Human Capital Development and the Frontiers of Research in the Sociology of Education - - by

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Ii Human Capital Development and the Frontiers of Research in the Sociology of Education 1 Human Capital Development and the Frontiers of Research in the Sociology of Education1 Introduction The sociological literature on educational achievement and attainment has contributed substantially to our current understanding of human capital development. [...] Instead, the revised models of the 1970s and 1980s suggested that, while the expectations of parents, teachers, and peers have direct effects on the educational and occupational attainment process, other variables, such as the structure of opportunities in the education system and the labour market, also play an important role. [...] Human Capital Development and the Frontiers of Research in the Sociology of Education 5 Bourdieu's most celebrated theoretical mechanism is based on the concept of cultural capital - the possession of cultural knowledge that signifies membership in the dominant social classes. [...] must be understood as an anticipation, based upon the unconscious estimation of the objective probabilities of success possessed by the whole category, of the sanctions objectively reserved by the school for those classes or sections of a class deprived of cultural capital." In relation to the status attainment model, and in particular the Wisconsin model described earlier, the claim here is that. [...] Human Capital Development and the Frontiers of Research in the Sociology of Education 11 Now, recall that the Catholic school research began in 1983, before Coleman is commonly thought to have developed the term "social capital" for his 1988 piece "Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital." This is simply a misreading of the literature, as Coleman had already been heavily engaged in debatin.


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Understanding the conditions that favour human capital development, how it affects individual and social progress, and what governments, employers and other social actors can do to foster it, is clearly of the utmost importance to Canada's success in the 21st century. [...] As for adult education, the participation rate in job-related adult learning is in the middle of the OECD pack and well below that of the United States. [...] 600-250 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6M1 Tel: (613) 567-7500 - Fax: (613) 567-7640 - The significance of these facts becomes clear when we summarize the key findings of the individual papers in the current volume: The Effects of Deficits in Health Status in Childhood and Adolescence on Human Capital Development in Early Adulthood, by Cameron Mustard, Emile Tompa and Jacob Etches. [...] Human Capital Development and the Frontiers of Research in the Sociology of Education, by Stephen Morgan and Mark McKerrow, explores four broad explanations - family background, race, opportunities to learn, and school effects - for motivation and commitment to schooling, learning and preparation for post-secondary education, and resulting educational attainment. [...] Networking, Clusters and Human Capital Development, by Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, finds that single-sector geographically concentrated "clusters" of firms and organizations rely upon and contribute to the development of human capital in the region in which they operate.

Frontiers in Sociology of Education

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Scholarly analysis in the sociology of education has burgeoned in recent decades. Frontiers in Sociology of Education aims to provide a roadmap for sociologists and other social scientists as they set bold new directions for future research on schools. In Part 1 of this forward-looking volume, the authors present cutting-edge research to set new guidelines for the sociological analysis of schools. In Part 2, notable social scientists, historians, administrators and educators provide a wide-ranging array of perspectives on contemporary education to insure that scholars make creative and broadly informed contributions to the sociological analysis of schools. The contributors to this volume examine events currently influencing education including: globalization, expansion of educational access, the changing significance of religion, new family structures, and curriculum reform. Frontiers in Sociology of Education offers an innovative collection of research and ideas aimed at inspiring new analyses of schools better linked to changing societal conditions.

New Frontiers in Socialization

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New Frontiers in Socialization

Human Capital or Cultural Capital?

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This study seeks to reorient our understanding of the early educational determinants of social stratification outcomes. It focuses on the process and consequences of unequal cognitive skill attainment for ethnic and poverty groups within our nation's cities. It draws, theoretically, on the notion that experiences at home and school create a feedback loop by which the ""cultural capital"" of the students (their toolkit of skills, habits, and styles with which they construct strategies of action) evolves over time and largely determines differential success in mastering the teacher-assigned homework.

Human Capital

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Human Capital is Becker's study of how investment in an individual's education and training is similar to business investments in equipment. Becker looks at the effects of investment in education on earnings and employment, and shows how his theory measures the incentive for such investment, as well as the costs and returns from college and high school education. Another part of the study explores the relation between age and earnings. This edition includes four new chapters, covering recent ideas about human capital, fertility and economic growth, the division of labour, economic considerations within the family, and inequality in earnings.

Fulfilling Potential, Creating Success

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Fulfilling Potential, Creating Success examines human capital development from the perspective of several disciplines including education, psychology, sociology, politics, economics, geography, health, and civic engagement. This volume, produced by the Canadian Policy Research Networks (CPRN), the School of Policy Studies at Queen's University (SPS), and Statistics Canada, outlines what each of the disciplines can tell us about human capital development. Contributors explore the value in integrating family, education, and public health policies into a coherent "life course" so that influences at early stages of life have implications for human capital development at later stages. The volume also emphasizes connections between the acquisition of human capital and individual and societal outcomes and the policy implications of these relationships. Topics include the personal and social gains of the acquisition of skills and knowledge such as improved employment prospects, less crime, improved health, greater participation in political activity, more engagement of citizens in their communities, and a more innovative economy.

Human Capital Over the Life Cycle

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. . . I am convinced that it should occupy a high position on the desk of policymakers. . . This book constitutes a good state-of-the-art study in this field and paves the way for further research in this direction. Marie-Claire Villeval, Economic Record This attractive publication is carried out as a clear attempt to gain access to a wider audience, relaxing formal and technical details, which makes the lecture easier. . . An international comparison of literature or educational and labour experiences is provided in every contribution in the book, helping to obtain a wider perspective of the problems tackled. Carmen García and Julio López, Education Economics This book makes a novel contribution to economics of education in several key respects. It highlights a broad number of crucial factors over the individual s life cycle that underlie inequalities in education and in the labour market. . . It is amazing how limited our knowledge is about these interactions despite their high priority in national as well as EU-level policy-making. This is a timely book concerned with topics of high policy relevance. Moreover, the authors have well succeeded in their attempt to write "in a style that makes this work accessible to a wider audience", using the editor s words. It is most important that academics as well as politicians are made aware of the considerable knowledge gaps that still prevail in our understanding of the role of education and training for the individual s success or failure in school and in working life. Rita Asplund, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA), Finland In the last decade, changes occurring in the demand for skills have produced significant effect on the functioning of labour markets in Europe and elsewhere. The challenge posed by a knowledge based society for sustained growth has been at the centre of the European strategy for employment and has important implications for the design of labour market policies. This book brings together a wide range of contributions written by leading experts on key issues such as: schooling systems, transition from school to work and lifelong learning, thereby providing an essential reference for both researchers and policymakers. Claudio Lucifora, Università Cattolica, Italy Human Capital Over the Life Cycle synthesises comparative research on the processes of human capital formation in the areas of education and training in Europe, in relation to the labour market. The book proposes that one of the most important challenges faced by Europe today is to understand the link between education and training on the one hand and economic and social inequality on the other. The authors focus the analysis on three main aspects of the links between education and social inequality: educational inequality, differences in access to labour markets and differences in lifelong earnings and training. Almost all the stages in the life cycle are tracked from early childhood to stages late in the working life: firstly the characteristics and effects of schooling systems, then the transitions from school to work and, finally, human capital and the working career. Academics and researchers of European studies, labour economics and the economics of education will all find this novel and analytically sound book of interest, as will sociologists and policymakers in Europe.