How Readest Thou?

Book Description

How Readest Thou?

Book Description

In a day when the authority of Scripture has been questioned and come under attack by many both inside and outside the church, this small book is a welcome read to those concerned and interested believers, showing us just how important the Bible truly is, how no other book in the world is like it, how it provides comfort and hope, its impact on humanity, and so much more. Additionally, Bishop J. C. Ryle concludes his "tract" on the subject by offering practical advice for reading the Bible daily.

How Readest Thou?

Book Description

Why Read the Bible Through & How Readest Thou?

Book Description

This book sets up twenty-six of the blessings most desired by all men and women (Everlasting Life; Wisdom; Satisfaction; Freedom; Contentment; Peace; Joy; Love; Hope; Self-control, etc). It proves that every one of them can become true in the lives of anyone reading the Scriptures through and through. It takes only 15 minutes a day to read the Bible through in a year! It is not lack of time that keeps you from reading it through, it is lack of love for God's Word. Every one of these heartfelt desires is proven to be promised to the reader of God's Word. Each of them is illustrated by many verses directly quoted from the Bible. Very useful for Bible Study groups, prison ministries, as well as individuals. How Readest Thou? JOHN CHARLES RYLE (1816-1900) once believed that Christianity must be one of the most disagreeable occupations on earth-or in heaven. But one day he happened into a church where, hearing Scripture read out loud, he was transformed. One verse, and the emphasis made in between each clause, gripped him. "By grace are ye saved ...through faith . . . and that not of yourselves ... it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8) In 1880 after forty-one years in the ministry, he was made the first Bishop of Liverpool, in the Church of England. As a bishop he adopted one single text for his official rule: "Thy word is truth" ( John 17:7). He lived in Victorian England, when preachers were known for their doctrine; and the doctrine he preached was solid, biblical, and unmistakable. This is why his works have lasted-and will last-they bear the stamp of eternity. One of the bravest and best of men: ' This is true because he was a man of one book; he was steeped in Scripture; he bled Bible. As only Ryle could say, "It is still the first book which fits the child's mind when he begins to learn religion, and the last to which the old man clings as he leaves the world: '

"How Readest Thou?"

Book Description