How to Acquire Surplus Federal Real Property for Educational Purposes

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Agencies and departments of the federal government may find that they own property that they no longer require. This may occur because of a change in their program requirements, a reduction in their operations or the relocation of programs to other sites. These properties are reported to the General Services Administration as excess. Military installations may also be determined excess but are disposed of under the "Base Realignment and Closure" acts (BRAC). The "Federal Property and Administrative Services Act" of 1949 (P.L. 81-152), as amended, provides statutory authority for the disposal of excess real property to another executive agency having a need for the property, or, if there is no such need, for its disposal as surplus property in accordance with federal laws and regulations. This act gives to the secretary of education the authority to sell surplus federal real property to eligible applicants who have demonstrated a need for the property at a Public Benefit Allowance discount, which takes into consideration benefits that may accrue to the United States as a result of its use for educational purposes. This paper provides ideas on how to acquire surplus federal real property for educational purposes.

Donable Surplus Property Program

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Donable Surplus Property Program

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