How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality

Book Description

How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality compiles the proceedings from the Milken Family Foundation's National Education Conference (NEC), which took place in Washington, D.C., in May 2006. Each year, the NEC brings together practitioners, policymakers and private sector representatives to focus on critical issues in education. This work expands on the ideas and themes discussed in the first three volumes in this series on education policy: The first volume-Talented Teachers: The Essential Force for Improving Student Achievement-examined the importance of teacher quality. As the second in the series, Improving Student Achievement: Reforms that Work, introduced reform ideas and programs that positively impact both teacher quality and student work. The Challenges of School Reform: Implementation, Impact and Sustainability deepened these discussions by exploring the answers to questions regarding ensuring the longevity and sustained success of effective school reform. How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality examines the roles of teachers, the education sector, the government sector and the private sector in enhancing teacher quality. From the building level to the federal level, panelists sought to provide insight from their individual and collective endeavors to improve the quality of today's teaching force to significantly impact the future.

How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality

Book Description

How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality compiles the proceedings from the Milken Family Foundation's National Education Conference (NEC), which took place in Washington, D.C., in May 2006. Each year, the NEC brings together practitioners, policymakers and private sector representatives to focus on critical issues in education. This work expands on the ideas and themes discussed in the first three volumes in this series on education policy: The first volume—Talented Teachers: The Essential Force for Improving Student Achievement—examined the importance of teacher quality. As the second in the series, Improving Student Achievement: Reforms that Work, introduced reform ideas and programs that positively impact both teacher quality and student work. The Challenges of School Reform: Implementation, Impact and Sustainability deepened these discussions by exploring the answers to questions regarding ensuring the longevity and sustained success of effective school reform. How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality examines the roles of teachers, the education sector, the government sector and the private sector in enhancing teacher quality. From the building level to the federal level, panelists sought to provide insight from their individual and collective endeavors to improve the quality of today’s teaching force to significantly impact the future.

How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality

Book Description

How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality compiles the proceedings from the Milken Family Foundation's National Education Conference (NEC), which took place in Washington, D.C., in May 2006. Each year, the NEC brings together practitioners, policymakers and private sector representatives to focus on critical issues in education. This work expands on the ideas and themes discussed in the first three volumes in this series on education policy: The first volume-Talented Teachers: The Essential Force for Improving Student Achievement-examined the importance of teacher quality. As the second in the series, Improving Student Achievement: Reforms that Work, introduced reform ideas and programs that positively impact both teacher quality and student work. The Challenges of School Reform: Implementation, Impact and Sustainability deepened these discussions by exploring the answers to questions regarding ensuring the longevity and sustained success of effective school reform. How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality examines the roles of teachers, the education sector, the government sector and the private sector in enhancing teacher quality. From the building level to the federal level, panelists sought to provide insight from their individual and collective endeavors to improve the quality of today's teaching force to significantly impact the future.

Improving Teacher Quality

Book Description

Techniques for the difficult task of improving teacher quality No one stakeholder group can realize lasting change on their own; nor can any reform initiative focusing on just one type of strategy create the workplace conditions needed to truly build capacity within the education profession. Rather, stakeholders must focus on collaborating, reaching common understanding, and prioritizing for ultimate impact on the quality of teachers and teaching. This book discusses research and concrete examples of practice tied to teacher quality intended to improve eight key interrelated factors: Preparation; Recruitment; Hiring; Induction; Professional Development; Compensation and Incentives; Working Conditions; and Performance Management. Offers a framework and strategies for understanding the issues that make up the teacher quality question Written for educational leaders, superintendents, district administrators, teacher leaders, and principals, as well as policy-makers and other stakeholders Filled with illustrative examples teacher quality The author addresses the most important factor that affects student achievement-the quality of the teacher.

Boosting Teacher Quality

Book Description

Teachers, individually and collectively, are the most important school-level factor affecting student outcomes. Policies to support, develop and incentivise teacher quality have thus been central to European Commission’s Education and Training 2020 strategic objective, “Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training”. This study explores evidence on the impact of different policy measures to raise teacher quality, and considers how countries may draw on this evidence to develop long-term strategies appropriate for their own contexts and cultures. The main outcome of this study is a tool (a 4-stage matrix) to aid policy makers and stakeholders in developing a coherent policy mix to support individual and collective teacher quality. The tool can help each country and group of stakeholders to frame its analysis of existing teacher policies, define aims to develop teaching as an advanced knowledge-based profession, and plan the steps needed to achieve those aims.

The Buying and Selling of American Education

Book Description

American educators and policy makers have grown increasingly frustrated in recent decades as attempts to enhance equity and bring American student learning to the level experienced in other countries have faltered. Recent efforts have included the standards movement as well as broad expansion of “school choice.” These endeavors, which largely rely on market-based thinking, assume that individual schools and teachers have the will and ability to do better, if only prodded by competition and other sticks and carrots. Such attempts overlook flaws in a system developed to provide a “common” education while also subdividing resources to maintain privilege for some. This book traces the history of American education as a foundation to examining persistent weaknesses in education today. Meaningful reform and improvement, which are urgent needs, will require broad, systemic change, based on the engagement of many sectors. This book offers a vision for such reform. Following successful models in other countries suggests options for moving away from current, deeply enmired, systemic inequities, to a system better suited to meeting a broad range of educational needs. A portfolio of diverse schools, regionally administered and held accountable for student learning, presents an option for moving away from inequitable district structures and scatter-shot “choice” options. The critical questions are how to get there from here, and do we have the will to do so? The book concludes with suggestions on how to start the process.

absenteeism and beyond: instructional time loss and consequences

Book Description

Abstract: Studies have shown that learning outcomes are related to the amount of time students engage in learning tasks. However, visits to schools have revealed that students are often taught for only a fraction of the intended time, particularly in lower-income countries. Losses are due to informal school closures, teacher absenteeism, delays, early departures, and sub-optimal use of time in the classroom. A study was undertaken to develop an efficient methodology for measuring instructional time loss. Thus, instructional time use was measured in sampled schools in Tunisia, Morocco, Ghana, and the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. The percentage of time that students were engaged in learning vis-à-vis government expectations was approximately 39 percent in Ghana, 63 percent in Pernambuco, 71 percent in Morocco, and 78 percent in Tunisia. Instructional time use is a mediator variable that is challenging to measure, so it often escapes scrutiny. Research suggests that merely financing the ingredients of instruction is not enough to produce learning outcomes; students must also get sufficient time to process the information. The quantity-quality tradeoff that often accompanies large-scale enrollments may be partly due to instructional time restrictions. Time wastage also distorts budgetary outlays and teacher salary rates. To achieve the Millennium Development Goals students must get more of the time that governments, donors, and parents pay for.

Solving Education's Problems Effectively

Book Description

Rich in practical information about the history of American education, Solving Education''s Problems Effectively encourages readers to analyze, prioritize, and synthesize historical information by applying it to current situations. Using more than thirty case studies, Giordano suggests solutions to issues that plague educators across the nation-from textbook quality to gender, race, and religion biases. The case studies are accompanied by activities to prompt educators to higher levels of thinking about the problems they face.

Improving Teacher Quality

Book Description

This groundbreaking work examines teacher quality, work norms, and professional learning opportunities, using data from 15 countries. The authors compare and contrast the United States with two high-achieving countries--Japan and Australia--that have implemented very different approaches to improving teacher quality. Drawing on both large international data sets and ethnographic and small-scale studies, the book addresses critical questions: (2) How do teacher quality and teacher recruitment and hiring policies in the United States differ from those in other countries?; (2) How do the working conditions of U.S. teachers differ from those of teachers in other countries?; (3) How do U.S. teachers' opportunities for professional learning differ from those of teachers in other countries?; (4) How do the characteristics of the national teaching force influence student achievement?; And (5) What U.S. policies offer promise for improving teacher quality?

International Handbook of Teacher Quality and Policy

Book Description

The International Handbook of Teacher Quality and Policy is a comprehensive resource that examines how teacher quality is conceptualized, negotiated, and contested, and teacher policies are developed and implemented by global, national, and local policy actors. Edited by two of the leading comparative authorities in the field, it draws on the research and contributions of scholars from across the globe to explore five central questions: How has teacher quality been conceptualized from various disciplinary and theoretical perspectives? How are global and transnational policy actors and networks influencing teacher policies and practices? What are the perspectives and experiences of teachers in local policy contexts? What do comparative research studies tell us about teachers and how their work and policy contexts influence their teaching? How have various countries implemented policies aimed at improving teacher quality and how have these policies influenced teachers and students? The international contributors represent a wide variety of scholars who identify global dynamics influencing policy discourses on teacher quality, and examine national and local teaching and policy environments influencing teacher policy development and implementation in various countries. Divided into five sections, the book brings together the latest conceptual and empirical studies on teacher quality and teacher policies to inform future policy directions for recruiting, educating, and supporting the teaching profession.