New Wave Manufacturing Strategies

Book Description

Over the past decade, many companies have adopted new strategies for manufacturing, which have taken their competitiveness on to new planes. A whole array of initiatives, such as FMS, JIT, TQM, CIM, and MRP II, have been introduced. This book deals with the far-reaching significance of these new approaches - collectively labelled "new wave manufacturing". Considerable research evidence as well as practitioners′ own experiences make one crucial point time and time again. The organizational as well as the human resource management aspects of these new strategies are critical to their success or failure. The underlying theme which is tackled in this book, therefore, is to what extent do these new operational strategies require a matching set of organizational and HR strategies? By looking at the issues through the joint eyes of production and behavioural analysts, this book provides an unique introduction to the new developments in manufacturing as well as providing an up-to-date assessment of the organizational and H R dimensions to these methods. New Wave Manufacturing Strategies has a vision which goes beyond the "new technology"/advanced manufacturing technology discussions. The chapters have been written in a clear, accessible manner by leading experts from Europe, the USA and Australia as well as from the UK.

Human Resource Practices for Implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Book Description

Based on a study of 16 sites that have recently implemented advanced manufacturing technology, concludes that while the technology itself will become widespread, the human resources practices used for its implementation will not be easily transferred. Manufacturers will need to spend more time and effort to develop the needed organisational and industrial relations capabilities.

Organization and Management of Advanced Manufacturing

Book Description

Takes into account the effective use of human factors issues in advanced manufacturing which would make the difference between the failure or success of industrial corporations. International authorities describe how to implement methods and techniques, applicable on a global basis, into manufacturing and process industries where change is being brought about as they move to concurrent engineering formats of operation.

Design of Work and Development of Personnel in Advanced Manufacturing

Book Description

Presents a framework of worldwide problems, issues and solutions relevant to the design of work and development of personnel in advanced manufacturing systems. Focuses on people and their central roles in automated production resulting from rapid computer-based integration. Addresses social, technical, organizational, managerial and ecological design issues relating to manufacturing success and the business objectives of a firm. Provides solutions to problems of integrating the human element into the production process.

The Human Side of Factory Automation

Book Description

Provides a valuable approach for addressing the full range of management, organizational, and human resource issues that arise when factories implement advanced manufacturing technologies. Draws on recent case studies, surveys, and results of extensive research to examine the effects of automation on job design, organizational structure, and union-management relations.E

The Culture and Human Resource Management Implications of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Innovation

Book Description

Overall, compared to New Zealand, the results indicated that Nigeria has a lesser use of employee empowerment and workforce compositional strategies, which is consistent with their high power distance, high uncertainty avoidance, high collectivism, and short-term orientation position on the Hofstede dimensions.

Human Resource Management and Digitalization

Book Description

Digitalization is changing the world of work. Technology is shifting the relationship between workers and machines and how work is organized; new skills are becoming increasingly relevant in the workplace where workers no longer work for a single company, in 9-to-5 jobs, five days a week. Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is revolutionizing the way managers can design, control and improve their activities. While the nature of the tasks and the interdependences between individuals are changing, the impact of intelligent technologies is severely questioning the span of control of leaders and the effectiveness of their leadership styles. The authors sketch out the main changes occurring in the business landscape and identify the new expectations that organizations are formulating for leaders across several industries. In an age in which new leadership models are about to emerge, they describe how the relevant changes impact and shape the managerial arena. This book sets the stage for a new way of thinking on the nature of the relationship between HR and technology. It examines the influence of Industry 4.0 and Innovation 4.0, (i.e. the connection between physical and digital processes in industrial production, where human competencies and machine potential are strictly interconnected throughout the entire value chain), from a myriad of viewpoints: namely in terms of structures, practices, influences (learning, training and communication), competencies and roles. A chapter is also dedicated to the understanding of the impact of Innovation 4.0, in the context of European Universities through E-learning Experiences where a multiple-case study analysis is provided.