Human Rights and the Criminal Justice System

Book Description

We now live in a world which thinks through the legislative implications of criminal justice with one eye on human rights. Human Rights and the Criminal Justice System provides comprehensive coverage of human rights as it relates to the contemporary criminal justice system. As well as being a significant aspect of international governance and global justice, Amatrudo and Blake argue here that human rights have also eclipsed the rhetoric of religion in contemporary moral discussion. This book explores topics such as terrorism, race, and the rights of prisoners, as well as existing legal structures, court practices, and the developing literature in Criminology, Law and Political Science, in order to critically review the relationship between the developing body of human rights theory and practice, and the criminal justice system. This book will be of considerable interest to those with academic concerns in this area; as well as providing an accessible, yet sophisticated, resource for upper level undergraduate and postgraduate human rights courses.

Beyond Virtue and Vice

Book Description

Beyond Virtue and Vice examines human rights practices that bring crimninal law to bear on sexuality, gender, and reproduction and seek to articulate if, when, and under what conditions, recourse to criminal law is compatible with human rights in matters of gender expression and equality, sexuality, and reproductive health and justice.

The Protection of Human Rights in the Administration of Criminal Justice

Book Description

This compilation brings together all the relevant procedural norms and standards applicable to criminal processes, whether national, regional, or international. The instruments are systematically arranged, and the category listing is in chronological order. The procedural instruments are exhaustive, providing the reader with a single comprehensive source for all these norms and standards. Published under the Transnational Publishers imprint.

Human Rights In The Administration Of Justice

Book Description

Independent legal professionals play a key role in the administration of justice and the protection of human rights. Judges, prosecutors and lawyers need access to information on human rights standards laid down in the main international legal instruments and to related jurisprudence developed by universal and regional monitoring bodies. This publication, which includes a manual and a facilitator's guide, seeks to provide a comprehensive core curriculum on international human rights standards for legal professionals. It includes a CD-ROM containing the full electronic text of the manual in pdf format.

Victims' Rights, Human Rights and Criminal Justice

Book Description

In recent times, the idea of 'victims' rights' has come to feature prominently in political, criminological and legal discourse, as well as being subject to regular media comment. The concept nevertheless remains inherently elusive, and there is still considerable ambiguity as to the origin and substance of such rights. This monograph deconstructs the nature and scope of the rights of victims of crime against the backdrop of an emerging international consensus on how victims ought to be treated and the role they ought to play. The essence of such rights is ascertained not only by surveying the plethora of international standards which deal specifically with crime victims, but also by considering the potential cross-applicability of standards relating to victims of abuse of power, with whom they have much in common. In this book Jonathan Doak considers the parameters of a number of key rights which international standards suggest victims ought to be entitled to. He then proceeds to ask whether victims are able to rely upon such rights within a domestic criminal justice system characterised by structures, processes and values which are inherently exclusionary, adversarial and punitive in nature.

Human Rights and Criminal Justice

Book Description

A survey of Czech business law, tax and accounting regulations. The political, legal and economic systems of the Republic are outlined.

Human Rights and Criminal Justice Administration

Book Description

Human beings have always cherished the freedom and have strived hard to protect and preserve the same. Though the freedom is the idealistic state vet the same is subjected to constraints in the larger interests of the masses but still providing for the minimum sufficient levels for the enjoyment of the individuals. There had been the moments of eclipse of freedom in the struggle of existence of mankind, yet the freedom had upsurged more vigorously thereafter. The right to freedom aims at emancipation from the constraints of fear and want preserving the dignity of man and is the destiny of mankind. It signals a state of equilibrium between tyranny and despotism. The right of free However, these ideals are sacrificed at the alter of lust of power leading to the formulation and re-emphasising on preservation of the ideals at a post-eclipsed stage as the existence of mankind revolves around these basic postulates.