Ice Dwarfs

Book Description

A tour of the ice dwarfs from Pluto and beyond. Learn how amazing space really is.

Red Dwarfs

Book Description

This thought-provoking book looks at the nature of red dwarf systems as potential homes for life. Realistically, what are the prospects for life on these distant worlds? Could life evolve and survive there? How do these planetary surfaces and geologies evolve? How would life on a planet orbiting a red dwarf differ from life on Earth? And what are the implications for finding further habitable worlds in our galaxy? The author provides readers with insight into the habitability of planets and how this changes as time progresses and the central star evolves. Since the previous 2013 edition Under a Crimson Sun, there has been a rise in newly discovered planets orbiting red dwarfs, accompanied by controversial areas of research that test what we think we know about these systems. This revised edition delves into the wealth of new material uncovered since that date. It explains the often conflicting results and analyses put forward and clarifies our understanding of these exciting new worlds. The chapters explore the full width of relevant scientific discovery and speculation on the potential for red dwarf planets to host life. New content includes improved atmospheric models, new understandings of the impact of stellar radiation on the atmosphere of red dwarf worlds, tidal-locking, and comparisons with terrestrial geology and climate.

The Hunt for Planet X

Book Description

Ever since the serendipitous discovery of planet Uranus in 1871, astronomers have been hunting for new worlds in the outer regions of our solar system. This exciting and ongoing quest culminated recently in the discovery of hundreds of ice dwarfs in the Kuiper belt, robbed Pluto from its ‘planet’ status, and led to a better understanding of the origin of the solar system. This timely book reads like a scientific ‘who done it’, going from the heights of discovery to the depths of disappointment in the hunt for ‘Planet X’. Based on many personal interviews with astronomers, the well-known science writer Govert Schilling introduces the heroes in the race to be the first in finding another world, bigger than Pluto.

A Journey through the Universe

Book Description

A comprehensive, up-to-date survey of our knowledge of the Universe beyond Earth, for general readers and astronomy enthusiasts.

The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet

Book Description

The New York Times best-selling author chronicles America's irrational love affair with Pluto, man's best celestial friend. In August 2006, the International Astronomical Union voted Pluto out of planethood. Far from the sun, tiny, and eccentric in orbit, it's a wonder Pluto has any fans. Yet during the mounting debate over Pluto's status, Americans rallied behind the extraterrestrial underdog. The year of Pluto's discovery, Disney created an irresistible pup by the same name, and, as one NASA scientist put it, Pluto was "discovered by an American for America." Pluto is entrenched in our cultural, patriotic view of the cosmos, and Neil deGrasse Tyson is on a quest to discover why. Only Tyson can tell this story: he was involved in the first exhibits to demote Pluto, and, consequently, Pluto lovers have freely shared their opinions with him, including endless hate mail from third graders. In his typically witty way, Tyson explores the history of planet classification and America's obsession with the "planet" that's recently been judged a dwarf.

Chasing Icebergs

Book Description

A deeply intelligent and engrossing narrative that will transform our relationship with water and how we view climate change. The global water crisis is upon us. 1 in 3 people do not have access to safe drinking water; nearly 1 million people die each year as a result. Even in places with adequate freshwater, pollution and poor infrastructure have left residents without basic water security. Luckily, there is a solution to this crisis where we least expect it. Icebergs—frozen mountains of freshwater—are more than a symbol of climate change. In his spellbinding Chasing Icebergs, Matthew Birkhold argues the glistening leviathans of the ocean may very well hold the key to saving the planet. Harvesting icebergs for drinking water is not a new idea. But for the first time in human history, doing so on a massive global scale is both increasingly feasible and necessary for our survival. Chasing Icebergs delivers a kaleidoscopic history of humans’ relationship with icebergs, and offers an urgent assessment of the technological, cultural, and legal obstacles we must overcome to harness this freshwater resource. Birkhold takes readers around the globe, introducing them to a colorful cast of characters with wildly different ideas about how (and if) humans should use icebergs. Sturdy bureaucrats committed to avoiding another Titanic square off against “iceberg cowboys” who wrangle the frozen beasts for profit. Entrepreneurs selling luxury iceberg water for an eye-popping price clash with fearless humanitarians trying to tow icebergs across the globe to eradicate water shortages. Along the way, we meet some of the world’s most renowned scientists to determine how industrial-scale iceberg harvesting could affect the oceans and the poles. And we see firsthand the looming conflict between Indigenous peoples like the Greenlandic Inuit with claims to icebergs and the private corporations that stand to reap massive profits. As Birkhold shepherds readers from Connecticut to South Africa, from Newfoundland to Norway, to Greenland and beyond, he unfurls a visionary argument for cooperation over conflict. It’s not too late for icebergs to save humanity. But we must act fast to form a coalition of scientists, visionaries, engineers, lawyers and diplomats to ensure that the “Cold Rush” doesn’t become a free-for-all.

Deeno's Dream Journeys in the Big Blue Bubble

Book Description

Deeno's Dream Journeys in the Big Blue Bubble is a fun and easy-to-use guide to a special relaxation technique for children. Adapted from the system of Autogenics, the six-week programme uses positive affirmations and guided imagery to help children manage their emotions, let go of anxiety and feel calm and confident. Each week, the child is given a new set of 'magic words': a relaxation tool they can draw upon whenever they feel stressed or anxious. An illustrated story based around these words, where the child is asked to imagine they are going on an adventure in a big blue bubble with Deeno the Dinosaur, draws the child into a safe and magical world and guides their minds and bodies into a state of deep, calming relaxation. Suggestions for follow-up practice and creative activities based around that week's words accompany each session, and encourage children to tap into their own imaginations. Separate introductions for parents, teachers and other professionals provide advice on how best to use the technique, whether at home, at school, or elsewhere. There is also a children's introduction, which introduces Deeno and explains the technique in accessible terms. Accessible and engaging, Deeno's Dream Journeys in the Big Blue Bubble is an ideal tool for helping children develop effective relaxation skills in a fun and imaginative way.

The Eureka! Moment

Book Description

Genius, Einstein said, is 99% perspiration. The other 1%--the moment of inspiration and insight--provides some of the best stories of our time. From superconductors to the Big Bang, the best tales of scientific revelation are collected in The Eureka! Moment , an addictive tour through the modern world's key scientific discoveries. Rupert Lee's accounts transport readers to the moment of realization: the inventor's laboratory, his or her doubts, initial setbacks, feuds with other scientists, and finally the shock and excitement of triumph. Together, these biographies of inspiration paint an astonishing picture of human ingenuity. In physics we learn how scientists for Bell Labs inadvertently supplied proof for the Big Bang theory while trying to eliminate the background hiss in their microwave antenna. In astronomy we see Hubble's recognition that the universe is expanding, not static, as well as the fortuitous discovery of Pluto by a farm boy from Kansas. We join Watson and Crick as they decode the double helix of DNA, and Karl von Frisch as he deciphers the honeybee's waggle dance. Skillfully written to clarify concepts from quarks to relativity to antibodies for the lay reader, The Eureka Moment is a must-read for anyone interested in popular science and the history of invention.

Solar System Ices

Book Description

Predicted long ago to be present on the surface of planetary bodies by theoreticians and recently shown by interplanetary spacecraft and ground- based instruments to be ubiquitous in the Solar System, ices in a broad sense have become an extremely important subject in planetary research. Ices found on objects formed in the remote parts of the Solar System contain a message about the composition and mode of formation of our planetary system. There are also objects that contain icy materials that bear signatures of past events on a geological timescale. Their study is one of the best means of inquiring about the origins, accessing the past and anticipating the future of our Solar System. The reviews in this book collect together a series of papers covering the physics and chemistry of ices, as well as the geology of icy surfaces. They present an extensive summary of their chemical and physical properties relevant to planetary astronomy. They also provide an overview of planetary bodies that contain ices and the outstanding problems of the field. Audience: The book is intended to become a reference for researchers and graduate students. It is accessible to senior graduate students with a background in planetary science.

The Universe

Book Description

This stunning collection of images and essays surveys the key breakthroughs that have shaped our understanding of the universe around us - from the discovery of the solar system, to Supermassive black holes and the remote depths of the cosmos. Beginning with the theories put forward for the origin of our universe - the Big Bang and its rivals - and ending with what the eventual fate of our cosmos might be, this overview of 100 landmark discoveries tells the story of how we have endeavoured to understand the place of our own planet in the wider universe.