Humor 2.0

Book Description

The book shows how humor has changed since the advent of the internet: new genres, new contexts, and new audiences. The book provides a guide to such phenomena as memes, video parodies, photobombing, and cringe humor. Included are also in-depth discussions of the humor in phenomena such as Dogecoin, the joke currency, and the use of humor by the alt-right. It also shows how the cognitive mechanisms of humor remain unchanged. Written by a well-known specialist in humor studies, the book is engaging and readable, but also based on extensive scholarship.

All Kinds of Humor

Book Description

For a starter, let's face it; I made it to 94 years and frankly, that is an achievement that dwarf s anything else I can say about my long life so far, (and I ain't through yet.) If I were to point to the most significant event of my life I would have to say that I was a witness to a critical event in American history and perhaps in world history, the devastating attack on our Navy at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The rest of my life was somewhat nondescript in the overall scheme of things in this world. I was born (just like everyone else) in Holland Michigan, way back, a good 200 years ago.' I was a musician from the start, playing the harmonica at 10 years old. (Also, later the ukulele, mandolin, Hawaiian guitar, orchestral guitar, and marimba.) My first performance was with the harmonica before my 8th grade class! Later on as a teenager I played in an orchestra and performed at dances, night clubs and church events. Currently, I duo on the classical guitar with my flute player playing occasional concerts. Now that I think of it, I was pretty good. Being a small 109 pound guy I joined the Navy in 1940 so as to not get drafted. WW2 was already raging in Europe. I had to enlist for 6 years. That put me in WW2 from the beginning to the end and then some. Hey, I also performed on the guitar in the Navy aboard ship (between naval battles!) Upon discharge in 1946 I joined with my high school buddy to get the first printed circuit patent. I am really proud of that because printed circuits are in everything that's electronic. And we started it! It was particularly smart of me because 40 years later I needed the printed circuit in my pacemaker! Such foresight! At the same time I entered college at MIT. Our patent royalties helped pay for tuition. As long as I am being proud, I may as well include graduating from that top technical school in the country, which is pretty good for a son of an immigrant from Italy. From thereon my engineering career included teaching at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo lecturing at USC and work in computers and programming. But of course, most of my work was in the Defense industry. Now in retirement I am doing things I like to do: play music and write. Looking back I think that getting an engineering degree was a big mistake. I should have been a gigolo. Look at what I missed! Alas, it is too late!

The Psychology of Humor

Book Description

Most of us laugh at something funny multiple times during a typical day. Humor serves multiple purposes, and although there is a sizable and expanding research literature on the subject, the research is spread in a variety of disciplines. The Psychology of Humor, 2e reviews the literature, integrating research from across subdisciplines in psychology, as well as related fields such as anthropology, biology, computer science, linguistics, sociology, and more. This book begins by defining humor and presenting theories of humor. Later chapters cover cognitive processes involved in humor and the effects of humor on cognition. Individual differences in personality and humor are identified as well as the physiology of humor, the social functions of humor, and how humor develops and changes over the lifespan. This book concludes noting the association of humor with physical and mental health, and outlines applications of humor use in psychotherapy, education, and the workplace. In addition to being fully updated with recent research, the second edition includes a variety of new materials. More graphs, tables, and figures now illustrate concepts, processes, and theories. It provides new brief interviews with prominent humor scholars via text boxes. The end of each chapter now includes a list of key concepts, critical thinking questions, and a list of resources for further reading. Covers research on humor and laughter in every area of psychology Integrates research findings into a coherent conceptual framework Includes brain imaging studies, evolutionary models, and animal research Integrates related information from sociology, linguistics, neuroscience, and anthropology Explores applications of humor in psychotherapy, education, and the workplace Provides new research, plus key concepts and chapter summaries

The Multimodal Performance of Conversational Humor

Book Description

This volume is the first monograph exploring the functions of visual cues in humor, advocating for the development of a non-linguocentric theory of humor performance. It analyzes a corpus of dyadic, face-to-face interactions in Spanish and English to study the relationship between humor, smiling, and gaze, and shows how, by focusing on these elements, it is possible to shed light on the “unsaid” of conversations. In the book, the humorous framing of an utterance is shown to be negotiated and co-constructed dialogically and multimodally, through changes and patterns of smiling synchronicity, smiling intensity, and eye movements. The study also analyzes the multimodal features of failed humor and proposes a new categorization from a dialogic perspective. Because of its interdisciplinary approach, which includes facial expression analysis and eye tracking, this book is relevant to humor researchers as well as scholars in social and behavioral sciences interested in multimodality and embodied cognition.

intimates in Conflict

Book Description

"First Published in 1991, Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company."

Tony and Maryooch

Book Description

The Conquest of Helen

Book Description