How Scripture Interprets Scripture

Book Description

This book addresses a topic of vital concern to the church: How does the ancient biblical text speak to us today? Michael Graves, an expert in ancient exegesis, describes how Old Testament texts interpret earlier Old Testament traditions, explores New Testament reception, and explains how insights from this process translate into present-day biblical interpretation. Graves clearly explains and illustrates this approach with fulsome discussions of five themes that are addressed in various ways in the Bible: personal responsibility; sacrificial offerings; insiders and outsiders; marriage, polygamy, and divorce; and the afterlife. By attending to the way these topics are addressed throughout the entire biblical witness, we become better interpreters and teachers who are more adept at discerning the Bible's teaching on these topics and others for our modern world.

Knowing Scripture

Book Description

In this revised edition of his classic, R. C. Sproul helps us dig out the meaning of Scripture for ourselves. He presents a commonsense approach to studying Scripture and gives eleven practical guidelines for biblical interpretation and applying what we learn. He lays the groundwork by discussing why we should study the Bible and how our own personal study relates to interpretation.

Interpreting Scripture

Book Description

Draws together the most important articles on Scripture and hermeneutics by distinguished scholar and author N. T. Wright. Interpreting Scripture brings together into one volume Wright's self-selected, key lectures, papers, and reflections on topics of scriptural interpretation, including: The Lord's Prayer as a Paradigm of Christian Prayer Christian Origins and the Question of God Faith, Virtue, Justification, and the Journey to Freedom Revelation and Christian Hope: Political Implications of the Revelation to John Apocalyptic and the Sudden Fulfilment of Divine Promise …and many more. Interpreting Scripture displays Wright's engaging prose, his courage to go where few have gone, and his joy to bridge the work of the academy and the church. Here is a rich feast for any serious student of the Bible, especially of the New Testament. Detailed, incisive, and exquisitely nuanced exegesis, this collection will reward you with a clearer, deeper, and more informed appreciation of Scripture and its application to Christian life and thought today. Many of the included studies have never been published or were made available only in hard-to-find larger volumes and journals.

Old Testament Use of Old Testament

Book Description

Old Testament Use of Old Testament contains in one clearly arranged volume hundreds of scriptural allusions in the Old Testament, along with a hermeneutical profile of each Old Testament book's overall use of Scripture. A one-of-a-kind resource, it provides an invaluable beginning place for study of scriptural exegesis within the Old Testament.

Bearing God's Name

Book Description

What does the Old Testament—especially the law—have to do with your Christian life? In this warm, accessible volume, Carmen Joy Imes takes readers back to Sinai, arguing that we've misunderstood the command about "taking the Lord's name in vain." Instead, Imes says that this command is really about "bearing God's name," a theme that continues throughout the rest of Scripture.

Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church

Book Description

Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice. The books in the series will make the wealth of early Christian thought available to new generations of students of theology and provide a valuable resource for the Church. This volume focuses on how Scripture was interpreted and used for preaching, teaching, apologetics, and worship by early Christian scholars and church leaders. Developed in light of recent Patristic scholarship, Ad Fontes volumes will provide a representative sampling of key sources from both East and West that illustrate early Christian thought and practice. The series aims to provide volumes that are relevant for a variety of courses, including classes on theology, biblical interpretation, and church history. The goal of each volume is not to be exhaustive, but rather representative enough to denote for a non-specialist audience the multivalent character of early Christian thought, allowing readers to see how and why early Christian doctrine and practice developed the way it did.

Basic Bible Interpretation

Book Description

BASIC BIBLE INTERPRETATION Can the Bible really be understood? Are Old Testament prophecies relevant for today? How can I understand the symbolism of the Book of Revelation? What is the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament? Why study Bible interpretation? Dr. Roy Zuck points out that it is essential for understanding and teaching the Bible properly, essential as a step beyond observation, and essential for applying the Bible correctly. He discusses the challenges of Bible interpretation, considers the problems of Bible interpretation, explores the history of Bible interpretation, and defines key terms--all in a practical, down-to-earth way. Though Dr. Zuck's many years of teaching and scholarship are evident in this book, he has written in language understandable to all who are serious about bible study and who want to know better what Scripture means.

The Hermeneutics of the Biblical Writers

Book Description

A method of interpretation--a hermeneutic--is indispensable for understanding Scripture, constructing theology, and living the Christian life, but most contemporary hermeneutical systems fail to acknowledge the principles and practices of the biblical writers themselves. Christians today cannot employ a truly biblical view of the Bible unless they understand why the prophets and apostles interpreted Scripture the way they did. To this end, Abner Chou proposes a "hermeneutic of obedience," in which believers learn to interpret Scripture the way the biblical authors did--including understanding the New Testament's use of the Old Testament. Chou first unfolds the "prophetic hermeneutic" of the Old Testament authors, and demonstrates the continuity of this approach with the "apostolic hermeneutic" of the New Testament authors.

Scripture Twisting

Book Description

How often have you encountered some bizarre doctrine only to be stunned to hear a Bible verse quoted to support it? With new religious cults springing up almost daily and old ones growing rapidly, this is more and more common. How are they seemingly able to twist Scripture to mean something orthodox Christians have never believed it to mean in two thousand years? James Sire, author of The Universe Next Door and How to Read Slowly, has isolated twenty separate kinds of reading errors which are characteristically made by cultists as they interpret the Bible. He covers the full range from simple misquotation to complex argumentation which links one slightly eccentric interpretation to another, mixes in a few orthodox readings and ends with a conclusion totally foreign to the biblical world view. Sire also handles twisted translation, overspecification, virtue by association, ignoring the context and other flawed interpretations. A book to help us all become better readers of the Scriptures.