Book Description
This book is the product of my experience and research on the importance of unity. Years ago, my marriage was not working the way I wanted. Upon careful thought, I realized my wife and I were not Experience and research have shown that if six conditions can be met in any relationship, church, organization, or a nation, unity can be achieved and maintained. This book will show you all! If your relationship is not working well, dont give up, strive for unity. If your church is not growing or doing well dont give up, strive for unity. Even the almighty God is also working hard to unite all people to himself! This book would be good for couples, singles, Pastors and their church members, managers, Politicians and individuals. The reader will also learn that there are three main things to pursue in life in order to have a satisfactory, meaningful and complete life. Many people are not happy these days, some even end up committing suicide, this book can help! You will also learn some of the mistakes the man or the woman makes that can destroy unity in the relationship and how couples can set up financial and other guidelines in the family to bring about unity. The kind of leader a country gets depends on the lifestyle the people aspire? If the citizens want good life, they will get a good leader; if the citizens desire immoral bad lifestyle, they will get a bad leader! The book also enlists some of the mistakes church members, and Pastors make that hinder their blessings, growth, and unity in the church. How to know you have been called by God to be his servant, a pastor, a prophet, find out more! The reader will also discover that this world is heading toward a condition of harmony, peace, and unity, but science and many people have not been able to understand this process so far. Why? This is because science is limited although useful. Individuals, families and nations will benefit greatly if they turn to God for help than to live without the influence of God!