
Book Description

This is the most exciting time in human history for readers and authors alike. Robotics and A.I. is moving at lightning speed, which allows us to delve even further into what will eventually become a reality. Ice involves the corrupted side of robotics and our artificial intelligence companions, while a threat against all of humanity looms on the horizon.Thirty years after Pseudosynths were produced as robot slaves, they are now revered by the human race as heroes. Humanity is living a dream existence side-by-side with their new artificial intelligence counterparts, Robokopias, which look, act, and talk like anyone or anybody you choose. Only the Pseudosynths remember the time shift to set the planet on the correct course in 2075 and the warning that went along with it before the Robokopias were produced. Why is this warning so important? THIS VERSION IS RATED ""MA"" ""RXR"" AND IS FOR MATURE READERS ONLY!

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