How an Organization's Environmental Orientation Impacts Environmental Performance and Its Resultant Financial Performance Through Green Computing Hiring Practices

Book Description

This dissertation uses the logic embodied in strategic fit theory, the natural resource-based view of the firm (NRBV), strategic human resource management, and other relevant literature streams to empirically demonstrate how the environmental orientation of a firm's strategy impacts their environmental performance and resultant financial performance through the firm's information technology hiring practices. Specifically, it was hypothesized that firms with a strong relationship between the environmental orientation of their strategy and their green computing hiring practices will achieve higher environmental performance, and, as a result, higher levels of financial performance than firms lacking such fit.

Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices

Book Description

This handbook brings together technical expertise, conceptual background, applications, and societal aspects of Industry 4.0: the evolution of automation and data exchange in fabrication technologies, materials processing, and device manufacturing at both experimental and theoretical model scales. The book assembles all the aspects of Industry 4.0, starting from the emergence of the concept to the consequences of its progression. Drawing on expert contributors from around the world, the volume details the technologies that sparked the fourth revolution and illustrates their characteristics, potential, and methods of use in the industrial and societal domains. In addition, important topics such as ethics, privacy and security are considered in a reality where all data is shared and saved remotely. The collection of contribution serve a very broad audience working in the fields of science and engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, energy, environment, green chemistry, sustainability, electrical and electronic engineering, solid-state physics, surface science, aerosol technology, chemistry, colloid science, device engineering, and computer technology. This handbook ideal reference libraries in universities and industrial institutions, government and independent institutes, individual research groups and scientists.

Strategic information systems management for environmental sustainability : enhancing firm competitiveness with Green IS

Book Description

During the last three decades, information and communication technologies have fundamentally changed the way we work, live and communicate. The ubiquity of internet services, which become increasingly interactive and complex, together with enhanced connectivity, facilitated by innovative mobile devices, induces an ever-rising demand for computing, storage and data transmission capacities. Today, information systems (IS) constitute the backbone of the globalized economy and are indispensable for modern business and production processes. At the same time, environmental sustainability has evolved as the most pressing societal challenge of the 21st century, in particular due to the looming threats of climate change. By virtue of their global influence and reach, business companies significantly contribute to the creation of environmental problems, but owing to their organizational knowledge, capabilities and resources, they also have the capacity and ability to play a key role in shaping the path towards a more sustainable development. The companies leading the way have noticed that corporate sustainability is not necessarily a burden that negatively impacts their bottom line. If strategically managed, environmental product and process innovations can decrease operational costs, enhance corporate reputation, and differentiate from competitors. With regard to environmental sustainability, IS play a contradictory role: on the one hand, the manufacturing, operation and disposal of information technology (IT) infrastructure are responsible for serious environmental impacts: from the mining of conflict minerals to carbon dioxide emissions that equal those of the airline industry to enormous amounts of toxic e-waste. On the other hand, IS are perceived as key enablers of a "green" economy: environmental management systems and the reengineering of business processes can substantially reduce the environmental impacts of business organizations, while technological innovations provide opportunities to decrease the ecological footprint of end-user products and services. Many organizations have started to implement first environmental measures to decrease IT energy consumption and to reduce operational costs, mostly in an unstructured and uncoordinated manner though. Although Green IS practices feature a considerable potential to increase corporate environmentalism while creating promising business opportunities, the adoption of enterprise-wide cross-functional initiatives aimed at implementing Green IS has been rather slow. Economic uncertainties regarding the long-term effects of Green IS adoption and the lack of appropriate management frameworks have been identified as main inhibitors of an encompassing implementation of Green IS initiatives throughout the enterprise. In this context, this thesis addresses relevant research gaps, contributes to theory development in the evolving Green IS research discipline, develops practice-oriented management frameworks, and emphasizes the importance of following a strategic approach to leverage the competitive potential of Green IS. This cumulative thesis comprises an introduction that includes a literature review and a pre-study, four theory-based conceptual research articles, and two empirical studies, one of them building on qualitative, exploratory case study research whereas the other relies on quantitative data which has been analyzed with structural equation modeling. This thesis targets four specific research goals to advance theory-building in Green IS research and to promote the adoption of Green IS in practice. First, this thesis clarifies and defines the central terms and key concepts Green IT, Green IS, Green IS strategy, and Green IS practices drawing on a transdisciplinary research approach. Second, the most important challenges and inhibitors of Green IS adoption are identified and characterized. In particular, the lack of management frameworks, which encourage a holistic implementation that follows a strategic rationale, the complexity of strategic Green IS alignment, the multi-dimensional performance impacts of cross-functional initiatives and, above all, the uncertainty relating to the business case of Green IS practices, are identified as the most pressing challenges. Third, current actions of business firms to address these challenges are examined. Building on exploratory case study research, distinctive Green IS strategies are identified in managerial practice. Most notably, the empirical insights from quantitative survey research suggest a positive relationship between Green IS adoption and firm competitiveness, thus decreasing the economic uncertainty which inhibits the implementation of far-reaching environmental initiatives. Fourth, practice-oriented management frameworks are developed. The fine-grained Green IS strategy concept advises the formulation of strategies addressing the corporate, competitive, and functional management level. The proposed typology of four Green IS strategies illustrates distinct strategic options, from which executives can choose under consideration of their competitive targets and the firm-specific context. To allow for consistency of Green IS strategies, the presented alignment framework facilitates coherence with economic and environmental corporate goals. Furthermore, the actors, roles and responsibilities relevant to the alignment process are described. In addition, a management framework for the holistic adoption of Green IS, which specifies decisive management areas and distinguishes between three degrees of environmental impacts, is presented along with a comprehensive catalogue of Green IS implementation measures. As a consequence, this research offers both empirical insights and conceptual models to advance the adoption of Green IS initiatives, thus meeting the challenges of climate change and turning corporate sustainability into a business opportunity. Informationssysteme (IS) zeigen in Bezug auf ökologische Nachhaltigkeit gegensätzliche Eigenschaften. Einerseits verursachen die Herstellung, der Betrieb sowie die Entsorgung von Informationstechnologie (IT) – Infrastrukturen schwerwiegende negative Umweltauswirkungen: Vom Abbau von Konfliktmineralien über Kohlendioxidemissionen bis hin zu beträchtlichen Mengen giftigen Elektroschrotts. Andererseits werden IS als Schlüsseltechnologien für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft gesehen. Umweltmanagementsysteme und die Umgestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen können den ökologischen Fußabdruck von Organisationen bedeutend verringern. Zudem eröffnen technologische Innovationen neuartige Möglichkeiten, die Umweltauswirkungen von Produkten und Dienstleistungen über den gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg zu senken. Zahlreiche Organisationen haben damit begonnen, einzelne Green-IT-Maßnahmen zu implementieren um den Energieverbrauch und operative Kosten zu senken. Allerdings verfolgen die meisten Unternehmen hierbei keinen strukturierten oder strategischen Ansatz. Obwohl Green-IS-Initiativen beachtliche Potentiale zur Verbesserung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit von Organisationen bieten und gleichzeitig vielversprechende wirtschaftliche Chancen eröffnen, schreitet die Umsetzung von bereichsübergreifenden Green-IS-Maßnahmen in Unternehmen nur langsam voran. Ökonomische Unsicherheiten in Bezug auf die Rentabilität derartiger Maßnahmen sowie der Mangel an adäquaten Management-Frameworks werden in diesem Zusammenhang als zentrale Hinderungsgründe für eine strategische und ganzheitliche Umsetzung von Green-IS-Initiativen identifiziert. Diese Dissertation adressiert diese Hinderungsgründe, schafft Schlüsselkonzepte für den neuen Green-IS-Forschungszweig, entwickelt praxisorientierte Management-Frameworks und hebt die Bedeutung eines strategischen Ansatzes bei der Implementierung von Green IS hervor. Diese Forschungsarbeit offeriert empirische Einblicke wie auch konzeptionelle Modelle um die Umsetzung ganzheitlicher Green-IS-Initiativen in Organisationen voranzutreiben. Unternehmen haben somit die Chance, den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels verantwortungsvoll zu begegnen und gleichzeitig durch eine nachhaltige Unternehmensführung Wettbewerbsvorteile zu generieren.

The Psychology of Green Organizations

Book Description

As the 21st century advances, the global challenges and consequences posed by climate change are becoming increasingly apparent. Although organisations are considered significant contributors to climate change, they also have the potential to affect it positively through their employees. As a result, understanding how employees' pro-environmental initiatives can positively affect climate change has increasingly become the focus of inquiry among researchers. In this book a number of researchers review leading research in different areas of organisational environmental sustainability.

Assessing the Impact of Sustainable Practices on Organizational Performance

Book Description

Over the past few decades, there has been a growing pressure on organizations to be fully responsible for their business operations in order to minimize their environmental impact. These pressures have evolved the green practice adoption procedures that companies are undertaking. In this thesis, we study the overall impact of adoption of various green practices on firms’ performance outcome. The green practices included in the study are: Internal environmental management, green design and product development, green purchasing and procurement, green distribution, investment recovery, reverse logistics and finally socially sustainable practices. The effectiveness of each of these seven practices is examined against environmental and financial performance of organizations. The influence level of different environmental drivers in form of regulatory pressure and other non-coercive pressures is also investigated. A survey among 45 Canadian firms is conducted for this purpose. The data obtained is subject to partial least square structural equation modeling using SmartPLS software for performing of statistical analysis. The model results show that internally oriented environmental practices such as internal environmental management and socially sustainable practices impact more the environmental and financial performance of companies than other practices. Furthermore, no significant relationship between product recovery practices and environmental and financial performance was observed. Keywords: Green supply chain management, environmental performance, green practices, PLS-SEM, survey questionnaire.

Green Behaviors in the Workplace

Book Description

This book examines the spectrum of green behaviors in organizational settings, focusing on the contribution that employees make through their environmental engagement. The authors provide an overview of green behaviors while clarifying the meaning of the concept and its critical importance to greening employees. By distinguishing between voluntary (e.g., encouraging colleagues to express their ideas about environmental issues), prescribed (e.g., having an obligation to implement environmental policies), and counterproductive (e.g., not caring about water or electricity consumption) behaviors, the book rethinks sustainable development, placing the psychological and environmental dimensions on a par. Aimed at researchers in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational change, and psychology, this interdisciplinary study proposes a novel approach to sustainability by assessing employee behaviors at work.

Roadmap to Greener Computing

Book Description

As computers become faster, use more energy, and older models become obsolete more quickly, the question is often asked: What can the engineering and computer science community do to make computing greener? Roadmap to Greener Computing defines the challenges involved in making computing more environmentally friendly and includes methods and techniques for overcoming them. The book provides a concise, simplified, and easily accessible examination of how computer infrastructure affects the environment. Divided into six stand-alone chapters, the text addresses green computing topics such as power consumption, cooling, manufacturing issues, and computer disposal as well as hot topics such as cloud computing and noise pollution in IT. It also explores the Eco-Design concept and the impact of CAD on the environment as well as potential areas for improvement in the future. Features Details the impact of the computer infrastructure life cycle on the environment and solutions for greener IT Presents methodologies, designs, frameworks and software development tools that can be used to compute energy efficiently Discusses designer and CAD applications that can reduce damage of products and the environment Examines noise pollution caused by computers and computerusers, its effects on their daily lives, and how to counteract it Covers the many options for handling obsolete computers, including upgrading and recycling Introduces the green capabilities of cloud computing Written by professionals with backgrounds in mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, design, software engineering, and computer science, this book discusses design and the environment, includes references to literature, and presents concrete day-to-day business scenarios, supplying a clear balance between theory and practice. It analyzes methodologies, designs, frameworks, and software development tools that can then be used to reduce the energy consumption or increase energy efficiencies in computing and influence the environment positively.

Green IT Strategies and Applications

Book Description

Bhuvan Unhelkar takes you on an all-encompassing voyage of environmental sustainability and Green IT. Sharing invaluable insights gained during two battle-tested decades in the information and communication technologies industry, he provides a comprehensive examination of the wide-ranging aspects of Green IT—from switching-off monitors, virtualizing data centers, and optimizing processes to bringing attitude change through training and the use of green metrics for reporting. Combining extensive research, literature review experimentation, and decades of practical consulting experience, Green IT Strategies and Applications: Using Environmental Intelligence is your complete reference for undertaking a successful Green IT transformation. The environmentally responsible business strategies described in this book include motivators and drivers, transformation phases, management of risks, measuring and reporting of carbon, compliance with the ISO14000 family of standards, and the crucial nexus between Lean and green—resulting in what can be called Environmental Intelligence. This environmentally conscious IT reference delves beyond the corporate responsibilities of organizations in a market-driven economy to demonstrate the importance of carbon management as an integral part of good business management. Increasing profits, reducing costs, applying innovations in business, adhering to government standards, process management, and the socio-cultural aspects of business are all masterfully intertwined with Green IT issues. This book is equipped with case studies from different industrial sectors, including hospital (service), packaging (product), and telecom (infrastructure). It provides a complete suite of strategies, applications, tools, and techniques that will enable you to establish company-wide environmental strategies, a green value system, and the forward thinking required to properly position your organization for the low-carbon economy on the horizon.

Green Organizations

Book Description

This book is a landmark in showing how industrial-organizational psychology and related fields contribute to environmental sustainability in organizations. Industrial-organizational psychology embraces a scientist/practitioner model: evidence-based best practice to solve real-world issues. The contributors to this book are experts in science and practice, demonstrating the ways in which human-organization interactions can drive change to produce environmentally beneficial outcomes. Overall, the authors address cogent issues and provide specific examples of how industrial-organizational psychology can guide interventions that support and maintain environmentally sound practices in organizations. Green Organizations can be used as a general reference for researchers, in courses on sustainable business, corporate social responsibility, ethical management practices and social entrepreneurship. The book will provide an excellent overview for anyone interested in sustainability in organizations, and will serve as a valuable guide to industrial-organizational psychology and management professionals.

Managing Green Recruitment to Attract Pro-environmental Job Seekers

Book Description

The pursuit for environmental sustainability of business firms and the active participation of not-for-rofit organisations worldwide in proactive deal with environmental problems in recent decade have contributed a great effort to the environmental movement. One reason is related to the environmental degeneration in some regions and the increase in individual environmental footprint that urges the societal change in socio- cological responsibility. The other reason is the recognition of green rewards that environmental performance brings to a firm, including both intrinsic outcomes and extrinsic outcomes ensuring sustainable development goals. This thesis envisions an eco-living future of clean, safe, and healthy toward which the participating organisations' environmental orientations need to comply to corporate ethics of green mission in terms of reducing social inequality and preventing environmental crisis. This requires the appropriate enablement of corporate environmental performance of no below standard and no extremism from both green and nongreen actors. In corporate green mission, employees are accountable for their participation in environmental practices. Their pro-environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behaviours determine their corporate environmental performance, which is conceptualized to encompass environmental management and environmental operation practices. To both the pioneers and the newcomers in this green field, forging a pro-environmental workforce of talented managers and fully skilled workers is vital to the organisational survival and success provided they have ecological value congruence and are willing to engage in focus environmental orientation, meaning organisational pro-environmental behaviours. Therefore, attracting the fit pro-environmental individuals should be executed in a consistent manner to recruit and maintain their environmental performance as well as to remove their intention to leave early. Since green recruitment and selection is the foremost in the green organisational life cycle to guarantee pro-environmental workforce in quality, green candidate attraction is worth doing in a proactive manner in order to recruit, attract, identify and select the right type of pro-environmental talents. However, in the context of blooming Marketing and greenwashing or in case where there is dishonesty on environmental characteristics of both recruiters and applicants, how the organisational attraction should be conducted in a pro-environmental and corporate ethic manner to generate early the job seekers' positive perceptions of organisational attractiveness for environment in the one part and detect the fit ones in the other? Likewise, due to recent decades' rapid changing life of manipulation and deception, particularly in an « arms race », what key signalling factor is to make the pro-environmental talents and potentials recognise a true pro-environmentalemployer who is compatible with them? Which pro-environmental signal is hard-to-fake? From the tenet of signalling theory and from a knowledge-based view, this thesis responds to these emerging issues by researching into the insight of management of green organisational capacity and green recruitment to attract existing and future employees, which are happening now. The overall findings indicate a stabilized environmental movement which is comprised of green organisational processes in conformity with optimal heterogeneity of green organizational distinctiveness representing the organizational ecological value to sustain an organisational hard-to-fake character. A model of « Handicap » principle conveying the ethics of pro-environmental attraction and practical implications for defining, recruiting, detecting and selecting the right type of pro-environmental talents with a focus environmental orientation of the employing organisation are recommended.