Those Were the Days

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Sheep Hunts

Book Description

SHEEP HUNTS: ONE MAN'S JOURNEYS TO THE HIGH COUNTRY is, first and foremost, a series of recounted hunting tales. As the title suggests, these hunts took place in the mountains with wild sheep as the prey. In the larger hunting community, wild sheep enjoy a special allure. In major part, that's because the mountains they inhabit present unique and significant challenges. Just getting to the isolated corners of the world these high-dwelling mammals call home is time-consuming and difficult. Once in sheep country, the hunter must contend with terrain that's high, steep and tough to navigate. The physical demands are considerable. Constant climbing, often with all one's equipment on one's back, demands fitness and durability. Hunting in the mountains also requires mental toughness. Dealing with atrocious weather, less-than-ideal food, sleep deprivation and frustration for days on end tends to erode one's sense of purpose. But, mountains are also glorious places where beautiful vistas abound, and a unique ecosystem awaits discovery. In the universe of hunters, few are fortunate enough to experience the agony and the ecstasy of a sheep hunt. For those who have been there, SHEEP HUNTS will resonate; for the many more who are intrigued by the prospect, the book will provide the reader, whatever his or her hunting experience, with insights into the world of mountain hunting. More than that, the book is written so that the reader feels like he or she is accompanying the author as he experiences natural beauty and stalks sheep; deals with trials and tribulation; and lives with emotional ups and downs. Rather than presenting a cleaned-up account, where mistakes are expunged from the record, the author is brutally honest about his failings and shortcomings. As the chapters tick by, it's impossible not to notice the author evolve as knowledge is gained, capabilities are inproved and goals altered. In the end, SHEEP HUNTS delivers a compelling account of the author's two decades worth of mountain adventure.

High Country Hunting

Book Description

Wild Sheep and Goats and Their Relatives

Book Description

Wild caprinae, including sheep and goats, are an extremely valuable group of mammals. While most live in mountains, some inhabit desert grasslands, tropical forests or even arctic tundra. They range in size from the 30kg goral to the 350kg musk ox and display a variety of horn shapes and sizes as well as coat and body coloration. They are highly prized by hunters on account of their horns and their coats. Today, despite their important domestic relations, many wild caprinae are in danger of being lost forever: over 70 of caprinae taxa are threatened and over 30 endangered or critical. The main threats to them are over-harvesting, habitat loss and resource competition from livestock. Some face an additional threat from trophy hunters. Despite this, however, conservation legislation is either absent or, more often, poorly enforced. This action plan explores the value of caprinae to biodiversity, the threats facing the members of the species, and makes recommendations to reverse current trends. It also emphasizes the importance to carpinae conservation and survival of close collaboration among all parties involved in wildlife conservation including local peoples and hunting organizations, governments, scientists and academic institutions.

Sheep and Sheep Hunting

Book Description