Human Farm

Book Description

Love, Religion, Laughter and revenge... These are the 4 aspects of this exciting adventure packed book like no other. The breathtaking story will take you on a journey to discover true love, diverse cultures and experience fulfilling laughter... However, the story begins with revenge, when a man abducts 347 people and keeps them on a farm like animals. The reason why is unknown, until the journey begins. Brace yourself, it will be exciting.

Farming Humans

Book Description

"There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they're falling in." Desmond Tutu A Non-fiction book which looks at our greatest economic and social fragility from the perspective of a financial industry insider. Someone who spent enough time within the back rooms of banks and investment firms to witness some of the "Secrets of farming humans". Where the largest gangs are unseen and invisible to the public, and where the first rule is there are no rules for those at the top. "Rules are only for fools", is the silent message at the top. This book could be considered a How To Manual For Dictators and Dummies. It contains historical examples of how our leaders become our looters over a period of time. The author takes the unique perspective that the reasons why we can no longer have nice things in many first world societies, or why nice things seem available only for fewer and fewer people, and not for all, is intentional. Readers will discover a few dozen examples of how those steps were put into place. Slowly and quietly over time. Readers will also discover an organized process or cooperation between professionals and public servants to abuse the public interest, to benefit the richest and most powerful entities on the planet, and to also benefit themselves as a result. A breach of the public trust is what this looks like when all is said and done. This is about how to manipulate rules, regulations, laws and belief systems to make some men more equal than others. An interesting and invisibly masterful repeal of the "all men are created equal" claim made just over 240 years ago in the U.S. Equally applicable to many first world countries today.

The Human Farm

Book Description

In learning how to renew their fields to provide themselves with yearly harvests, Honduran farmers also renew their spirits, leading to a new sense of community.Now available translated in Spanish as La Finca Humana.

The Bio-Integrated Farm

Book Description

The Bio-Integrated Farm is a twenty-first-century manual for managing nature's resources. This groundbreaking book brings "system farming" and permaculture to a whole new level. Author Shawn Jadrnicek presents new insights into permaculture, moving beyond the philosophical foundation to practical advanced designs based on a functional analysis. Holding his designs to a higher standard, Jadrnicek's components serve at least seven functions (classical permaculture theory only seeks at least two functions). With every additional function a component performs, the design becomes more advanced and saves more energy. A bio-integrated greenhouse, for example, doesn't just extend the season for growing vegetables; it also serves as a rainwater collector, a pond site, an aquaponics system, and a heat generator. Jadrnicek's prevalent theme is using water to do the work. Although applicable in many climates, his designs are particularly important for areas coping with water scarcity. Jadrnicek focuses on his experience as farm manager at the Clemson University Student Organic Farm and at his residence in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. These locations lie at the cooler northern edge of a humid subtropical climate that extends west to the middle of Texas and north along the coast to New Jersey. He has created permaculture patterns ranging from raising transplants and field design to freshwater prawn production and composting. These patterns have simplified the operation of the 125-share CSA farm while reducing reliance on outside resources. In less time than it takes to mow his two-acre homestead, Jadrnicek is building a you-pick fruit farm using permaculture patterns. His landscape requires only the labor of harvesting, and the only outside input he buys is a small amount of chicken feed. By carefully engaging the free forces of nature--water, wind, sunlight, convection, gravity, and decomposition--Jadrnicek creates sustenance without maintenance and transforms waste into valuable farm resources. The Bio-Integrated Farm offers in-depth information about designing and building a wide range of bio-integrated projects including reflecting ponds, water-storage ponds, multipurpose basins, greenhouses, compost heat extraction, pastured chicken systems, aquaculture, hydroponics, hydronic heating, water filtration and aeration, cover cropping, and innovative rainwater-harvesting systems that supply water for drip irrigation and flushing toilets.

The Resilient Farm and Homestead

Book Description

The Resilient Farm and Homestead is a manual for developing durable, beautiful, and highly functional human habitat systems fit to handle an age of rapid transition. Ben Falk is a land designer and site developer whose permaculture-research farm has drawn national attention. The site is a terraced paradise on a hillside in Vermont that would otherwise be overlooked by conventional farmers as unworthy farmland. Falk's wide array of fruit trees, rice paddies (relatively unheard of in the Northeast), ducks, nuts, and earth-inspired buildings is a hopeful image for the future of regenerative agriculture and modern homesteading. The book covers nearly every strategy Falk and his team have been testing at the Whole Systems Research Farm over the past decade, as well as experiments from other sites Falk has designed through his off-farm consulting business. The book includes detailed information on earthworks; gravity-fed water systems; species composition; the site-design process; site management; fuelwood hedge production and processing; human health and nutrient-dense production strategies; rapid topsoil formation and remineralization; agroforestry/silvopasture/grazing; ecosystem services, especially regarding flood mitigation; fertility management; human labor and social-systems aspects; tools/equipment/appropriate technology; and much more, complete with gorgeous photography and detailed design drawings. The Resilient Farm and Homestead is more than just a book of tricks and techniques for regenerative site development, but offers actual working results in living within complex farm-ecosystems based on research from the "great thinkers" in permaculture, and presents a viable home-scale model for an intentional food-producing ecosystem in cold climates, and beyond. Inspiring to would-be homesteaders everywhere, but especially for those who find themselves with "unlikely" farming land, Falk is an inspiration in what can be done by imitating natural systems, and making the most of what we have by re-imagining what's possible. A gorgeous case study for the homestead of the future.

"Too Much for Human Endurance"

Book Description

The stories of the doctors, nurses and patients at the Union Army’s hospital in Gettysburg come to life in this unique Civil War history. Those who toiled and suffered at the Army of the Potomac’s XI Corps hospital at the George Spangler Farm in Gettysburg have long since departed. But Ronald D. Kirkwood, a journalist and George Spangler Farm expert, shares their stories—many of which have never been told before—in this gripping and scholarly narrative. Using a wealth of firsthand accounts, Kirkwood re-creates the XI Corps hospital complex and its people—especially George and Elizabeth Spangler, whose farm was nearly destroyed in the fateful summer of 1863. A host of notables make appearances, including Union officers George G. Meade, Henry J. Hunt, Edward E. Cross, Francis Barlow, Francis Mahler, Freeman McGilvery, and Samuel K. Zook. Pvt. George Nixon III, great-grandfather of President Richard M. Nixon, would die there, as would Confederate Gen. Lewis A. Armistead, who fell mortally wounded at the height of Pickett’s Charge. Kirkwood presents the most complete lists ever published of the dead, wounded, and surgeons at the Spanglers’ XI Corps hospital, and breaks new ground with stories of the First Division, II Corps hospital at the Spanglers’ Granite Schoolhouse. He also examines the strategic importance of the property itself, which was used as a staging area to get artillery and infantry to the embattled front line.

Project Animal Farm

Book Description

Sonia Faruqi had an Ivy League degree and a job on Wall Street. But when the banking industry collapsed, she found herself on a small organic dairy farm that would change her life for the better, although it didn't seem that way in the beginning.First, she had to come to grips with cows shocked into place, cannibal chickens, and "free range" turkeys that went nowhere. But there were bright lights as well: happy, frolicking calves on a veal farm, and farmers who cared as much about the animals as their pocketbooks. What started as a two-week volunteer vacation turned into a journey that reached into the darkest recesses of the animal agriculture industry.Surrounded by a colorful cast of characters, Faruqi's quest to discover the truth about modern agribusiness took her around the world. Lively, edgy, and balanced, Project Animal Farm sheds light on the international agribusiness, with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of farm animals here at home. Using her finance background to forecast the future of agriculture, Faruqi discusses the changes we need to make—using our forks and our votes.

A Small Farm Future

Book Description

A modern classic of the new agrarianism "Chris Smaje...shows that the choice is clear. Either we have a small farm future, or we face collapse and extinction."—Vandana Shiva "Every young person should read this book."—Richard Heinberg In a groundbreaking debut, farmer and social scientist Chris Smaje argues that organizing society around small-scale farming offers the soundest, sanest and most reasonable response to climate change and other crises of civilisation—and will yield humanity’s best chance at survival. Drawing on a vast range of sources from across a multitude of disciplines, A Small Farm Future analyses the complex forces that make societal change inevitable; explains how low-carbon, locally self-reliant agrarian communities can empower us to successfully confront these changes head on; and explores the pathways for delivering this vision politically. Challenging both conventional wisdom and utopian blueprints, A Small Farm Future offers rigorous original analysis of wicked problems and hidden opportunities in a way that illuminates the path toward functional local economies, effective self-provisioning, agricultural diversity and a shared earth. Perfect for readers of both Wendell Berry and Thomas Piketty, A Small Farm Future is a refreshing, new outlook on a way forward for society—and a vital resource for activists, students, policy makers, and anyone looking to enact change.

Farm Sanctuary

Book Description

Leading animal rights activist Gene Baur examines the real cost of the meat on our plates -- for both humans and animals alike -- in this provocative and thorough examination of the modern farm industry. Many people picture cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens as friendly creatures who live happily within the confines of a peaceful family farm, arriving as food for humans only at the end of their sun-drenched lives. That's what Gene Baur had been told -- but when he first visited a stockyard he realized that this rosy depiction couldn't be more inaccurate. Amid the stench, noise, and filth, his attention was drawn in particular to one sheep who had been cast aside for dead. But as Baur walked by, the sheep raised her head and looked right at him. She was still alive, and the one thing Baur knew for sure that day was that he had to get her to safety. Hilda, as she was later named, was nursed back to health and soon became the first resident of Farm Sanctuary -- an organization dedicated to the rescue, care, and protection of farm animals. The truth is that farm production does not depend on the family farmer with a small herd of animals but instead resembles a large, assembly-line factory. Animals raised for human consumption are confined for the entirety of their lives and often live without companionship, fresh air, or even adequate food and water.Viewed as production units rather than living beings with feelings, ten billion farm animals are exploited specifically for food in the United States every year. In Farm Sanctuary, Baur provides a thoughtprovoking investigation of the ethical questions involved in the production of beef, poultry, pork, milk,and eggs -- and what each of us can do to stop the mistreatment of farm animals and promote compassion. He details the triumphs and the disappointments of more than twenty years on the front lines of the animal protection movement. And he introduces sanctuary. us to some of the special creatures who live at Farm Sanctuary -- from Maya the cow to Marmalade the chicken -- all of whom escaped horrible circumstances to live happier, more peaceful lives. Farm Sanctuary shows how all of us have an opportunity and a responsibility to consume a kinder plate, making a better life for ourselves and animals as well. You will certainly never think of a hamburger or chicken breast the same way after reading this book.

Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies

Book Description

This volume critically investigates current topics and disciplines that are affected, enriched or put into dispute by the burgeoning scholarship on Animal Studies.