Techniques for Protecting Overhead Lines in Winter Conditions

Book Description

This book offers a comprehensive review of the various options for improving the performance of overhead power lines in winter conditions, taking into account both mechanical and electrical aspects. Experience within the CIGRE community reveals many strategies to protect overhead power lines from damage caused by heavy build-up of ice and snow or electrical issues such as insulator icing flashovers. The initial approach is to consider the predicted ice loads from the available databases. This is supplemented with some fundamental aspects of icing physics that affect accretion rate as well as factors in ice shedding on traditional (metal, ceramic) and novel treated surfaces. These ice physics concepts structure the ways to categorize and evaluate methods to reduce or prevent icing on conductors and ground wires or to prevent flashover of insulators. Many utilities in cold climate regions have developed and used methods and strategies to reduce ice loads using anti-icing (AI) and / or de-icing (DI) methods. In general, AI methods are used before or early during ice build-up, while DI methods are activated during and sometimes after ice build-up. The book describes and discusses some historical, operational, or potential AI / DI systems in the ice physics context. This supports a comprehensive review of AI coatings including concepts, relevant material properties, application methods, and finally test methods for characterizing the long-term performance.

Overhead Power Lines

Book Description

The only book containing a complete treatment on the construction of electric power lines. Reflecting the changing economic and technical environment of the industry, this publication introduces beginners to the full range of relevant topics of line design and implementation.

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks

Book Description

This is a comprehensive book that documents the fundamentals of atmospheric icing and surveys the state of the art in eight chapters, each written by a team of experienced and internationally renowned experts. The treatment is detailed and richly illustrated.

Wood Pole Overhead Lines

Book Description

This book concentrates on the mechanical aspects of distribution wood pole lines, including live line working, environmental influences, climate change and international standards.

Mechanisms for Ice Bonding in Wet Snow Accretions on Power Lines

Book Description

We first review the growth and compaction processes in wet snow accretions, and then argue that interparticle bonding (freezing) is a necessary feature of these accretions. Finally, we explain how this bonding or freezing mechanism can take place in the absence of subfreezing external conditions.

Power Grid Resiliency for Adverse Conditions

Book Description

Written by a leading expert in the field, this practical book offers a comprehensive understanding of the impact of extreme weather and the possible effects of climate change on the power grid. The impact and restoration of floods, winter storms, wind storms, and hurricanes as well as the effects of heat waves and dry spells on thermal power plants is explained in detail. This book explores proven practices for successful restoration of the power grid, increased system resiliency, and ride-through after extreme weather and provides readers with examples from super storm Sandy. This book presents the effects of lack of ground moisture on transmission line performance and gives an overview of line insulation coordination, stress-strength analysis, and tower insulation strength, and then provides readers with tangible solutions. Structural hardening of power systems against storms, including wind pressure, wood poles, and vegetation management is covered. Moreover, this book provides suggestions for practical implementations to improve future smart grid resiliency.


Book Description

This open access book comprises 10 high-level papers on research and innovation within the Flexitranstore Project that were presented at the FLEXITRANSTORE special session organized as part of the 21st International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering. FLEXITRANSTORE (An Integrated Platform for Increased FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources) aims to contribute to the development of a pan-European transmission network with high flexibility and high interconnection levels. This will facilitate the transformation of the current energy production mix by hosting an increasing share of renewable energy sources. Novel smart grid technologies, control and storage methods, and new market approaches will be developed, installed, demonstrated, and tested introducing flexibility to the European power system. FLEXITRANSTORE is developing a next-generation Flexible Energy Grid (FEG) that will be integrated into the European Internal Energy Market (IEM) through the valorization of flexibility services. This FEG addresses the capabilities of a power system to maintain continuous service in the face of rapid and large swings in supply or demand. As such, a wholesale market infrastructure and new business models within this integrated FEG must be upgraded for network players, and offer incentives for new ones to join, while at the same time demonstrating new business perspectives for cross-border resource management and energy trading.

High Voltage Digital Power Line Carrier Channels

Book Description

This book covers planning and maintenance of digital power line carrier (DPLC) channels along high voltage 35-750 kV alternate current power lines, providing readers with an introduction to the relevant industry standards, structure, and construction of DPLC equipment. Coverage includes DPLC equipment use in digital transmitting systems, including digital modulation and coding, channel equalization, and echo cancelling; DPLC multiplexing systems and network elements; different characteristics of high voltage power lines as media for high frequency PLC signals transmission; and planning of DPLC channels. Practicing engineers and researchers involved in the development, design, and application of high voltage power line carrier channels, as well as students studying communications and electric power grids, will find this book to be a valuable reference guide.