How Does Employee Empowerment Contribute to Higher Individual and Workgroup Performance? an Empirical Assessment of a Trickle-down Model in Law Enforcement Agencies in Ohio

Book Description

Recent studies on empowerment in public administration have shown many benefits of employee empowerment, including higher job satisfaction, organizational commitment, innovative behavior, and perception of workgroup performance (Fernandez & Moldogaziev, 2011, 2013a, 2013b). However, empowerment's potential contributions to individual and organizational performance remain largely unexplored. The few studies that have examined the connection between employee empowerment and performance outcomes relied on self-reported measures, which are unreliable and inaccurate (Meier & O'Toole, 2013). Moreover, these studies do not provide much insight about the underlying processes through which empowerment from the top of an organization may trickle down to the bottom of the organization. The present study fills these gaps by examining the direct and indirect effects of empowering managerial practices on attitudes, behaviors, and performance of employees at both the individual and workgroup levels. The main research question of this study is: does empowerment lead to higher employee and organization performance in public agencies? To address this question, the study develops a cascading or "trickle-down" model of empowering leadership, in which senior managers' empowering managerial practices are expected to influence junior managers' empowerment practices, which, in turn, are expected to affect frontline employees' work behaviors. More specifically, this study first examines how senior managers' empowering leadership practices affects junior managers' feelings of being empowered and their use of empowering practices toward their direct reports. Second, this study examines the association of junior managers' empowering leadership practices with performance outcomes at different levels. These effects are evaluated in relation to employee effectiveness (i.e., task performance, conscientiousness, and voice), workgroup effectiveness (unit-level task performance, conscientiousness, and voice as well as overall work-unit effectiveness), and managerial effectiveness. Finally, assuming a distinction in the leadership influence between upper and lower levels (Yang, Zhang, & Tsui, 2010), this study examines whether the influence of senior managers' empowering leadership practices can be achieved through full or partial mediation (i.e., the cascading effect) by junior managers' psychological empowerment and their empowering leadership practices. These linkages are assessed with data collected from 507 manager-supervisor-subordinate triads in law enforcement agencies in Ohio. The problem of common method bias is addressed by employing three separate surveys and three sources of data: frontline employees, line supervisors (i.e., junior police officers), and senior team leaders (i.e., senior police officers). The analysis shows a positive relationship between senior (upper-level) and junior police officers (lower-level)' empowering leadership and this relationship is mediated by junior police officers' perceived psychological empowerment. It also reveals positive associations between junior police officers' empowering leadership (lower-level) practices and the behaviors and performance of their direct reports and workgroups. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the influence of senior police officers' empowering leadership on group-level performance outcomes are mediated first by junior police officers' perceptions of psychological empowerment and second by their use of empowering leadership. However, there is only marginal support for such three-path mediation effects on employee in-role and extra-role behaviors at the individual level. Finally, while junior police officers' empowering leadership is positively related to subordinate ratings of managerial effectiveness, there is no such association with supervisor ratings of managerial effectiveness. The present study provides a better understanding of the influences of employee empowerment across organizational hierarchy, by demonstrating that the influences of empowering leadership occur not only directly, among immediate followers, but also indirectly, across hierarchical levels, through the cascading of senior leaders' influences on subordinate leader behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications for research on empowering leadership, psychological empowerment, individual and group-level performance outcomes, and managerial effectiveness are discussed.

Understanding the High Performance Workplace

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This book asks the crucial question: When does high performance supervision become abusive supervision? As more organizations push to adopt high performance work practices (HPWP), the onus increasingly falls on supervisors to do whatever it takes to maximize the productivity of their work teams. In this rigorous, research-based volume, international contributors offer insight into how and when seemingly-beneficial workplace practices cross the line from motivation to abuse. By reviewing critical issues in both high performance work practices and abusive supervision, it illuminates the crossover between these two modes of work, and forges a path for future scholarship.

The Certified Quality Manager Handbook

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Designed as a study aid for those preparing to take the Certified Quality Manager Examination administered by the American Society for Quality (ASQ), this book provides a thorough understanding of the principles, terms and concepts of quality management. The new second edition contains practical examples from many different industries and organizations, including manufacturing, health care, government, education and the service industries.

The Psychology of Employee Empowerment

Book Description

How do you empower employees? Organisations are introducing employee empowerment, but do they really understanding what it means, and therefore how to implement it? In The Psychology of Employee Empowerment, Dr Huq draws on her own research in organisations to deliver a 'practice model' to help people in management and non-management understand the new roles and behaviours that they need to adopt if empowerment is to become a reality. Rozana Ahmad Huq bridges the gaps in knowledge in the management domain and draws attention to the positive and negative psychological implications for employees of the practice of empowerment that are often ignored by leaders and managers. This book is a resource for any business or organisation genuinely interested in employee empowerment, and for those with a responsibility for teaching it.

Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Empowerment

Book Description

The book is based on exploratory research carried out by the author in Indian Business Organizations. It gives insights to Employee Empowerment and five important leadership styles namely Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Servant Leadership, Abusive Leadership and Ethical leadership and their characteristics based on the researches carried out by the scholars and gurus in these fields. Transformational leadership, servant leadership and ethical leadership style enhance the employee empowerment while transactional leadership has no role in employee empowerment. The book highlight that abusive leadership style is used by many leaders and has negative impact on employee empowerment. Employee empowerment results in Quality of Work Life, Commitment and Job Involvement in employees which enhance competitiveness of the organization. It also emphasizes the important of personal characteristics of employees required to make them empowered. Some employees like to be empowered while some others do not. This book provides guidance to new researchers in the field of leadership and employee empowerment to carry out further researches in these fields in various countries and cultures. The book will guide the managers to identify and enhance the required characteristics to be a successful leader. This book will be a new milestone in the above fields of research and beacon to the practicing managers to navigate them to higher success.

True Empowerment in the Workplace

Book Description

This book is for Managers, Industrial Psychologists, HR Professionals and Organizational Development Consultants who wish to enhance employees' human potential, competencies and performance which in turn will lead to the improved efficiency of organisations. This will ultimately have a positive effect on the socio-economic environment. The book includes strategies for the empowerment of all categories of employees. The significance that employees should experience true empowerment, in other words, psychological empowerment is stressed. Psychological empowerment surpasses all other efforts to empower. It is the X-factor of empowerment. It is about empowerment that is not simply structural or mechanistic, such as positions and pay packets, but includes aspects of feeling, such as feeling competent and having influence. The book is based on the author's doctoral thesis and the research she undertook for this purpose. Therefore the student of Organizational Psychology will find it to be a useful resource. It is equally useful for employees aspiring for achievements and making a difference.

People Empowerment Secrets

Book Description

This Not Only Motivate Your Employees And People Around You, But It Can Finally Change Your Life Too. You're About To Discover The PROVEN Secrets on How To Crack the Communication Code With Your Employee! Knowing company direction is very important to a person making decision...So, how well do you manage your employee to stay focused on 'the bigger picture'? Your main job as a leader is to be a guiding light to others. In People Empowerment Secrets: How To Motivate Your Employees And People Around You To Work Towards Your Goal! Will guide you to inspire and empower people with your 'voice of leadership', transforming their lack of clarity and confidence into hopefulness and resolve in moving forward. Successful leaders and managers today are willing to exercise their leadership in such a way that their people are empowered to make decisions, share information, and try new things. Most employees (future leaders) see the value in finding empowerment and are willing to take on the responsibilities that come with it. If future leaders have the wisdom to learn from the experience of present leaders, and if present leaders have the wisdom to build an environment that empowers people, both will share in the benefits. Inside this eBook, you are about to learn some of the following information: Focus on the bigger picture Emphasize the importance of process Building Employees' Involvement Rocognizing Achievement Spread the positive energy to others

The Wisdom of Teams

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The definitive classic on high-performance teams The Wisdom of Teams is the definitive work on how to create high-performance teams in any organization. Having sold nearly a half million copies and been translated into more than fifteen languages, the authors’ clarion call that teams should be the basic unit of organization for most businesses has permanently shaped the way companies reach the highest levels of performance. Using engaging case studies and testimonials from both successful and failed teams—ranging from Fortune 500 companies to the U.S. Army to high school sports—the authors explain the dynamics of teams both in great detail and with a broad view. Their conclusions and prescriptions span the familiar to the counterintuitive: • Commitment to performance goals and common purpose is more important to team success than team building. • Opportunities for teams exist in all parts of the organization. • Real teams are the most successful spearheads of change at all levels. • Working in teams naturally integrates performance and learning. • Team “endings” can be as important to manage as team “beginnings.” Wisdom lies in recognizing a team’s unique potential to deliver results and in understanding its many benefits—development of individual members, team accomplishments, and stronger companywide performance. Katzenbach and Smith’s comprehensive classic is the essential guide to unlocking the potential of teams in your organization.

The Engagement Equation

Book Description

Create a culture of engagement and build high-performance culture The Engagement Equation explains the drivers of employee engagement, and how you can use improved engagement to execute strategy, reduce costs, and meet your organizational goals. This book describes a unique engagement model that focuses on individuals' contribution to a company's success and personal satisfaction in their roles. Aligning employees' values, goals, and aspirations with those of the organization is the best method for achieving the sustainable employee engagement. The Engagement Equation is designed to provide a framework that will help you move the needle on engagement. Explains how to plan and execute a sustainable organization-wide engagement initiative Shows how to avoid the engagement survey analysis-paralysis trap Shares ways to align employee contribution with strategy Encourages leaders to pay attention to and better understand your organizational culture, and much more Ultimately, it's the daily dynamics at play in your team, your division, and your organization that matter most.


Book Description

Written by the scholars who first developed the theory of self-leadership (Christopher P. Neck, Charles C. Manz, & Jeffery D. Houghton), Self-Leadership: The Definitive Guide to Personal Excellence offers powerful yet practical advice for leading yourself to personal excellence. Grounded in research, this milestone book is based on a simple yet revolutionary principle: First learn to lead yourself, and then you will be in a solid position to effectively lead others. This inclusive approach to self-motivation and self-influence equips readers with the strategies and tips they need to build a strong foundation in the study of management, as well as enhancing their own personal effectiveness.