Sugar Prices, Labor Income, and Poverty in Brazil

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"This paper assesses the impact that a potential liberalization of sugar regimes in OECD countries could have on household labor income and poverty in Brazil. The authors first estimate the extent of price transmission from world markets to 11 Brazilian states to capture the fact that some local markets may be relatively more isolated from changes in world prices. They then simultaneously estimate the impact that changes in domestic sugar prices have on regional wages and employment depending on worker characteristics. Finally, they measure the impact on household income of a 10 percent increase in world sugar prices. Results suggest that workers in the sugar sector and in sugar-producing regions have better employment opportunities and experience larger wage increases. More interestingly, households at the top of the income distribution experience larger income gains due to higher wages, whereas households at the bottom of the distribution experience larger income gains due to movements out of unemployment. "--World Bank web site.

Brazil's Sugarcane Sector

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The Brazil sugar and ethanol story is as follows: direct government intervention overrides market forces, markets undergo dramatic change, intervention establishes vested interests, rent-seeking blocks adjusment to market change, economic objectives become blurred behind political objectives, opportunities go begging, industry profitability suffers, and national income is foregone. A simple economic model of the Brazilian sugarcane sector and policy, interventions is used to measure the costs of existing policies and to develop better policies. Bazil is an efficient producer of sugar, but policy intervention causes: underproduction of sugarcane, the wrong mix of sugar and ethanol from cane (too much ethanol, not enough sugar), missed opportunities to market ethanol in high value uses (as an octane enhancer and clean fuel), and missed opportunities to make the work sugar market more competitive. Adopting more market based policies could be worth billions of dollars extra to Brazil annually.

The Economics and Politics of World Sugar Policies

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Examination of trade in one of the most important agricultural products

The Economics of Brazil's Ethanol-Sugar Markets, Mandates, and Tax Exemptions

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Sugarcane in Brazil is processed into sugar and/or ethanol, often in flex plants that can switch between the two products. We develop an economic model of flex plants, export demands, and two domestic fuel demand curves for a blend of ethanol with gasoline consumed by conventional cars, and ethanol consumed only by flex cars. We analyze the market impacts of the following policies: the blend mandate; fixing gasoline prices below world prices; the high gasoline tax; and a higher tax exemption for ethanol blended with gasoline. Because Brazilian and U.S. ethanol prices have become linked, a change in Brazilian ethanol policy or a shock in world sugar markets can now impact U.S. ethanol and corn prices. We show that in theory, each policy analyzed has an ambiguous impact on ethanol and sugar prices. Empirically, however, a low gasoline tax and a high tax exemption for ethanol used in the fuel blend reduce ethanol and sugar prices; this contradicts conventional wisdom. Overall, we find that policy reforms implemented in 2010 offset the ethanol price increase by about 27% due to outward shifts in fuel transportation and sugar export demand curves, and due to a reduced sugarcane supply caused by bad weather. Our model illustrates the importance of Brazil's ethanol policies on world commodity markets; it also provides insight into how the Brazilian government can adjust policies to better control domestic inflation while minimizing impacts on investment.

Brazil's sugarcane sector

Book Description

The Brazil sugar and ethanol story is as follows: direct government intervention overrides market forces, markets undergo dramatic change, intervention establishes vested interests, rent-seeking blocks adjusment to market change, economic objectives become blurred behind political objectives, opportunities go begging, industry profitability suffers, and national income is foregone. A simple economic model of the Brazilian sugarcane sector and policy, interventions is used to measure the costs of existing policies and to develop better policies. Bazil is an efficient producer of sugar, but policy intervention causes: underproduction of sugarcane, the wrong mix of sugar and ethanol from cane (too much ethanol, not enough sugar), missed opportunities to market ethanol in high value uses (as an octane enhancer and clean fuel), and missed opportunities to make the work sugar market more competitive. Adopting more market based policies could be worth billions of dollars extra to Brazil annually.