Hormones, Intrauterine Health and Programming

Book Description

The authors address in particular the role of hormones and their links with other maternal environmental mediators in developmental programming. The crucial nature of the placenta as an interface and target between maternal and foetal environments is addressed. Emphasis is made on the emerging science of epigenetics as a potential explanation for how environmental events that occur during brief windows of development may exert effects that impact upon somatic cells through many rounds of mitosis for much of the life span of the subsequent organism.

Vibrant and Healthy Kids

Book Description

Children are the foundation of the United States, and supporting them is a key component of building a successful future. However, millions of children face health inequities that compromise their development, well-being, and long-term outcomes, despite substantial scientific evidence about how those adversities contribute to poor health. Advancements in neurobiological and socio-behavioral science show that critical biological systems develop in the prenatal through early childhood periods, and neurobiological development is extremely responsive to environmental influences during these stages. Consequently, social, economic, cultural, and environmental factors significantly affect a child's health ecosystem and ability to thrive throughout adulthood. Vibrant and Healthy Kids: Aligning Science, Practice, and Policy to Advance Health Equity builds upon and updates research from Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity (2017) and From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development (2000). This report provides a brief overview of stressors that affect childhood development and health, a framework for applying current brain and development science to the real world, a roadmap for implementing tailored interventions, and recommendations about improving systems to better align with our understanding of the significant impact of health equity.

Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Gene Expression

Book Description

This book covers the historical perspective and physiological background of the role of thyroid hormones. In both specific target tissues and during development, it provides clinical perspectives and physiological and developmental implications of the interactions between retinoid and vitamin D3 signalling pathways.

The Placenta and Human Developmental Programming

Book Description

Developmental programming is a rapidly advancing discipline of great importance to basic scientists and health professionals alike. This text integrates, for the first time, contributions from world experts to explore the role of the placenta in developmental programming. The book considers the materno-fetal supply line, and how perturbations of placental development impact on its functional capacity. Chapters examine ways in which environmental, immunological and vascular insults regulate expression of conventional and imprinted genes, along with their impact on placental shape and size, transport, metabolism and endocrine function. Research in animal models is integrated with human clinical and epidemiological data, and questions for future research are identified. Transcripts of discussions between the authors allow readers to engage with controversial issues. Essential reading for researchers in placental biology and developmental programming, as well as specialists and trainees in the wider field of reproductive medicine.


Book Description

This volume discusses the conservation of function across a range of species, illustrated in studies of insects, nematodes, tadpoles, mice, and rats, and in humans. The rate of embryonic and fietal development appears to be under the control of neuropeptides implicated in the stress response.

Brook's Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology

Book Description

The seventh edition of Brook's Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology has been compiled by an experienced editorial team and internationally renowned contributors; it presents basic science and clinical management of endocrine disorders for all involved in the care of children and adolescents. It provides treatments for a variety of hormonal diseases, including diabetes and hypoglycaemia, growth problems, thyroid disease and disorders of puberty, sexual differentiation, calcium metabolism, steroid metabolism and hypopituitarism.

Contraception and Reproduction

Book Description

Se estudian las consecuencias sanitarias de los diferentes patrones reproductivos en la salud de la mujer y de los niños. Tambien se evaluan el riesgo y los beneficios de los diferentes metodos anticonceptivos, aunque algunos de los datos en los que se basa son de paises desarrollados, el nucleo central del informe son los paises en desarrollo.

Hormonal Contraception and Post-menopausal Hormonal Therapy

Book Description

Evaluates evidence for an increased risk of cancer in women using combined oral contraceptives, progestogen-only hormonal contraceptives, post-menopausal estrogen therapy, and post-menopausal estrogen-progestogen therapy. Although the carcinogenicity of these preparations has been extensively investigated, the book stresses the many complex methodological issues that must be considered when interpreting findings and weighing results. Evidence of an association between use of these preparations and positive effects on health, including a reduced risk of some cancers, is also critically assessed. The first and most extensive monograph evaluates evidence of an association between the use of combined oral contraceptives and cancer at nine sites. Concerning breast cancer, the evaluation concludes that, even if the association is causal, the excess risk for breast cancer associated with patterns of use that are typical today is very small. Studies of predominantly high-dose preparations found an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in the absence of hepatitis viruses. Citing these findings, the evaluation concludes that there is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of combined oral contraceptives. The evaluation also found sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of some, but not all, combined preparations in animals. Combined oral contraceptives were classified as carcinogenic to humans. The evaluation also cites conclusive evidence that these agents have a protective effect against cancers of the ovary and endometrium. Progestogen-only contraceptives are evaluated in the second monograph, which considers the association with cancer at six sites. The evaluation found no evidence of an increased risk for breast cancer. Although the evaluation found sufficient evidence in animals for the carcinogenicity of medroxyprogesterone acetate, evidence for the carcinogenicity of progestogen-only contraceptives in humans was judged inadequate. Progestogen-only contraceptives were classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans. The third monograph, on post-menopausal estrogen therapy, considers evidence of an association with cancer at eight sites. Findings from a large number of epidemiological studies indicate a small increase in the risk of breast cancer in women who have used these preparations for five years or more. Studies consistently show an association between use of post-menopausal estrogen therapy and an increased risk for endometrial cancer. Data on the association with other cancers were either inconclusive or suggested no effect on risk. The evaluation concludes that post-menopausal estrogen therapy is carcinogenic to humans. The final monograph evaluates the association between the use of post-menopausal estrogen-progestogen therapy and cancer at four sites. The evaluation of limited data on breast cancer found an increased relative risk observed with long-term use. Data were judged insufficient to assess the effects of past use and of different progestogen compounds, doses, and treatment schedules. For endometrial cancer, the evaluation found an increase in risk relative to non-users when the progestogen was added to the cycle for 10 days or fewer. Post-menopausal estrogen-progestogen therapy was classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Concerning post-menopausal therapy in general, the book notes that evidence of carcinogenic risks must be placed in perspective of potential benefits. The prevention of osteoporotic fractures is cited as the best-established benefit. Evidence also suggests that estrogen prevents heart disease and may prevent memory loss and dementia.

Maternal-Fetal Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation

Book Description

With the aim to improve clinicians' understanding of the important effects nutrition can have on maternal health and fetal and neonatal development, Maternal-Fetal Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation defines the nutritional requirements with regard to the stage of development and growth, placing scientific developments into clinical context.

Epigenetic Epidemiology

Book Description

The exploding field of epigenetics is challenging the dogma of traditional Mendelian inheritance. Epigenetics plays an important role in shaping who we are and contributes to our prospects of health and disease. While early epigenetic research focused on plant and animal models and in vitro experiments, population-based epidemiologic studies increasingly incorporate epigenetic components. The relevance of epigenetic marks, such as DNA methylation, genomic imprinting, and histone modification for disease causation has yet to be fully explored. This book covers the basic concepts of epigenetic epidemiology, discusses challenges in study design, analysis, and interpretation, epigenetic laboratory techniques, the influence of of age and environmental factors on shaping the epigenome, the role of epigenetics in the developmental origins hypothesis, and provides the state of the art on the epigenetic epidemiology of various health conditions including childhood syndromes, cancer, infectious diseases, inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, psychiatric disorders, diabetes, obesity and metabolic disorders, and atherosclerosis. With contributions from: Peter Jones, Jean-Pierre Issa, Gavin Kelsey, Robert Waterland, and many other experts in epigenetics!