How To Decode God, Creation, The Tree Of Life, Angels & Demons, The Devil, The Afterlife, The Underworld, The Brain, The Planets and The Universe.

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The only true convincing explanations to the questions about God, Creation & DNA, The Tree Of Life, Angels & Demons, The Devil, The Afterlife, The Underworld, The Brain, The Planets and The Universe. A detailed explanation supported by the bible, history, science and even religion as a whole. We decoded the following; 1. The DNA sequencing. We know the DNA language and its rules. 2. God. We can tell you about God information you will never find somewhere else. 3. The brain. Only us can tell you how to decode the brain. Visit Visit also

Detailed Specifications of The Brain Decoding Device and How to Use It To Decode Brain Thoughts to Word or Audio. . A Complete Step-by-Step Guide.

Book Description

You can never find a brain decoding device and how to use it anywhere else as detailed as in this book series; Thoughts To Word Or Audio. This is what the device looks like and how it works and how to use it. Changing the world you know forever. Tomorrow's World Order bringing change on your doorstep, Change never thought of in our lifetime. A new world order led by David Gomadza. Are you ready? I am!

Decoding the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza.

Book Description

This is the detailed explanations mainly to the Egyptian Pyramids part of the book which the first volume titled: Encyclopedia of Decoding Dreams. How the Brain Creates and Processes Dreams. How to Interpret Dreams. Using the Brain-Dream Map to find Egypt's Pyramid of Giza’s Pharaoh’s Treasure and His Burial Place. This is Volume II. In this book I go deeper explaining why the Egyptians built the pyramids and how they built these pyramids. The ultimate revelations? Hints: What if the real God was one of us?


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Instructions On How To Get A Wearable Brain Books Code Of Any Book In The World Using Our Wearable Brain Books Digital Analogue Converter This is how to get the Wearable Brain Books Code of any book in the world Click this link A Wearable Brain Book Digital Analogue Converter Any issues you can play this video as well at the same time to fully hear the code “speak in your mouth” A Digital Thoughts To Words Converter Then play the video you must have a pen and paper to write the code Now say the title of the book you want Code for Say; [ title of the book ] Write down the code given while playing the Wearable Brain Books Digital Analogue Converter This is how easy and simple this is to read Wearable Brain Books

Wearable Brain Books

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Knowledge at the speed of thought. Choose a book. Get the corresponding code. Simply say, ‘Upload & Read’. The Brain Converts Words into Nerve Impulses and Action Potentials So That You Feel The Books As Well"

Encyclopedia of Decoding DNA Sequence.

Book Description

This is how to decode DNA sequence and everything to do with genes and life. Look no further. Visit


Book Description

PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798322266914 If we as humans know exactly how the brain is designed and work then it is only a matter of time before a human being can create a brain that really works If we are to write down everything that is needed to create a brain that work this is the recipe RECIPE FOR A BRAIN THAT WORKS 1] We need memory, brain memory is isobiterghtige meaning it must expand and compress to add more information and hence must be isobiterghtige 2] we need a ftighiterete meaning something that cab be used to superimpose at least 9 items all on one line something that put 9 human handwriting pages on one and be able to read all 9 as one at the same time 3] be able to have a sobetertghereteghi meaning something that can and will be evident for a billion years from now Something used to store information meaning something that can last a billion years and the only thing is electromagnetic sheet This is the formula THE FORMULA FOR CREATING AN ELECTROMAGNETIC SHEET CALLED SOBETERTGHERETEGHI APPLICATION FOR A PATENT FOR - BRAIN WEARABLE BOOKS -DATABASES. THAT ARE READ DIRECTLY BY THE BRAIN AS OVERLAID ON THE BRAIN AND SUPERIMPOSED ON TOP OF EACH OTHER UP TO 9 AND ALL CAN BE READ AT THE SAME TIME OR EMBEDDED AND SAVED IN THE [STERSTUVWXY] WHERE BRAIN COMMANDS ARE USED TO UPLOAD, EMBED, READ, UNLOAD, SAVE AND REMOVE.

Creation and the Consequence of Satan's Fall

Book Description

The Gap Theory shows evidence of the dinosaurs becoming extinct as the result of Satan's fall and explores the origin of demons as being disembodied spirits of a pre-Adamic race, who were judged by God, as the result of Satan's sin. Why was man commissioned by God in Genesis 1:28 to "replenish" the earth? Why did God use that word? Could this be a reference to a pre-Adamic race that was created in Genesis 1:1 and destroyed in Genesis 1:2 due to Satan's fall, and which the human was to "replace" or "replenish"? Read where angels that sinned left their heavenly habitation and came down to earth to procreate with humans and whose children were called "Mighty men, which were of old, men of renown," offspring that are the source of all the ancient secular myths that claim the "gods" came down to earth and married human women.

God's Secrets Revealed: As the War in Heaven Continues on Earth - PREPARE FOR THE FALL OF AMERICA

Book Description

Will America suffer the same fate as Atlantis? Atlantis was God’s first large province created after Lucifer was cast from heaven, but not before the ultimate fallen angel, renamed Satan, rebelled, causing untold chaos, death and destruction in the universe. Eventually, the devil’s hatred of God’s creation, law and order carried over into this world to such an extreme, only God Himself could intervene. It came in the form of a “pole shift”; the great Cataclysm that sank Atlantis, killing millions and sending the fallen angels or “dark lights” scattering. But God knew history would repeat itself as our world is once again experiencing the devastating effects of when man doesn’t learn from his mistakes; as greed, corruption and abuse of power relentlessly continues. The turmoil on earth has always been a Spiritual War between the Forces of Good and Evil that began in the cosmos. Earth was created as a “schoolhouse” to provide lessons for those who lost their physical bodies but not their souls, in the great Universal Battle, due to Satan’s deception. This battle will be permitted to play out according to Bible prophecy, wherein ones will again be given the chance to choose whose side they’re on, Christ or the devil. When global order deteriorates, especially in America, to the point of no return as is happening now, God will need to directly intervene again just as He did before in the antediluvian era, by bringing Judgment in the form of another pole shift. Meanwhile, Satan, knowing his time is short, is working overtime to take as many souls with him to eternal damnation, doing so through earthly minions, those who’ve sold out and are doing his bidding. The Mark of the Beast of Rev. 13 is destined to become the devil’s greatest tool to make this happen. And it’s just around the corner. This book shares some of God’s best kept secrets such as an elaborate account of the War in Heaven and how it affects everyone; also the Levels Planet System, why Earth was created and how it’s actually an extension of God’s mercy, the truth of past lives, benevolent human-looking beings from other planets and living spacecraft, the lost continent of Atlantis and how it parallels with America, soul mates or the “marriage made in heaven,” who guides and missioned beings are and much more. But its greatest purpose is to warn and help people prepare for the future so all can make the right choice for God and live forever, not only on a purified earth, but also within the realms of our original homeland, the place where everyone’s from, the universe.