Hydrothermal Alteration in Core from Research Drill Hole Y-2, Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Book Description

Y-2, a U.S. Geological Survey research diamond-drill hole in Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, was drilled to a depth of 157.4 meters. The hole penetrated interbedded siliceous sinter and travertiae to 10.2 m, glacial sediments of the Pinedale Glaciation interlayered with pumiceous tufffrom 10.2 to 31.7 m, and rhyolitic lavas of the Elephant Back flow of the Central Plateau Member and the Mallard Lake Member of the Pleistocene Plateau Rhyolite from 31.7 to 157.4 m. Hydrothermal alteration is pervasive in most of the nearly continuous drill core. Rhyolitic glass has been extensively altered to clay and zeolite minerals (intermediate heulandite, clinoptilolite, mordenite, montmorillonite, mixed-layer illite- montmorillonite, and illite) in addition to quartz and adularia. Numerous veins, vugs, and fractures in the core contain these and other minerals: silica minerals (opal, B-cristobalite, a-cristobalite, and chalcedony), zeolites (analcime, wairakite, dachiardite, laumontite, and yugawaralite), carbonates (calcite and siderite), clay (kaolinite and chlorite), oxides (hematite, goethite, manganite, cryptomelane, pyrolusite, and groutite), and sulfldes (pyrrhotite and pyrite) along with minor aegirine, fluorite, truscottite, and portlandite(?). Interbedded travertine and siliceous sinter in the upper part of the drill core indicate that two distinct types of thermal water are responsiblef or precipitation of the surficial deposits, and further that the water regime has alternated between the two thermal waters more than once since the end of the Pinedale Glaciation (-10,000 years B.P.). Alternation of zones of calcium-rich and sodium- and potassium-richh ydrothermal minerals also suggeststh at the water chemistry in this drill hole varies with depth.

Hydrothermal Alteration in Core from Research Drill Hole Y-1, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Book Description

Y-1 penetrated an active hot-spring system to 215 feet (65.5 m), where the temperature was 171 (degrees) C. The core is sinter to 12 feet (3.7 m), sandstone, conglomerate, and siltstone composed of rhyolite detritus to 211 feet (64.3 m), and bedrock rhyolite. Hydrothermal minerals replace obsidian and fill open spaces. Original plagioclase and alkali feldspar are unaltered. Clinoptilolite, mordenite, opal, and relic œ-cristobalite occur in the less altered core. In the more intensely altered core analcime is the sole zeolite, hydrothermal quartz is abundant, and œ-cristobalite has been converted to quartz. Montmorillonite and celadonite occur throughout most of the core: calcite, pyrite, muscovite, kaolinite, erionite, and aegirine are sporadic. Hydrothermal alkali feldspar occurs in only one sample. Associated hot-spring fluids are dilute, slightly alkaline, and contain mainly Na, Cl, HCO(3), and SiO(2). Major factors controlling formation of hydrothermal minerals in Y-1 are 1) nature of starting material, 2) elevated temperature, and 3) fluid composition. Parallel distribution patterns of zeolites and silica species suggest that variation in SiO(2) activity is important. Hydrothermal alteration in Y-1 has produced mineral assemblages similar to those produced during low-temperature diagenesis of sedimentary rocks rich in volcanic detritus.

Hydrothermal Processes Above the Yellowstone Magma Chamber

Book Description

"Home to more than 10,000 thermal features, Yellowstone has experienced over 20 large hydrothermal explosions producing craters from 100 to over 2500 meters in diameter during the past 16,000 years. Using new mapping, sampling, and analysis techniques, this volume documents a broad spectrum of ages and geologic settings for these events and considers additional processes and alternative triggering mechanisms that have not been explored in previous studies. Although large hydrothermal explosions are rare on the human time scale, the potential for future explosions in Yellowstone is not insignificant, and events large enough to create a 100-m-wide crater might be expected every 200 years. This work presents information useful for determining the timing, distribution, and possible causes of these events in Yellowstone, which will aid in the planning of monitoring strategies and the anticipation of hydrothermal explosions."--Publisher's description.