How Ottawa Spends 2017-2018

Book Description

It is the specifics, in terms of items at the top of the policy agenda and the policy actors involved who may have changed over time. [...] As this year's chapters on the state of federal policy on energy/environment and pharmacare suggest, policy studies will provide more in-depth analysis of some of the key contemporary issues on the federal policy agenda and on the public's mind. [...] The negotiation of federal/provincial/territorial health financing arrangements began with all of the trappings of executive federalism that characterized the Canadian state from the time of Pearson to the Martin government - a classic meeting of ministers of health, ostensibly for the purpose of making a national deal. [...] It is important to understand the backdrop of these major economic and social preoccupations (and, in some cases, funding commitments) when looking at any federal government's current budget, as the budget is the best indicator of where the government of the day actually intends to go with its policy agenda. [...] Among the many areas in which the government intends to move forward are spurring innovation and productivity, education and skills upgrading of the workforce, infrastructure investment, supporting and strengthening the middle class, and inclusive sharing of the benefits of economic growth.

How Ottawa Spends

Book Description

How Ottawa Spends, 1992-93

Book Description

How Ottawa Spends, 2014-2015

Book Description

The 2014-15 edition of How Ottawa Spends critically examines national politics and related fiscal, economic, and social priorities and policies, with an emphasis on the now long-running Harper-linked Senate scandal and the serious challenges to Harper's leadership and controlling style of attack politics. Contributors from across Canada examine the Conservative government agenda both in terms of its macroeconomic fiscal policy and electoral success since 2006 and also as it plans for a 2015 electoral victory with the aid of a healthy surplus budgetary war chest. Individual chapters examine several closely linked political, policy, and spending realms including the growing strength and nature of the Justin Trudeau-led Liberal Party challenge, the 2014 Harper Economic Action Plan, the demise of federal environmental policy under Harper’s responsible resource development strategy, the Conservative’s crime and punishment agenda, the growing evidence regarding the federal government’s muzzling of scientists and evidence in federal policy formation, and the now five-year story of the Harper creation, treatment, and role of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

How Ottawa Spends, 1988-1989

Book Description

This is the ninth edition of How Ottawa Spends. As in years past, this volume focuses largely on national priorities, federal spending and taxing. However, it also deals with the less visible underside of federal regulatory law and non-discretionary expenditures, such as the federal share of the Canada Assistance Plan. This is appropriate in terms of the theme of this volume: "Heading Into the Stretch". It is likely that this will be the last edition of How Ottawa Spends before the next federal election. Informed discussion and debate about the various federal responsibilities covered in this review are intended to spark public interest and help in consideration of the government record. It is hoped that the examination of the February 1988 budget and 1988-89 Estimates contained in this volume will also be illuminating.

How Ottawa Spends 2008-2009

Book Description

Analyzing the Harper government's agenda in the context of changing federal-provincial relations.