Horrible Harry Takes the Cake

Book Description

The kids in room 3B have found out their teacher is engaged! But who’s the lucky groom? Harry goes into detective mode to find out, and Doug is willing to help—until he sees Harry stealing a piece of evidence! Doug can’t believe what Harry has done, but Harry thinks his risky move is worth it. After all, he cracks the case and tells everyone who Miss Mackle is going to marry . . . but does Harry have his facts straight? Or has he made a horrible mistake?

Horrible Harry in Room 2B

Book Description

Doug discovers that though being Harry's best friend in Miss Mackle's second grade class isn't always easy, as Harry likes to do horrible things, it is often a lot of fun.

Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors

Book Description

Will the best artist win? The art teacher asks the students of Room 3B to draw posters of things they love, and one of them will get to display his or her artwork on South School's brand-new TV show. Harry doesn't care about the contest. Mary, on the other hand, is convinced that her poster is the best, and she can't wait for her television debut. But if Mary's poster doesn't get selected, then she's going to make horrible trouble for Room 3B--especially Harry!

Horrible Harry Goes Cuckoo

Book Description

It’s a horrible day for Harry: a classmate is calling him names; his library book is overdue; he’s last in line for a turn to be the Room 3B VIP. Worst of all, it’s cold and icy outside again, which means no outdoor recess. It’s all too much for Harry—he starts to go cuckoo! Fortunately, there is a solution to Harry’s problems . . . but it comes from a very unexpected source.

Horrible Harry and the Holidaze

Book Description

The holiday season is here, and the kids in Room 3B are learning about all the different ways people celebrate. In addition to Christmas and Hanukkah, there's Kwanzaa, Three Kings Day, Korean New Year, and more. All the talk about holidays has everyone feeling festive. Everyone, that is, except Harry. He doesn't seem to care about the holidays, the class pet, or even the new student in class. It's clear that something is bugging Harry—but what could it be?

Horrible Harry Bugs the Three Bears

Book Description

Horrible Harry has always loved insects, especially digging in the dirt for them. And, recently, he's discovered a new favorite: earwigs! But when he tries to tell his friends about these critters, only Song Lee listens. So when Miss Mackle assigns groups in Room 3B to act out different fairy tales, Harry sees an opportunity to teach the class about his favorite bug. Will they think his play is hilarious...or horrible?

Horrible Harry and the Locked Closet

Book Description

After four days in a row of indoor recess, Miss Mackle's students are bored-until Harry decides to solve the biggest mystery ever in Room 3B! There's a locked closet in the classroom that's been sealed off for years, and he wants to know what's inside. So Harry drafts Doug, Song Lee, and the rest of the class to help him investigate. Their search reveals many surprises-from a hidden trapdoor to...eyeballs! What secret treasures does the closet hold? Is it something more horrible than even Harry can imagine?

Horrible Harry and The Goog

Book Description

When Horrible Harry's pet cat, Googer, sneaks a ride and gets into the school building, third-graders Harry and Doug have to catch him before anyone else does, which means going into some forbidden places.

Horrible Harry and the Hallway Bully

Book Description

Nearly every kid in Room 3B is trying to get picked for the South School Safety Patrol Squad—especially Harry. Harry wants a star badge just like his grandpa's, so he works extra hard to be the perfect student: hanging up his jacket neatly, organizing the crayons in rainbow order, and—his favorite part—cleaning up sticky noodles off the floor after lunch. But Doug thinks someone is taking the power of Safety Patrol too far, maybe even using it to cheat at the Spring Book Fair Raffle! This is Harry’s chance to stop the horrible bully and prove that he deserves a special star. Can he do it?