How Aspirin Entered Our Medicine Cabinet

Book Description

This brief traces the story of one of our most common medicines – aspirin. On a journey involving science, diverse characters, shady business deals, innovative advertising and good old-fashioned luck, Rooney and Campbell describe how aspirin was developed and marketed on a global scale. Starting at the beginning of the twentieth century, the authors explain the use of aspirin during the First World War, the development of competition drugs such as ibuprofen during the interwar years, and the application of aspirin to heart disease in the 1950s and 1960s. On a broader level, Rooney and Campbell show that the development of America’s modern pharmaceuticals was a complex weaving of chemistry and mass culture. They argue that aspirin’s story provides a way to understand the application of complex chemical formulas in medical results. This brief is of interest to historians of chemistry and medicine as well as the general educated reader.

Bonds That Tie: Chemical Heritage and the Rise of Cannabis Research

Book Description

This book traces the global chemical history of cannabidiol (CBD), which is a compound that originates partially from hemp (the fiber), marijuana (the popularized term for medicinal/recreational use), and cannabis (the species sativa). It also argues about the position that CBD is in today and the heritage established by chemists over the course of its development. Each term associated with the plant spans centuries of development and cross-culturally became an object of cultivation and commerce. Humans have explored cannabis’ complex chemical possibilities with the hope that it would offer pain relief or some type of mind-numbing portal to other existences. As such the trio and their many incarnations have been and will continue to be an integral part of the past, the present, and the future. Known as cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of the drug, it is one of some 100-plus known cannabinoids; offshoots of the original plant that are isolated and, in some cases, chemically altered. Just as with any supposed pharmaceutical marvel, chemists are at the center of this narrative. In order to understand its historical roots, central to CBD’s discovery was the efforts of scientists who worked in separate eras and regions. These included, Americans Roger Adams and Allyn Howlett, and the Bulgarian-born Israeli chemist Raphael Mechoulam, along with a throng of others. They influenced a generation of students and changed the face of cannabis research into the 21st century. What does its history tell us about the future of chemical products like CBD? This brief will explore the chemical heritage that formed across a complicated nexus of global events. These are the bonds that tie.

A Time-Release History of the Opioid Epidemic

Book Description

This Brief takes the reader on a chemical journey by following the history for over two centuries of how an opiate became an opioid, thus spawning an empire and a series of crises. These imperfect resemblances of alkaloids are both natural and synthetic substances that, particularly in America, are continually part of a growing concern about overuse. This seemed an inviting prospect for those in pain, but as the ubiquitous media coverage continues to lay bare, the levels of abuse point to the fact that perhaps an epidemic is upon us, if not a culture war. Seeking answers to how and why this addiction crisis transpired over two hundred years of long development, this Brief examines the role that the chemistry laboratory played in turning patients into consumers. By utilizing a host of diverse sources, this Brief seeks to trace the design and the production of opioids and their antecedents over the past two centuries. From the isolation and development of the first alkaloids with morphine that relieved pain within the home and on the battlefield, to the widespread use of nostrums and the addiction crisis that ensued, to the dissemination of drugs by what became known as Big Pharma after the World Wars; and finally, to competition from home-made pharmaceuticals, the progenitor was always, in some form, a type of chemistry lab. At times, the laboratory pressed science to think deeply about society's maladies, such as curing disease and alleviating pain, in order to look for new opportunities in the name of progress. Despite the best intentions opioids have created a paradox of pain as they were manipulated by creating relief with synthetic precision and influencing a dystopian vision. Thus, influence came in many forms, from governments, from the medical community, and from the entrepreneurial aspirations of the general populace. For better, but mostly for worse, all played a role in changing forever the trajectory of what started with the isolation of a compound in Germany. Combining chemistry and history in a rousing new long-form narrative that even broadens the definition of a laboratory, the origins and future of this complicated topic are carefully examined.

Political Groups, Parties, and Organizations That Shaped America [3 volumes]

Book Description

This three-volume set explores the multiple roles that parties and interest groups have played in American politics from the nation's beginnings to the present. This set serves as an essential resource for analyzing the emergence and impact of parties and interest groups in the American political system and for understanding the systematic and structural bases for interest group and party behavior. Volume One opens with an introduction by the editors that provides a general overview of the eras and identifies important themes and events, laying a foundation on which the subsequent essays and primary documents for each interest group or political party builds. Narrative essays focus on how specific parties or interest groups have shaped or reflect a particular set of events or general themes in each of the eras in American political history. Topical entries reflect key themes developed throughout the volumes. Entries range from important founding groups and parties to contemporary political action committees and policy advocacy groups. The set also includes primary source documents (e.g., letters, platform documents, court decisions, flyers, etc.) that reveal important dimensions of the corresponding group's political influence.

The World of Antebellum America [2 volumes]

Book Description

This set provides insight into the lives of ordinary Americans free and enslaved, in farms and cities, in the North and the South, who lived during the years of 1815 to 1860. Throughout the Antebellum Era resonated the theme of change: migration, urban growth, the economy, and the growing divide between North and South all led to great changes to which Americans had to respond. By gathering the important aspects of antebellum Americans' lives into an encyclopedia, The World of Antebellum America provides readers with the opportunity to understand how people across America lived and worked, what politics meant to them, and how they shaped or were shaped by economics. Entries on simple topics such as bread and biscuits explore workers' need for calories, the role of agriculture, and gendered divisions of labor, while entries on more complex topics, such as aging and death, disclose Americans' feelings about life itself. Collectively, the entries pull the reader into the lives of ordinary Americans, while section introductions tie together the entries and provide an overarching narrative that primes readers to understand key concepts about antebellum America before delving into Americans' lives in detail.

Drug Repurposing

Book Description

Drug repurposing or drug repositioning is a new approach to presenting new indications for common commercial and clinically approved existing drugs. For example, chloroquine, an old antimalarial drug, showed promising results for treating COVID-19, interfering with MDR in several types of cancer, and chemosensitizing human leukemic cells.This book focuses on the hypothesis, risk/benefits, and economic impacts of drug repurposing on drug discovery in dermatology, infectious diseases, neurological disorders, cancer, and orphan diseases. It brings together up-to-date research to provide readers with an informative, illustrative, and easy-to-read book useful for students, clinicians, and the pharmaceutical industry.

Educational Research and Innovation The Nature of Problem Solving Using Research to Inspire 21st Century Learning

Book Description

Solving non-routine problems is a key competence in a world full of changes, uncertainty and surprise where we strive to achieve so many ambitious goals. But the world is also full of solutions because of the extraordinary competences of humans who search for and find them.


Book Description

This book discusses the vital role of chemistry in everyday life. It encourages readers to understand how the knowledge of chemistry is important for the development of society and a better future. The text is organized into three parts. Part 1 covers the historical aspects of chemistry and discusses how countless discoveries since the beginning of life on earth have benefited human beings. Part 2 focuses on modern life and describes chemistry’s contribution to the developments in the fields of food and agriculture, energy, transportation, medicine, and communications. Part 3 emphasizes the role of chemists and educators in making the layperson aware of the benefits of chemistry without having them to go through its complexities. Written in an easy-to-understand manner and supplemented by ample number of figures and tables, the book will cater to a broad readership ranging from general readers to experts.


Book Description

Forget apples-keep the doctor away with just one aspirin a day. Open any medicine cabinet coast-to-coast and you're nearly guaranteed to find a bottle of aspirin crowded among the lotions and other pills. Aspirin has been used to cure headaches, arthritis, fevers, and inflammation since Hippocrates first began grinding willow bark for his patients. Now go beyond pain relief and take charge of your future health with a simple plan proven to dramatically reduce the risk of the major medical killers such as heart disease, breast cancer, and stroke. Aspirin: The Miracle Drugis the first and only book to reveal the wide-ranging health benefits derived from taking just one aspirin a day. Thousands of medical studies have determined that aspirin lessens the chance of developing many serious conditions. Individual chapters target specific diseases and their prevention and treatment, including: - breast, prostate, and colon cancer - Alzheimer's disease and age-related memory loss - stroke, hypertension, and vascular disease - leukemia and Hodgkin's disease - heart disease. Medical writer Eric Metcalf also details the dangers of drug-drug interactions, drug-herb interactions, and possible complications for people who have certain health conditions.