How to Handle False Prophets and False Prophecies

Book Description

This book covers a range of topics, including dream interpretation, what to do if you make a false prophecy, and lists of experiences Michael and his wife have endured overseas (in Israel and Finland). The apostle Paul warned us that in the last days, many would depart from the faith and follow the teachings of hypocritical liars (1 Timothy 4). This book is a compilation of experiences Michael and his wife and family in Messiah Yahshua have experienced in his almost thirteen years of ministry. The Holy Spirit moved Michael to write this book and would sometimes wake him up very early in the morning to work on it. Believers in Jerusalem have been warned by it, and Michaels hope is that you will also. Our prayer is that by them Your servant is warned (Psalm 19). May this admonish and help you in your faith journey!

Basic Theology

Book Description

Theology is for everyone. Everyone is a theologian of sorts. Theology simply means thinking about God and expressing those thoughts in some way. But sloppy theology is a problem. As Christians, our thoughts about God need to coincide with what He has said about Himself in the Bible. With his clear understanding of the Scriptures and unpretentious writing style, Charles Ryrie has written Basic Theology for every student of God's Word, from the devotional student to the seminary student. Ryrie's name has become synonymous with dispensational theology and his texts on the subject invaluable to the Bible scholar. Now Ryrie's Basic Theology is available to you from Moody Press, the company that brings you the Ryrie Study Bible. Featuring charts, definitions, and Scripture and subject indices, Basic Theology will give you a clear and comprehensive picture of Ryrie's approach to systematic theology. Its 94 chapters are arranged in outline style for easy reference. Considerable emphasis is given to explaining the dispensational view of the end times.

The Glory Now Revealed

Book Description

Believers know that when we die we enter heaven and will spend eternity there with God and the saints who have gone before us. But what actually happens in heaven? What are we going to be doing there? Won't it get boring at some point? According to Scripture, a large part of our experience of heaven will be a continual revealing of God's glory. Not just his glory in the moment, but during all of time. The mysteries of providence, the hidden movements of God throughout history, and the forgotten and unnoted works of even the most obscure of God's people will be unveiled so that we can see how wise, loving, gracious, and powerful our God is. And though we will experience perfection in heaven, we will never be omniscient, which means we will always be learning more about God's glory, inspiring us to return joyful praise and thanksgiving. If your vision of heaven has been limited to clouds and harps and angels, it's time to expand that view with the truth found in this biblically based look at the afterlife.

Spiritual Intelligence

Book Description

Two quotients analyze our minds and emotions: I.Q. and E.Q. But Kris Vallotton believes we are ignoring a deeper dimension--spiritual intelligence. Because believers have the mind of Christ through the Holy Spirit, we have the capacity for brilliance. God invites us to embark on a journey of discovery as he reveals mysteries and helps us bring our perspective in line with his--transforming our understanding and endowing us with spiritual intelligence. In this eye-opening new release, pastor and bestselling author Kris Vallotton says that God invites us to think like him. He answers questions such as · What are the five dimensions of spiritual intelligence? · How can I build new neural pathways to supernatural thinking? · How do I recognize my sphere of influence and the borders of my divine assignment? · And much more! As you listen to the Holy Spirit and realize what it means to have the mind of Christ, you have the capacity for life-transforming spiritual intelligence unavailable in any other way.

Mideast Beast

Book Description

Whereas most students of the Bible have long held that some form of humanism or universalist religion would catapult the Antichrist to world power, this book systematically proves the biblical case for an Islamic Antichrist.

False Prophet

Book Description

On the road with a punk rock band.

Church Mafia Captured by Secret Powers

Book Description

The Church Mafia is a thought-provoking and tell-all book inspired by the life of Makhado Sinthumule Ramabulana, who took a courageous step to reveal how God saved him from secret and occult societies. He explores themes of his life in the ministry, commercialisation of the gospel, lessons learnt from countries he travelled to in an effort to gain powers, and detailof the occult operation. After years of struggling to accomplish his mission of pastoring a mega church and impacting the world, he became frustrated, strayed from his true calling and fell into the trap of exploring secret powers hidden in the church today. He operated as General Khatha-Khatha within a counterfeit spiritual movement that operates under the banner of prophecy and instant miracles. This movement operates using secret powers to attract huge crowds, charges consultation fees, and promises people miracle money; leaders of this movement also perform false prophecies and staged miracles.After reading the Church Mafia, you will begin to understand that most operations in churches today are influenced by secret societies. This book will enable you to be enlightened and never to be fooled by any false doctrine practised in the church today. The main aim of the book is to make the Body of Christ at large aware of the secret operation that has captured so many churches today. It is hoped that after reading this book, your life will be enriched.

The Prophetic Call

Book Description

Hypocrisy Exposed

Book Description

How do sexual predators, domestic abusers, and false prophets blend into our churches undetected? How do some people appear to be so godly in public, but live a life of complete darkness and unrepentant sin in private? How can a person cause terrible damage to others without feeling any genuine remorse? The answer to these questions lies in understanding the nature of hypocrisy. Jesus warned us to be on guard against hypocrisy, but we have often not understood what the term actually means. Hypocrisy is not when a righteous person sins, it is when an evil person pretends to be good. In Hypocrisy Exposed you will learn: -The true meaning of the word hypocrite -Why Jesus was so harsh against hypocrisy -The difference between hypocrisy and other sins -Characteristics and tactics of a chronic hypocrite -The connection between narcissism and hypocrisy -The difference between true and false repentance -How to heal from the damage done through hypocrisy -How to walk in integrity instead of hypocrisy God is shining light in the church and exposing hidden things. It's time to grow in wisdom and discernment so that we can spot wolves in sheep's clothing and recognize hypocrisy in our midst!