Book Description

Reptilian Joanny and Master HarOld is fate! The two have been together for three decades doing business and subconsciously Kontrolling their MemberShrimps. From the 'Front' they have created it all looks good, from the tie TapLining HarOld wears to the Temple of Eckonkon. Those who have a RealAwareniss can See past the One-Dimensional Performance these two Puppets of the Kalaum God are doing. They are already experiencing a much bigger picture from The RealSide LifeIS with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides of THE ALLIS. Most people have been brainwash to just be 'Liberalized' and to see this world according to those who are in Kontrol, but those who do The NU-U Sessions and Watch Your DreamVisions, they will learn to See Beyond the Kontrolling Maya of Reptilian Joanny and TapLining HK. Only those who have a BraveHeart will be able to handle all the Planned Deception of today's modern era. If YU are a RiskTaker and have the courage to know more, then keep reading and YU will See!


Book Description

"No one on the earth knows what really took place before Paul Twitchell arrived here and was brought into The TruReality of THE ALLIS, or what he termed as 'The Rod of Power, ' which is for those on the earth in a literal sense. The Six Levels of Creation are power areas, and this was his definition at the time of his presence into The RealPosition in 1965 from Rebazar Tarzs. Before coming here, Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides were preparing our adventure into the PsycRealms of time and space. I had just finished the first part of my preparation that took lifetimes with The RealGuides, and then to finish with my life before this one as a half-breed Indian in the southwest of the US, known as 'Goldie, Golden Winged Warrior.' For what seemed like eternity in The Seventh LifeLevel, I was with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides, along with the Being who would be known as Paul Twitchell on the earth...


Book Description


Book Description

Most of this world looks to a God for their life. The Bible is usually their source of information. With this 'NUBook Introduction' I am focusing on Your DreamVisions. In the Bible, Noah and Joesph and others are spoken about how they received their information and messages from their God. All of us Dream. I am personally with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides and ALLIS The Natural Environment, and at the same time "I am Okay & Fine with whatever other people decide!" LifeIS ALL About Becoming MoreAware and being able to Survive Better. By simply learning to Watch Your DreamVisions, YU, The RealU, will be shown how to Survive Better from the Source, YU have decided. This is how Noah saved himself and many others, because he paid attention to His DreamVisions and then acted upon the information he received. The people in the village did not pay attention to their DreamVisions. It really does Make Sense to do The NU-U Sessions & Watch Your DreamVisions Now.


Book Description

DR. DUANE and DR. EVA, are Direct Representatives with The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. When YU Test The NU U Sessions, YU can have The RealSide Experience of having DR. Duane & DR. Eva show YU The RealCure for ALL and What IS Real Now. In Your Dreams Your God or Master could show you 'What IS Real Now' but only if Your God or Master has The RealCourage to do so, as most people already belong to some form of Restricting Religious Regime or Subservient Spiritual System. To many, this would sound so funny, but there is so much more to the Gods of Man and the Master Role that so many play to Kontrol others than is Seen on the surface of this world. The Kult Kontrolling Authoritarians have Konditioned the Old Masses into a 'Huge Mass Hypnotizm' and have Marketed the masses into 'Believing' in something that is altogether unbelievable, because the Invented Gods of Man are actually Make-Believe and so are the OnStage Masters of today who like to perform with their Pretty Words.