Book Description
he Gafarim (Gooliim) are not very well-known to the general public and readers of esoteric works. Yet, they occupied a major place in the ancient mythology and social beliefs of Mesopotamia. In fact, the Gafarim were feared by the Babylonians, and their extraordinary deeds dominated the early Ubaid dynasty mythology and religion. However, we have learned from the Illuminated Masters (Mouwariin) that two species of the Gafarim were created by the Anunnaki Ulema to fulfill and complete very precise and astonishing tasks, such as building a whole village for the needy and poor people in less than 24 hours, or relocating an entire city to another location in a blink of an eye; this seems to be a fictional account, and a pure fantasy, but thousands of people who lived in some parts of the previous Soviet bloc have witnessed these extraordinary events. This is their story.