ICES 2021

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We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the third edition of the International Conference on of Education and Science. The 3rd International Conference of Education and Science (ICES) Universitas Kristen Indonesia will be an annual event hosted by Education and Teacher Training Faculty, Universitas Kristen Indonesia. This year (2021), will be the third ICES UKI will be held on 17-18 November 2021 at Education and Teacher Training Faculty, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia. This conference has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world. The theme of ICES 2021 was “Research and Education Sustainability Post COVID-19 in Asian Context” . The 3rd International Conference of Education and Science (ICES) 2021 consisted of 46 full papers. The conference tracks were teaching and learning, education technology, educational psychology, and christian education. “Research and Education Sustainability Post COVID-19 in Asian Context” has been chosen at the main theme for the conference. Science and education underlie all human life, especially in the face of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is clearly stated in RIRN. Thus, science and education will become a special field of study in the 3rd ICES 2021. Through this activity, it is expected to increase the number of international publications by Indonesian academics in the fields of natural science, social science, and education. The conference invites delegates from across Indonesian and Asian region and beyond, and is usually attended by more than 1000 participants from university academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals across a wide range of industries. We strongly believe that The 3rd International Conference of Education and Science (ICES) 2021 provides a good forum for all researcher, developers and practitioners to discuss all science and education aspects that are relevant to The 3rd ICES 2021. We also expect that the future The 4rd ICES 2022 will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.

Nordic and North European Flatfish Value Chains

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Available online: This report provides an overview of the Nordic flatfish sector; especially focusing on the significance of Nordic supplies within the North-European flatfish value chains, stock status, catches, values, processing, trade, and markets. The hope is that the overview can provide Nordic stakeholders with better understanding on the flatfish value chains and potentially facilitate increased cooperation, with the aim to increase value of these resources for the Nordic seafood sector. The conclusion of the report is that due to the limited share of the Nordic countries in total European and global supply of flatfish, the extremely strong position of the Dutch industry within the value chains, and seemingly modest profit margins throughout these value chains; it is difficult so see how increased Nordic cooperation could contribute to further value creation for the Nordic seafood sector.

Oceanography and Marine Biology

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Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review remains one of the most cited sources in marine science and oceanography. The ever-increasing interest in work in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues, especially global climate change and its impacts, creates a demand for authoritative refereed reviews summarising and synthesising the results of both historical and recent research. Six of the ten peer-reviewed contributions in Volume 62 are available to read Open Access via the webpage and on OAPEN. If you are interested in submitting a review for consideration for publication in OMBAR, please email the new co-Editors in Chief, Dr Peter Todd ([email protected]) and Dr Bayden Russell ([email protected]). Supplementary material is provided online on the Support Materials tab, for Reviews 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Volume 62 features a review of the biology, ecology and conservation threats to the Iberian harbour porpoise; a look at the potential risk to Mediterranean cetaceans and sea turtles from floating marine macro litter; an overview of the recent history and physical environment of corals in the Andaman Sea; an exploration of the population biology of Snapper fish in South Australia; and a review of historical killings of small cetaceans in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, among others. An international Editorial Board ensures global relevance and expert peer review, with editors from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, Singapore and the UK. The series volumes find a place in the libraries of not only marine laboratories and oceanographic institutes but also universities worldwide.

Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering

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Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering comprises the papers presented at the 6th International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (MARTECH 2022) that was held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 24-26 May 2022. The Conference has evolved from the series of biennial national conferences in Portugal, which have become an international event, and which reflect the internationalization of the maritime sector and its activities. MARTECH 2022 is the sixth of this new series of biennial conferences. The book covers all aspects of maritime activity, including in Volume 1: Structures, Hydrodynamics, Machinery, Control and Design. In Volume 2: Maritime Transportation and Ports, Maritime Traffic, Safety, Environmental Conditions, Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas, and Fisheries and Aquaculture. Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering aims at academics and professionals in the above mentioned fields.

Innovations in Fishing Technology Aimed at Achieving Sustainable Fishing

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Over the last fifty years, human exploitation of marine resources has become more efficient as the understanding of the habits and behaviour of the various species available in the sea gradually increased. Thus, technologies have developed naturally over time and fishing gears and practices have become more sophisticated. These technical advances in fishing gear have generally led to more efficient economic fishing operations and better access to resources. However, fishing implies the harvesting of marine organisms directly from their natural environment, therefore general awareness of environmental problems due to the exploitation of fishery resources has also increased. In particular, the poor selectivity of some gears is responsible for the capture of juveniles, immature and undersized specimens of many species, with negative consequences on the state of stocks. In addition, bycatch in marine fisheries is a major source of human-caused mortality of marine megafauna, often leading to the capture of vulnerable species. Finally, many bottom-towed gears are responsible for high impacts on bottom communities and habitats, with cascading consequences on the entire marine ecosystem. All these impacts can lead to changes in the structure, function and integrity of ecosystems, including effects on the food webs and multispecies predator-prey relationships.

Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies

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Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies includes the papers presented at the 19th International Congress of the International Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29 September 2022), one of the major conferences in maritime industry. The Congress has a history of more than forty years since the first Congress was held in Istanbul in 1978. IMAM 2022 is the fourth congress hosted by Istanbul in its history. The IMAM congresses concentrate their activities in the thematic areas of Ship Building and Repair; Maritime Transportation and Logistics; Hydrodynamics, Marine Structures; Machinery and Control, Design and Materials; Marine Environment; Safety of Marine Systems; Decarbonisation and Digitalization; Off-shore and Coastal Development; Noise and Vibration; Defense and Security; Off-shore Renewable Energy. Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies is essential reading for academics, engineers and all professionals involved in sustainable and innovative marine technologies.

Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials in Higher Education

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This book addresses an important topic in higher education: credential fraud. This includes, but is not limited to, fake degrees, diploma mills, admissions fraud, and cheating on standardized admissions tests. The book directly addresses fake and fraudulent credentials in higher education. It explores transcript tampering and fraud in varsity athletics and discusses lazy practices in the higher education hiring processes that open the door for professors without proper credentials to get jobs in post-secondary institutions. The book also discusses how technology is being used to stop the proliferation of fake and fraudulent credentials in a variety of ways, including blockchain technology.

Report of the expert meeting on fisheries-related other effective area-based conservation measures in the Mediterranean

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The expert meeting on fisheries-related other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in the Mediterranean was co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and held online from 16 to 17 February 2022. It sought to establish a way forward for identifying fisheries-related OECMs in the Mediterranean region and provide technical input to prepare and test FAO’s practical guidance for the establishment and management of OECMs in marine fisheries. The main points covered during the expert meeting included: introducing participants to the OECM concept; the initial application of the criteria for OECMs, as determined by the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), to a set of case studies and fisheries-related measures in the region; the compilation and discussion of main challenges related to the application of the criteria, with initial recommendations on how to address them; an initial screening of eight Mediterranean case studies against the OECM criteria; agreement on next steps to undertake a more in-depth evaluation of the case studies presented for discussions during GFCM subregional committee meetings; and the assessment of the implications, opportunities and potential difficulties that arise from identifying fishery-related OECMs in the Mediterranean.