Hyperfine Interactions of Radioactive Nuclei

Book Description

This volume deals with the interaction between moments of excited or radioactive nuclei and electromagnetic fields. The experimental techniques developed for the observation of this hyperfine interaction are governed by the lifetime of the nuc lear states in question. The dynamics of the interaction are reflected by the time dependence of the spatial distribution of the radioactive decay radiation. Basically, the experiments yield information on the energy shifts and/or splittings of the nuc lear levels. These quantities are determined essentially by the product of the nuc lear moment and the electromagnetic field acting at the site of the nucleus. Due to the strong decrease in the fields with distance, the measurements probe these fields within a highly localized region centered around the radioactive nuclei. Detailed experimental methods with numerous ramifications were developed in the early sixties. In the period which followed, the main emphasis was on excitation of short-lived nuclear states by means of pulsed particle accelerators, implantation of radioactive nuclei, and production of polarized a-unstable nuclei by nuclear re actions with polarized neutrons or particles. The seventies were a period of fruit ful applications directed to extensive studies of the moments of excited nuclear states on the one hand, and local internal fields on the other, resulting in far reaching information on atomic and solid-state properties. The organization of this Topics volume follows these main lines of research.

Optical Spectroscopy of Lanthanides

Book Description

Optical Spectroscopy of Lanthanides: Magnetic and Hyperfine Interactions represents the sixth and final book by the late Brian Wybourne, an accomplished pioneer in the spectroscopy of rare earth ions, and Lidia Smentek, a leading theoretical physicist in the field. The book provides a definitive and up-to-date theoretical description of spec

Point Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators

Book Description

The precedent book with the title "Structural Analysis of Point Defects in Solids: An introduction to multiple magnetic resonance spectroscopy" ap peared about 10 years ago. Since then a very active development has oc curred both with respect to the experimental methods and the theoretical interpretation of the experimental results. It would therefore not have been sufficient to simply publish a second edition of the precedent book with cor rections and a few additions. Furthermore the application of the multiple magnetic resonance methods has more and more shifted towards materials science and represents one of the important methods of materials analysis. Multiple magnetic resonances are used less now for "fundamental" studies in solid state physics. Therefore a more "pedestrian" access to the meth ods is called for to help the materials scientist to use them or to appreciate results obtained by using these methods. We have kept the two introduc tory chapters on conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of the precedent book which are the base for the multiple resonance methods. The chapter on optical detection of EPR (ODEPR) was supplemented by sections on the structural information one can get from "forbidden" transitions as well as on spatial correlations between defects in the so-called "cross relaxation spectroscopy". High-field ODEPR/ENDOR was also added. The chapter on stationary electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) was supplemented by the method of stochastic END OR developed a few years ago in Paderborn which is now also commercially available.

The Mössbauer Effect

Book Description

The effect which now bears his name, was discovered in 1958 by Rudolf Mössbauer at the Technical University of Munich. At first, this appeared to be a phenomenon related to nuclear energy levels that provided some information about excited state lifetimes and quantum properties. However, it soon became apparent that Mössbauer spectroscopy had applications in such diverse fields as general relativity, solid state physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, medical physics, archeology and art. It is the extreme sensitivity of the effect to the atomic environment around the probe atom as well as the ability to apply the technique to some interesting and important elements, most notably iron, that is responsible for the Mössbauer effect's extensive use. The present volume reviews the historical development of the Mössbauer effect, the experimental details, the basic physics of hyperfine interactions and some of the numerous applications of Mössbauer effect spectroscopy.

Symmetries And Fundamental Interactions In Nuclei

Book Description

This book shows the usefulness of the nucleus as a laboratory for learning about basic symmetries and fundamental interactions. It is aimed at advanced graduate students and beginning researchers, but should be useful to advanced researchers as well. Nuclear and particle physicists will find it particularly useful.

Advanced EPR

Book Description

Advanced EPR: Applications in Biology and Biochemistry provides an up-to-date survey of existing EPR techniques and their applications in biology and biochemistry, and also provides a wealth of ideas for future developments in instrumentation and theory. The material is broadly organized into four parts. In the first part (chapters 1 to 6) pulsed EPR is discussed in detail. The second part (chapters 7 to 12) provides detailed discussions of a number of novel and experimental methods. The third part comprises seven chapters on double-resonance techniques, five on ENDOR and two on optically- and reaction yield-detected resonance. The final part is devoted to a thorough discussion of a number of new developments in the application of EPR to various biological and biochemical problems. Advanced EPR will interest biophysicists, physical biochemists, EPR spectroscopists and others who will value the extensive treatment of pulsed EPR techniques, the discussion of new developments in EPR instrumentation, and the integration of theory and experimental details as applied to problems in biology and biochemistry.