How to Enhance Morality

Book Description

This book offers an innovative approach to moral enhancement. We, as humans, have a moral duty to be as good as we can be. Hence, moral bio-enhancement (MBE), if effective and safe, is our moral duty. However, it has to be voluntary because if it is made compulsory, human freedom (of the will) would be curtailed. As freedom (of the will) is an essential component of humanness, compulsory MBE would infringe upon our humanness. An essential question is; what will motivate humans to subject themselves voluntarily to MBE?The book argues - and supports by using empirical/experimental evidence - that morality and happiness operate in a circularly supportive relationship that applies to most humans most of the time: the better they are, the happier they will be; the happier they are, the better they will be. Hence, the grounding rationale for MBE ought not to be the prevention of “ultimate harm” based on compulsory MBE (as argued by Persson and Savulescu), but human happiness based on voluntary MBE. The primary objective of the book is to provide the readers with an original view on moral enhancement, whilst proposing a novel conception of moral enhancement that is informed by new biotechnological developments.

The Ultimate Enhancement of Morality

Book Description

This book deals with good, evil, happiness and morally enhanced post-humans. It offers a succinct historical elaboration of philosophical stances towards morality and happiness, focusing on Kant's ideas in particular. Human augmented ethical maturity in a futuristic version of Kant’s Ethical Commonwealth implies, among else, voluntary moral bio-enhancement (VMBE); consequently, more happiness – as morality and happiness are in a circularly supportive relationship; ultimate morality (UM). UM is in its own way a universal morality. In line with the contention that Kant’s vision of the (not immediate but more distant) future of humanity is one of a cosmopolitan moral order in which humans act virtuously in the broadest possible community, that is, humanity, it is justified to conclude that successful VMBE is conducive to Kant’s vision. In this context the book is of great interest to a broad audience, such as those interested in VMBE and novel conceptions of morality, and those with an interest in the historical development of morality and happiness, in philosophy (specifically, ethics) and in post-humanity.

100 Ways to Enhance Values and Morality in Schools and Youth Settings

Book Description

Appropriate for use at all levels from elementary school through college, this unique guide combines the best field-tested approaches to values, character, citizenship, and moral education into a single comprehensive, easy-to-implement model for contemporary values education. This model incorporates time-tested methods for instilling and modeling traditional values such as respect, responsibility, and compassion with more modern methods aimed at helping students learn to think for themselves, make their own responsible decisions, and develop the skills needed for good citizenship and moral literacy. This is a timely and significant book packed with 100 specific strategies, hundreds of practical ideas, dozens of thought-provoking cartoons and quotes, and numerous examples from real elementary and secondary schools. Designed to work hand in hand with a teacher's current academic, subject matter objectives, this approach does not depend on a separate module or curriculum focused on values. The author explains how teachers can integrate values education and subject matter learning so they enhance one another, and provides numerous examples of subject matter activities and lessons that also meet the objectives of a values program. These activities are effective, motivating, and interesting for students and teachers -- they make the classroom come alive. K-12 Classroom Teachers. A Longwood Professional BookAlso available in casebound: ISBN: 0-205-16411-0 Title Code: H64116.

A Theory of Moral Education

Book Description

Children must be taught morality. They must be taught to recognise the authority of moral standards and to understand what makes them authoritative. But there’s a problem: the content and justification of morality are matters of reasonable disagreement among reasonable people. This makes it hard to see how educators can secure children’s commitment to moral standards without indoctrinating them. In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand tackles this problem head on. He sets out to show that moral education can and should be fully rational. It is true that many moral standards and justificatory theories are controversial, and educators have an obligation to teach these nondirectively, with the aim of enabling children to form their own considered views. But reasonable moral disagreement does not go all the way down: some basic moral standards are robustly justified, and these should be taught directively, with the aim of bringing children to recognise and understand their authority. This is an original and important contribution to the philosophy of moral education, which lays a new theoretical foundation for the urgent practical task of teaching right from wrong.

How to Teach Moral Competence

Book Description

What is moral competence? Can it be measured? Can it be taught effectively? If so, how? This book explores these questions from three perspectives: experimental psychology, curriculum development, and instructor training. Part one discusses the research from which, like a jig-saw puzzle, a comprehensive picture of the nature, development, and teachability of morality emerges. The picture focuses on moral competence, the ability to solve problems and conflicts on the basis of moral principles through deliberation and discussion rather than violence and deceit. Part two explains how moral competence can be taught effectively with the Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion (also known as Discussion Theater), which has been used with great success to foster moral development in schools and universities, military installations, prisons, and retirement communities in many countries. The book describes the Method, gives vivid illustrations of its use, and provides psychologists, teachers, and professional trainers with resources and guidance in its application. ``The definitive, research-based book on morality teaching with highly useful applications to educational practice. Highly recommended.'' Dr. Herbert Walberg, Emeritus Professor of Education and Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago. ``We all want to be `good' Lind contends - it's part of our human inheritance. But being morally competent, he shows, is enhanced and nourished when educators develop propulsive learning opportunities for students to practice and develop.'' Dr. William Ayers, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago. ``Lind's mastery of the history and philosophy of morality and moral education is quite apparent. He writes of the complex issues bound up in morality in a beautifully clear and persuasive manner.'' Dr. Richard M. Felder, Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus, North Carolina State University. ``Dr. Lind's experimental and educational approach to morality is unique worldwide.'' Dr. Ewa Nowak, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. ``I really didn't think that one can discuss highly controversial issues in such a peaceful way. I learned a lot.'' A forty year old participant of a KMDD/DT session.

Unfit for the Future

Book Description

Introduction -- Human nature and common-sense morality -- Liberal democracy -- Catastrophic misuses of science -- Responsibility for omissions -- the Tragedy of the commons -- the Tragedy of the environment and liberal democracy -- Authoritarianism and democracy -- Moral enhancement as a possible way out.

Unfit for the Future

Book Description

Unfit for the Future argues that the future of our species depends on our urgently finding ways to bring about radical enhancement of the moral aspects of our own human nature. We have rewritten our own moral agenda by the drastic changes we have made to the conditions of life on earth. Advances in technology enable us to exercise an influence that extends all over the world and far into the future. But our moral psychology lags behind and leaves us ill equipped to deal with the challenges we now face. We need to change human moral motivation so that we pay more heed not merely to the global community, but to the interests of future generations. It is unlikely that traditional methods such as moral education or social reform alone can bring this about swiftly enough to avert looming disaster, which would undermine the conditions for worthwhile life on earth forever. Persson and Savulescu maintain that it is likely that we need to explore the use of new technologies of biomedicine to change the bases of human moral motivation. They argue that there are in principle no philosophical or moral objections to such moral bioenhancement. Unfit for the Future challenges us to rethink our attitudes to our own human nature, before it is too late.

In the Name of Morality

Book Description

There is presumably a trend toward depoliticization of character education as character educators claim to teach universal values and engage in community-based decision making. However, as Tianlong Yu argues in this book, under the umbrella of universality, character educators define virtues based on neo-conservative ideologies. In the name of community, they trivialize issues of gender, race, class, and culture and promote the interests of dominant social groups. In the Name of Morality: Character Education and Political Control traces the historical origins of character education and stimulates readers to look critically into the social interests, power relations, and political agendas that have shaped the character education movement in the United States. This challenging, yet engaging, book reaffirms the crucial relationship between moral education and politics. It is a must-read for anyone who is concerned about students' character building and moral education in schools.

How to be Good

Book Description

'How to be Good?' is the pre-eminent question for ethics, although one that philosophers and ethicists seldom address head on. Knowing how to be good, or perhaps (more modestly and more accurately) knowing how to go about trying to be good, and the ways in which it is pointless or self-defeating to try to be good, is of immense theoretical and practical importance. And what goes for trying to be good oneself, goes also for trying to provide others with ways of being good, and for trying to make them good whether they like it or not. This is what is meant by 'moral enhancement'. There are many proposed methodologies or technologies for moral enhancement. Some of them are ancient and/or familiar: we may attempt moral enhancement by setting a good example, by good parenting, by education or training, by peer pressure, by telling stories with a moral, in words or in pictures, and so on. We can imbibe substances with mood changing or motivational effects. We can also use medical, biological, or other scientific means; we can search for and deploy chemicals, or biological or molecular agents, which we believe will change people for the better; and we can modify the environment to make bad outcomes of all sorts less likely. We can experiment with political and social systems, institutions, and arrangements designed to make the world a better place or people better people. The question whether and to what extent moral enhancement is possible is the subject of this book.

How to Teach Morality

Book Description

The book: What is morality? How can it be measured? What is its nature and origin? And, most importantly, how can it be taught? These age-old yet still unanswered questions cannot be addressed, Lind argues, unless we develop a new science of moral behavior and education. Lind does just that in his book, invoking related contributions by eminent philosophers, psychologists and educators. The first part presents a new way of studying morality, and a great bulk of Lind's own research and other studies backing it. The second part shows how to teach morality effectively with Lind's Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion (KMDD), which is used in all ages and across cultures. On the basis of many years of practical international experience with the KMDD in different institutions of education, professional schools, armed forces and prisons, Lind provides advice on how educators can learn, implement and improve the method. Lind also presents the related Just Community method of democratic community building. The author: Born shortly after World War II, in 1947, Dr. Georg Lind's interest in morality goes back to his adolescence when he learned about the atrocities of the Nazi dictatorship: How can we prevent this from happening again? How can we develop morality, peace and democracy? This book contains his answer. Lind was professor of psychology and researcher at the University of Konstanz, Germany. He was guest professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Universidad de Monterrey, and the Humboldt University at Berlin. He lectured in Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, and the United States.