How To Win (Almost) Every Political Argument

Book Description

How to Win (Almost) Every Political Argument is an easy-to-read guidebook of talking points meant to encourage positive discussion. Intended to educate and inform, this book separates fact from fiction of different political narratives, with charts, lists, stats, and facts included. Readers of all ages, genders, and political ideologies will greatly benefit from this informative, straightforward guide. Both liberals and conservatives will see politics from a different perspective, as well as learn about the background and gain insight into each party's platform and why they are what they are. A collection of political topics and facts, How to Win (Almost) Every Political Argument is a must-read for those who seek to understand opposing perspectives and to engage in positive discourse, especially in today's heated political climate.

How to Win Nearly Every Political Argument

Book Description

Do you realize that after nine straight decades of heated and fiery political confrontations you still can't name one major federal social program that has been eradicated - or even diminished? That's because it has never happened. While progressives continue to maintain a 100% track record of success, conservatives have absolutely nothing to show for their persistently foolish efforts. Don't you want to be on the winning side for a change?It makes no sense to allow yourself to get sucked into political arguments that drag on forever and go nowhere. You are NEVER going to win a debate with progressives through rational discussion.Is there really an alternative that can put an end to your insane political arguments? The good news is that there is one way - but only one way. So, you are going to have to accept it, adopt it, and embrace it - or deal with never-ending, malicious disputes that go nowhere forevermore.This book shows you how to consistently turn the tables on your political opponents so that you almost never lose a political argument again.

How to Win 99% of Political Arguments with 10 Questions Or Less

Book Description

Politics and religion are always hot topics. Everybody has their opinion and usually everybody is sure they are right and anyone that disagrees is dead wrong. Knowing the answers to these ten questions you will be going to every political debate armed to the teeth. You will be bringing the proverbial gun to a knife fight. Most of the questions I have already answered for you. There are a couple that you will have to look up though. Things like who your house congressional representative is. This book is appropriate for any level of political interest. You might be that person in the office instigating all of the political discussions. You might just vent your political beliefs on Facebook. You might jus be the person that tires of the person on Facebook or at the office and wish to present the other side, but they always shout you down. This book will definitely help you win nearly every political argument. You just need to know the answer to ten questions and in the argument pose those questions to the person disagreeing with you. I will repeat "YOU NEED TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO THE TEN QUESTION." Knowing the answers yourself is pretty much the whole point.

How to Win Nearly Every Political Argument

Book Description

Are you tired of getting sucked into political arguments that drag on forever and go nowhere? By now you should know that you are NOT going to win a political debate through rational discussion. That said, is there really is an alternative to insane political arguments?The good news is that there is a way you can consistently come out on top. The bad news is that there is one way - and only one way. So, you are going to have to accept it, adopt it, and embrace it - or deal with kooky, never-ending, malicious disputes that go nowhere forevermore.This book shows you how to consistently turn the tables on your political opponents so that you almost never lose a political argument again.

How to Win Nearly Any Political Argument

Book Description

Are you frustrated by the constant political debates and arguments you get sucked into with family members, friends, and co-workers? These days, Americans find themselves increasingly engaged in heated, tedious, repetitive, and often vicious political disputes that go nowhere. Has it ever dawned on you that your fiery debates have never changed any minds - and they probably never will? You know how political arguments always go. Your progressive opponent throws out a meaningless propaganda slogan. You counter with a question designed to expose his ignorance and hypocrisy. He knows he can't answer your question with a direct response without losing the argument, so he spits out another completely unrelated propaganda slogan. And every time you back him into another corner he spews time-honored jingles like "George Bush is stupid, Donald Trump is a Nazi," or whatever. It doesn't even occur to you that you never stood a chance of winning his game of, "whack-a-mole" because the target was never fixed. In fact, there never was a target. You lost because you naively believed that the person with the weakest argument - or no argument - would concede defeat, when the real agenda behind his propaganda slogan was simply to weaken your political will and resolve. Does the following conversation sound at all familiar?Progressive: Society should have free (fill in the blank).You: Where are we going to get the money to fund it?Progressive: We can raise taxes on corporations and close loopholes for the rich.You: All that's going to do is shut down investment and shrink the economy, which will diminish tax revenues. Progressive: I don't believe that.You: You don't have to believe it. There are plenty of examples. In fact, France's socialist prime minister implemented the exact plan that you're proposing a few years ago with the imposition of a 75% supertax on the rich - and the result was a stagnant economy, a loss of nearly 2.5 million citizens to other countries, and a paltry sixteen billion dollars in extra revenue that was projected to decline dramatically over the next few years. It was such as dismal failure that he abandoned the plan, which had been the centerpiece of his political campaign, and France reverted to their prior top tax rate of 45%. How do expect the United States government to fund another social program if its tax revenue diminishes because of your proposed crackdown on business and investment?Progressive: Well, it's about fairness. But dude, you gotta admit that your boy, Trump, is crazy. What's with his claim that his Inauguration Day crowd was the biggest in history? I can't believe this guy has access to the nuclear button.And so, once again, you are unwittingly lured down the next rabbit hole. So, what magical solution can possibly allow conservatives to co-exist with progressives without feeling as if they are being robbed? The solution, believe it or not, is quite simple.

How to Win Nearly Every Political Argument with a Socialist

Book Description

Are you frustrated by heated political debates, social media disputes, and relationship-ending fights that accomplish nothing? Has it ever occurred to you that, despite your best efforts, you have not changed a progressive's mind even once over the entire course of your lifetime? So, why do you continue to repeat an ineffective strategy that has never worked? Isn't that the classic definition of insanity?Fortunately, there is one way that conservatives can consistently and effortlessly win nearly every political argument with socialists/Marxists - but the solution has nothing to do with persuading them through logic and reason (which they do not comprehend).This book teaches you more practical knowledge about how the United States government is supposed to function than you learned in four years of high school and college combined - so that Americans can get along again, the way they used to.

How to Argue & Win Every Time

Book Description

A noted attorney gives detailed instructions on winning arguments, emphasizing such points as learning to speak with the body, avoiding being blinding by brilliance, and recognizing the power of words as a weapon.

How to Win Arguments

Book Description

This entertaining work, sprinkled with illustrative real-life anecdotes, is a comprehensive guide to the techniques, rhetorical devices and principles of successful argumentation. The author, a debater since age thirteen, has lectured widely. Publisher of the National Review, Rusher is also a television commentator and syndicated columnist. Originally published by Doubleday in 1981.

How to Win Every Argument The Ultimate Guide to Debating, Persuading, and Public Speaking

Book Description

How To Win Every Argument"; With this book, you'll discover the secrets to constructing persuasive arguments, delivering them with confidence, and emerging victorious every time. Whether you're trying to convince your boss to give you a raise, win a political debate, or simply settle an argument with your significant other, this book is your go-to resource for effective communication. Packed with real-life examples, proven strategies, and practical tips, "How To Win Every Argument" will give you the tools you need to win over even the most stubborn opponents. From logical fallacies to rhetorical techniques, this book covers it all. You'll learn how to spot common argumentative pitfalls and how to avoid them, how to use language to your advantage, and how to stay cool under pressure. With "How To Win Every Argument" in your arsenal, you'll be unstoppable. So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on a copy of "How To Win Every Argument" today and start winning the arguments you care about most!

Political Argument in a Polarized Age

Book Description

From obnoxious public figures to online trolling and accusations of “fake news”, almost no one seems able to disagree without hostility. But polite discord sounds farfetched when issues are so personal and fundamental that those on opposing sides appear to have no common ground. How do you debate the “enemy”? Philosophers Scott Aikin and Robert Talisse show that disagreeing civilly, even with your sworn enemies, is a crucial part of democracy. Rejecting the popular view that civility requires a polite and concessive attitude, they argue that our biggest challenge is not remaining calm in the face of an opponent, but rather ensuring that our political arguments actually address those on the opposing side. Too often politicians and pundits merely simulate political debate, offering carefully structured caricatures of their opponents. These simulations mimic political argument in a way designed to convince citizens that those with whom they disagree are not worth talking to. Good democracy thrives off conflict, but until we learn the difference between real and simulated arguments we will be doomed to speak at cross-purposes. Aikin and Talisse provide a crash course in political rhetoric for the concerned citizen, showing readers why understanding the structure of arguments is just as vital for a healthy democracy as debate over facts and values. But there’s a sting in the tail - no sooner have we learned rhetorical techniques for better disagreement than these techniques themselves become weapons with which to ignore our enemies, as accusations like “false equivalence” and “ad hominem” are used to silence criticism. Civility requires us to be eternally vigilant to the ways we disagree.