Knights, Raiders, and Targets

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Knights, Raiders, and Targets

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This volume deals with the increasingly important topic of hostile corporate takeover attempts.

Corporate Takeovers

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The takeover boom that began in the mid-1980s has exhibited many phenomena not previously observed, such as hostile takeovers and takeover defenses, a widespread use of cash as a means of payment for targeted firms, and the acquisitions of companies ranking among the largest in the country. With the aim of more fully understanding the implications of such occurances, contributors to this volume consider a broad range of issues as they analyze mergers and acquisitions and study the takeoveer process itself.

The Law and Economics of Takeovers

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This book studies takeovers from the acquirer's perspective. More precisely the book focuses on the legal and regulatory treatment of the risks faced by the acquiring company shareholders in takeovers. The identified risks are categorised into two main groups: first, risks generated by managerial choices and second, regulatory or external risks. The analysis considers the legal context but also draws on the economic literature, seeking to map the area under consideration and to suggest measures to improve the present position from both a law and economics perspective. More specifically, the book examines various methods of protecting the acquiring shareholders against value-decreasing or self-interested acquisitions, such as the class transaction rules, fiduciary duties, the acquiring directors' responsibilities under the Takeover Code, the court scheme procedure, the role of institutional shareholders and reward strategies, and methods of making the acquiring directors more exposed to the discipline of the market. The effects of the choice of the medium of payment are also covered. In addition, it covers the Code's position with regard to auction situations and seeks to identify ways of addressing the acquiring shareholders' interests in auctions, including auctions where buyout teams or white Knights are involved. Moreover it identifies situations where deviations from horizontal equality rules, which increase takeover premia, are or should be recognised. To that effect the Code's rules on mandatory bids, the determination of the price and the form of payment offered, partial offers and squeeze outs are considered. In addition, it covers the Code's position with regards to auction situations and seeks to identify ways of addressing the acquiring shareholders' interests in auctions, including auctions where buyout teams or White Knights are involved. Moreover it identifies situations where deviations from horizontal equality rules, which increase takeover premia, are or should be recognised. To that effect the Code's rules on mandatory bids, the determination of the price and the form of payment offered, partial offers and squeeze outs are considered. The analysis covers both hostile and friendly situations. In relation to hostile takeovers, the legal and regulatory framework of toehold strategies is analysed (Code's requirements, Disclosure Rules and Companies Act disclosure requirements etc). Market Abuse issues in relation to stake building are also highlighted. In relation to friendly takeovers the operation of lock-up agreements and break fees (Code's requirements, fiduciary law, financial assistance and other contract law concerns), is also explored. Finally, the Panel's position on adverse changes, pre-conditions and conditions which the offer can be subject to and the bidder's exposure to Material Adverse Change risk are assessed. The book discusses developments in the area under consideration including the Takeover Code regime after the implementation of the Takeover Directive and the Companies Act 2006.

The Takeover Dialogues

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A longtime critic of hostile cash takeovers of large corporations, Edmund Kelly believed that if the organized insincerity of advisors and corporate control entrepreneurs in the tight knit takeover community was told, this alone would contribute to a decline in the acceptance of the hostile bid as an acquisition method. Copies of The Takeover Dialogues were purchased primarily in 1988 by investment and commercial banking and corporate law firms, executives and business libraries. Prominent uninvited cash takeover bids averaged 17 a year for the period 1985 - 1988. There were 6 in 1989 and 2 in 1990. For the years 1991 -1999 they averaged 1.2 a year. In these carefully reasoned dialogues, Edmund Kelly also examines the impact of corporate raids on the business community and society. Kelly believes the ideal corporation translates capital and human energy into a community service institution that is ultimately greater than the sum of its parts. This book raises important questions of public policy about issues affecting the institutions upon which we all depend for our continued prosperity. It is important reading for anyone concerned about the future of corporate business in a capitalistic society.

Public Policy Toward Corporate Takeovers

Book Description

This volume examines critical issues in the debate over the effects' of the current wave of corporate takeovers. Media accounts are often sensational, but proposed public policy remedies need to be evaluated on the basis of more than simple rhetoric. The studies contained in this collection provide solid economic grounding for the debate. Public Policy Toward Corporate Takeovers is the result of extensive research sponsored by the Center for the Study of American Business and directed by Murray Weidenbaum; it examines key aspects of takeovers: the evolving regulatory role of the Antitrust Division, state versus federal authority over offensive and defensive takeover maneuvers, whether leveraged buyouts improve the firm's economic performance, and the validity of assertions about "entrenched" managements. The book also includes the views of the most publicized corporate raider, T. Boone Pickens. Balancing Pickens' highly favorable view of the value of hostile takeovers as a disciplining factor for subpar management performance is a chapter by David Ravenscraft of the Federal Trade Commission, who takes a long-term viewpoint and argues that the popular belief that takeovers create substantial efficiencies has not been borne out by the record. The overall findings do not fully support either side of the takeover controversy. The book presents both legal and economic perspectives, and suggests strategies for government policymakers as well as leaders of private enterprise.