juventudes iberoamericanas, a modo de pequeña enciclopedia capaz de condensar los pequeños saberes y grandes interrogantes sobre las identidades juveniles actuales, ya sean ocultas, sumergidas, emergentes y visibles, es decir, como una Juvenopedia en construcción. Responde a un trabajo de investigación individual de naturaleza interdisciplinaria, pero parte de un esfuerzo colectivo de distintos investigadores iberoamericanos de las últimas generaciones, que de alguna manera han tenido relación como colegas, discípulos o colaboradores de Carles Feixa y Patricia Oliart (coordinadores). Tras una introducción en la que los coordinadores establecen un marco general sobre los estudios de las juventudes iberoamericanas, el libro se articula en capítulos que responden a intereses teóricos y marcos disciplinarios distintos, aunque todos comparten la misma estructura: una primera sección en base a marcos teóricos y conceptuales, una segunda a partir de esbozos etnográficos, y una tercera en base a un caso de estudio como ilustración de las teorías. En ellos se retratan una diversidad de jóvenes contemporáneos en América Latina y la Península Ibérica: jóvenes indígenas, trendsetters, rurales, urbanos, estudiantes, trabajador@s, en masculino, en femenino, digitales, deportistas, ciudadan@s, transnacionales, altermundialistas e indignad@s.

Horizontes de la transformación digital

Book Description

La irrupción de la tecnología digital en casi todos los ámbitos empresariales, institucionales, organizacionales y personales está provocando, desde hace setenta años, la transformación continua e irreversible de la sociedad. Las formas de trabajar, estudiar, hacer negocio, ser ciudadano, divertirse, estar en contacto con las amistades y los seres queridos, realizar política, etcétera, han cambiado tanto que no es exagerado decir que las generaciones más jóvenes viven un mundo distinto al de sus generaciones predecesoras. En gran medida, ese cambio radical se debe a la continua y silenciosa transformación digital.

Digital Multimedia: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

Book Description

Contemporary society resides in an age of ubiquitous technology. With the consistent creation and wide availability of multimedia content, it has become imperative to remain updated on the latest trends and applications in this field. Digital Multimedia: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is an innovative source of scholarly content on the latest trends, perspectives, techniques, and implementations of multimedia technologies. Including a comprehensive range of topics such as interactive media, mobile technology, and data management, this multi-volume book is an ideal reference source for engineers, professionals, students, academics, and researchers seeking emerging information on digital multimedia.

Feminicide and Global Accumulation

Book Description

The global struggles against racism, capitalism, and patriarchy revealed by the Black and Indigneous women and trans communities leading its resistance.

Digital Work and Personal Data Protection

Book Description

This book gathers contributions related to the most pressing problems and challenges that new information and communications technologies (ICT) and digital platforms introduce into the labour market, and the impact they have on the way that people work, their rights and even their health and dignity. In addition, there are also chapters studying personal data protection, which is currently a topic of maximum interest due to the New European Regulation about it. The contributors here are drawn from around the world, with several countries represented, such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Australia and Venezuela. The book will appeal lawyers, legal and human resources experts, economists, judges, academics and staff from trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (6) and Portuguese (4).