ICSA Guide to Cryptography

Book Description

One of the most important issues surrounding the Internet is the security issue. With the explosion of the Internet & the growth of global markets, every business that markets its products or uses computer networks for global communications & customer service must protect its assets & customer information. The most effective protection for information transmitted by or stored in computers is cryptography. This book is a detailed look at the uses of cryptography to protect commercial information.

ICSA Bulletin

Book Description

ICSA 2019

Book Description

This conference serves as a means of presenting and discussing various research results among academics, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of statistics, analytics, computing, data science, and its application. Based on 110 papers that have been presented there are three main topics as the focus of the discussion, namely Statistical Modeling, Predictive Analytics, and Pattern Learning. The approach is in the form of a study to obtain a valid methodology for extracting, collecting, storing, analyzing, and visualizing data including those derived from big data. The application studies cover various fields such as agriculture, climate, energy, industry, business, social, and so on. The conference is expected to be able to provide solutions to various problems in various fields through statistical and analytical approaches.

Statistical Modeling for Degradation Data

Book Description

This book focuses on the statistical aspects of the analysis of degradation data. In recent years, degradation data analysis has come to play an increasingly important role in different disciplines such as reliability, public health sciences, and finance. For example, information on products’ reliability can be obtained by analyzing degradation data. In addition, statistical modeling and inference techniques have been developed on the basis of different degradation measures. The book brings together experts engaged in statistical modeling and inference, presenting and discussing important recent advances in degradation data analysis and related applications. The topics covered are timely and have considerable potential to impact both statistics and reliability engineering.

Sampling Theory and Practice

Book Description

The three parts of this book on survey methodology combine an introduction to basic sampling theory, engaging presentation of topics that reflect current research trends, and informed discussion of the problems commonly encountered in survey practice. These related aspects of survey methodology rarely appear together under a single connected roof, making this book a unique combination of materials for teaching, research and practice in survey sampling. Basic knowledge of probability theory and statistical inference is assumed, but no prior exposure to survey sampling is required. The first part focuses on the design-based approach to finite population sampling. It contains a rigorous coverage of basic sampling designs, related estimation theory, model-based prediction approach, and model-assisted estimation methods. The second part stems from original research conducted by the authors as well as important methodological advances in the field during the past three decades. Topics include calibration weighting methods, regression analysis and survey weighted estimating equation (EE) theory, longitudinal surveys and generalized estimating equations (GEE) analysis, variance estimation and resampling techniques, empirical likelihood methods for complex surveys, handling missing data and non-response, and Bayesian inference for survey data. The third part provides guidance and tools on practical aspects of large-scale surveys, such as training and quality control, frame construction, choices of survey designs, strategies for reducing non-response, and weight calculation. These procedures are illustrated through real-world surveys. Several specialized topics are also discussed in detail, including household surveys, telephone and web surveys, natural resource inventory surveys, adaptive and network surveys, dual-frame and multiple frame surveys, and analysis of non-probability survey samples. This book is a self-contained introduction to survey sampling that provides a strong theoretical base with coverage of current research trends and pragmatic guidance and tools for conducting surveys.

Plant Genetic Resources

Book Description

Food is the basic need of human beings. The increasing population and enhanced standard of living are placing greater demands on food-related requirements in terms of quantity, quality and diversity. The Green Revolution which significantly enhanced productivity of important food crops, nevertheless, resulted in certain fallouts as genetic erosion, soil degradation, chemical pollution and aquifer depletion. Amongst these, decrease in plant genetic diversity is an irreversible loss. As the basic raw material for future plant breeding, plant genetic resources of foodgrains are the key to future food security. Though, plant breeding has attracted the attention of many authors, plant genetic resources remain somewhat neglected. This book gives an overall perspective current status of genetic resource of important foodgrain crops (wheat, rice, maize, barley, sorghum, millets, pulses and legumes and underutilized crops). It provides a comprehensive compilation on current status of information on origin, taxonomy, diversity, collection, exchange, evaluation, utilization, molecular characterization and conservation for food grain crops. Eminent scientists and crop specialists have critically analyzed the information in view of the present and future research priorities. In addition, management issue related to plant genetic resources are also discussed. At present such information on these crops is lacking and this book fills in the void. It shall serve as reference for genetic resource managers, researchers, teachers, students and policy makers in biology and agriculture.

Open Source Systems Security Certification

Book Description

Open Source Systems Security Certification discusses Security Certification Standards and establishes the need to certify open source tools and applications. This includes the international standard for the certification of IT products (software, firmware and hardware) Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408) (CC 2006), a certification officially adopted by the governments of 18 nations. Without security certification, open source tools and applications are neither secure nor trustworthy. Open Source Systems Security Certification addresses and analyzes the urgency of security certification for security-sensible markets, such as telecommunications, government and the military, through provided case studies. This volume is designed for professionals and companies trying to implement an Open Source Systems (OSS) aware IT governance strategy, and SMEs looking to attract new markets traditionally held by proprietary products or to reduce costs. This book is also suitable for researchers and advanced-level students.

Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data with R

Book Description

This unique book addresses the statistical modelling and analysis of microbiome data using cutting-edge R software. It includes real-world data from the authors’ research and from the public domain, and discusses the implementation of R for data analysis step by step. The data and R computer programs are publicly available, allowing readers to replicate the model development and data analysis presented in each chapter, so that these new methods can be readily applied in their own research. The book also discusses recent developments in statistical modelling and data analysis in microbiome research, as well as the latest advances in next-generation sequencing and big data in methodological development and applications. This timely book will greatly benefit all readers involved in microbiome, ecology and microarray data analyses, as well as other fields of research.

Advanced Statistical Methods in Data Science

Book Description

This book gathers invited presentations from the 2nd Symposium of the ICSA- CANADA Chapter held at the University of Calgary from August 4-6, 2015. The aim of this Symposium was to promote advanced statistical methods in big-data sciences and to allow researchers to exchange ideas on statistics and data science and to embraces the challenges and opportunities of statistics and data science in the modern world. It addresses diverse themes in advanced statistical analysis in big-data sciences, including methods for administrative data analysis, survival data analysis, missing data analysis, high-dimensional and genetic data analysis, longitudinal and functional data analysis, the design and analysis of studies with response-dependent and multi-phase designs, time series and robust statistics, statistical inference based on likelihood, empirical likelihood and estimating functions. The editorial group selected 14 high-quality presentations from this successful symposium and invited the presenters to prepare a full chapter for this book in order to disseminate the findings and promote further research collaborations in this area. This timely book offers new methods that impact advanced statistical model development in big-data sciences.

Escherichia coli

Book Description

Shigella spp. and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli are agents of bacillary dysentery, a disease that remains a scourge of impoverished communities with little access to clean water. Because of the low infectious dose needed to cause disease, refugees and displaced peoples are also at risk of dysentery outbreaks. The characteristics of dysentery (diarrhea, fever, blood in stools) are direct results of the bacteria’s ability to invade epithelial cells of the large intestine and induce a robust inflammatory response. Genes encoding invasion and a type III secretion system and its secreted effectors are all found on a large plasmid. Other virulence genes are encoded in pathogenicity islands on the chromosome. The four species of Shigella are genetically closely related to E. coli and evidence suggests that Shigella evolved independently from at least seven ancestral lineages of E. coli. The evolution of Shigella by gene acquisition (virulence plasmid) and gene loss (black holes and antivirulence genes) provides a paradigm for the evolution of bacterial pathogens from commensal ancestors.