Hot Sector Investing

Book Description

Identifying the next "hot investment sectors" is the specialty of a few astute, experienced and highly respected stock analysts who share their ability to call winners with a chosen few. Now, readers can be among those select few. "Hot Sector Investing" points investors to the specific industries expected to grow during the next five to ten years.

Hot Stocks

Book Description

The world is warming, our portfolios will have to adapt, and the stocks we own can help shape our future; James Ellman shows how to invest wisely as climate change impacts multiple sectors across the stock market. The costs of global warming and its mitigation will have a major impact on equity market performance over the next two decades. As the climate changes, investors will need to understand which are the best-positioned market sectors and stocks as well as those to avoid. Hot Stocks provides a roadmap detailing how to invest in this new reality. It evaluates the many ways global warming will affect profit flows in the economy: • Impacts of a warmer climate, rising ocean levels, more frequent extreme storm events, land desertification and ocean acidification. • Potential for government taxation on greenhouse gas emissions. • Accelerating switching to renewable power systems that are increasingly cost competitive with those powered by oil fossil fuels. • Government bans on sales of cars powered by internal combustion engines and the electrification of the terrestrial vehicle fleet. • Potential for hydrocarbon reserves and equipment becoming impaired or ‘stranded assets’. • Rising demand for major infrastructure projects to protect valuable coastal real estate from inundation. • Litigation aimed at forcing legacy polluters to pay mitigation costs. The book drills down on how these changes will depress or support stocks in sectors such as the petroleum industry, automakers, renewable power providers, regional banking, property insurance, heavy equipment manufacturers, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and agricultural chemicals. The analysis then pivots away from a US-centric focus to identify those nations around the world whose economies are best positioned to successfully adjust to the impact of rising prevailing temperatures, as well as those likely to suffer the most from the trend.

Hot Commodities

Book Description

The next bull market is here. It’s not in stocks. It’s not in bonds. It’s in commodities - and some smart investors will be riding that bull to record returns in the next decade. Before Jim Rogers hit the road to write his best-selling books Investment Biker and Adventure Capitalist, he was one of the world’s most successful investors. He co-founded the Quantum Fund and made so much money that he never needed to work again. Yet despite his success, Rogers has never written a book of practical investment advice - until now. In Hot Commodities, Rogers offers the low-down on the most lucrative markets for today and tomorrow. In late 1998, gliding under the radar, a bull market in commodities began. Rogers thinks it’s going to continue for at least fifteen years - and he’s put his money where his mouth is: In 1998, he started his own commodities index fund. It’s up 165% since then, with more than $200 million invested, and it’s the single-best performing index fund in the world in any asset class. Less risky than stocks and less sluggish than bonds, commodities are where the money is - and will be in the years ahead. Rogers’s strategies are simple and straightforward. You can start small - a few thousand dollars will suffice. It’s all about putting your money into stuff you understand, the basic materials of everyday life, like copper, sugar, cotton, corn, or crude oil. Once you recognize the cyclical and historical trading patterns outlined here, you’ll be on your way. In language that is both colourful and accessible, Rogers explains why the world of commodity investing can be one of the simplest of all - and how commodities are the bases by which investors can value companies, markets, and whole economies. To be a truly great investor is to know something about commodities. For small investors and high rollers alike, Hot Commodities is as good as gold . . . or lead, or aluminium, which are some of the commodities Rogers says could be as rewarding for investors.

Stock Investing for Everyone

Book Description

'Stock Investing for Everyone' richtet sich an die wachsende Zahl von Leuten, die ihre Geldanlage selbst in die Hand nehmen: Seriöse Anleger, die zwar die Technik des Aktienkaufs beherrschen, aber fortgeschrittene Analysemethoden erlernen möchten, damit sie mit möglichst geringem Zeitaufwand Aktienwerte analysieren können. Anders als die meisten anderen Autoren konzentriert sich Khan ausschließlich auf den Aktienmarkt. Er behandelt das Kursverhalten einzelner Aktien und den Gesamtmarkt anhand von schrittweisen Anleitungen, wie man mit Hilfe verschiedener Anlagestrategien Kurse überwacht, Werte bonitätsmäßig einstuft und schließlich bestimmte Aktien auswählt. Ursprünglich als zweibändiges Set herausgegeben, erscheint diese Neuauflage aktualisiert und komprimiert jetzt in einem einzigen handlichen Band. (10/99)

Standard & Poor's Guide to Sector Investing

Book Description

This first in-depth guide to sector investing combines how-to knowledge with a wealth of data never before available in bookstores. It explains sector investing and the factors that influence various industries. Includes reports on 80 industries that provide analysis and investment forecasts by S&P analysts and specific stock recommendations using S&P STARS rankings.

How to be a Sector Investor

Book Description

From health care to technology, sector investing is hot. This quick, complete guide gives basic definitions and helps investors assemble and maintain a profitable sector portfolio. 40 illustrations.

The 8-Step Beginner's Guide to Value Investing

Book Description

Despite what the mainstream financial media wants to tell you. Investing is not an impossible game only the pros can master... In fact, Peter Lynch, named America's Most Successful Money Manager says that by using a reliable and repeatable investing process, ordinary investors can beat the pros. But here are 3 big mistakes inexperienced investors make... Mistake #1: Relying solely on social media and TV stock tipsters for their information Mistake #2: Rushing into "hot sectors" based on fear of missing out, and buying poor companies at overvalued prices Mistake #3: Panic selling for a loss the first time their stock goes down and missing out on gains when it rebounds to new highs Now here's the good news. By using our Rational Process Investing methodology, individual investors can make consistent long-term profits in the market. Founded on timeless principles used by legendary investors like Warren Buffett. You don't need a degree in finance. Nor do you need to spend hours each day glued to financial media. Just 2 hours per week is enough. Which means you can get a head start by following the simple advice laid out in this book. Even if you've never bought stocks before. So if you're kicking yourself for missing out on big gains. We'll show you how to find the next Facebook, Netflix or Amazon. Companies which can turn a modest investment of $500 into $30,000 or more. It's not always some obscure technology company either. There are amazing opportunities in industries many investors consider "boring" For example, if you had invested just $99 in Southwest Airlines when they first went public, you'd be sitting on over $82,000 today. Here's just a fraction of what you'll discover inside: The #1 mistake inexperienced investors make. Avoid this error and you will make money - Page 16 Forget Netflix, this company is going to be the real winner of the digital streaming boom - Page 111 Coca-Cola or PepsiCo - which is a better investment over the next 20 years? Page 121 The "Amazon of the Health Industry", on track for 100% gains in the next 18 months - Page 132 The truth about "buying the dip" Why most investors fail miserably at it, and what to do instead - Page 169 Your chance to buy "the next Berkshire Hathaway" for just 0.3% of the price of a single share of Warren Buffett's company - Page 93 This software company has been growing 5x faster than the S&P500 and you can still pick it up for less than $10 - Page 145 If we only had $500 to invest in a single company. This is what we'd buy - Page 81 ...and much, much more. Speaking of Southwest Airlines. If you had sold when share prices peaked, your $99 would be worth over $152,000. Which is why on Page 183 we show you when to sell your stocks for maximum profits. This is not a dense 600 page theoretical textbook. It's written in plain English and free from repetitive technical jargon. You'll find easy-to-follow advice, plus concrete examples of everything we teach. So even if you've never read a single investing book in your life. You will understand how to become a successful long-term investor. To kickstart your investing journey today, scroll up and click "add to cart"

The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing

Book Description

The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing "By resisting both the popular tendency to use gimmicks that oversimplify securities analysis and the academic tendency to use jargon that obfuscates common sense, Pat Dorsey has written a substantial and useful book. His methodology is sound, his examples clear, and his approach timeless." --Christopher C. Davis Portfolio Manager and Chairman, Davis Advisors Over the years, people from around the world have turned to Morningstar for strong, independent, and reliable advice. The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing provides the kind of savvy financial guidance only a company like Morningstar could offer. Based on the philosophy that "investing should be fun, but not a game," this comprehensive guide will put even the most cautious investors back on the right track by helping them pick the right stocks, find great companies, and understand the driving forces behind different industries--without paying too much for their investments. Written by Morningstar's Director of Stock Analysis, Pat Dorsey, The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing includes unparalleled stock research and investment strategies covering a wide range of stock-related topics. Investors will profit from such tips as: * How to dig into a financial statement and find hidden gold . . . and deception * How to find great companies that will create shareholder wealth * How to analyze every corner of the market, from banks to health care Informative and highly accessible, The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing should be required reading for anyone looking for the right investment opportunities in today's ever-changing market.

Investing For Beginners

Book Description

Who Else Wants to Generate a Solid Income from Investments? Investing in the stock market can be an intimidating task for beginners. The sheer volume of information and strategies available to investors is overwhelming, which causes many people to give up before they ever even start. However, this does not have to be you! "Investing for Beginners" is here to show you how easy investing really can be! In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how ANYONE, with ANY amount of capital, can start reaping the benefits of investing - and earn income in a clever way that requires 0 time involvement. This book not only covers investing in the stock market, but it will also guide you through investing in the Real Estate world, Index Funds, and much, much more! Here is what you can expect: - Get a complete understanding of the market - Grow your savings with solid investment knowledge - Learn about the risks and rewards, so you'll know what to expect before investing your money - Find great strategies that work and be able to invest confidently in the market - Discover the latest practices in finding hot opportunities with as little as $1000 in your pocket No matter if you’re low on capital, have no clue about investing or simply just want to gain some valuable knowledge - this book will take you by the hand and show you how it’s done!

Sector Investing, 1996

Book Description

Discusses the opportunities, merits, and methods of investing in "sectors," or industry groups with similar fundamental characteristics