Identification des principales zones protégées transfontalières en Europe

Book Description

L'établissement du Réseau écologique paneuropéen représente un des objectifs majeurs de la Stratégie paneuropéenne de la diversité biologique et paysagère. La protection de zones transfrontalières dans le cadre d'un tel réseau écologique composé de groupes de zones protégées pourrait être une étape importante vers la protection du patrimoine naturel en Europe. La coopération transfrontalière offre la possibilité de créer des zones protégées plus vastes et d'harmoniser leur gestion, apportant ainsi une contribution très importante à la préservation de la biodiversité. Le présent rapport traite de la coopération transfrontalière dans les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale, y compris les pays en transition d'Europe orientale, dont la Russie, les pays Baltes, le Bélarus et l'Ukraine.

Identification of the Most Important Transboundary Protected Areas in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

The protection of transborder areas in an ecological network system which take account of clusters of conservation areas represents an important step towards protecting natural heritage in Europe. Cross-border co-operation can help provide larger protected areas with uniform management and thus make a considerable contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. This report reflects the transborder co-operation in countries of central and eastern Europe, including Russia, the Baltic countries, Belarus and Ukraine.

Guidelines for Protected Areas Legislation

Book Description

The central aim of this publication is to consider the key elements of a modern, comprehensive, and effective legal framework for successful management of protected areas. They provide practical guidance for all those involved in developing, improving, or reviewing national legislation on protected areas, be they legal drafters and practitioners, protected area managers, interested NGOs, or scholars. These guidelines include fifteen case studies, eight dealing with the protected area legislation of individual countries and six cases dealing with specific sites providing fundamental solutions that stand the test of time.

Protected Areas, Sustainable Land?

Book Description

Protected areas, such as nature reserves, national parks and marine conservation areas, are the main tool of nature conservation policies and are increasing on a worldwide scale. They are one of the main forms of environmental planning, and conservation institutions have increasing means at their disposal. At the same time, the goals of protected areas have become more diverse, with the involvement of more stakeholders and complex institutional frameworks. Giving an account of the extension and diversification of protected areas, this book determines whether these two processes constitute a breakdown in conservation policies. Economists, ecologists, lawyers, anthropologists and geographers analyse the various trends which are fundamental to the future of protected areas to reveal a conflicting scene where narrative around cooperation and integration hides competition between different interests. This book shows how protected areas are emerging as zones of divergent experimentations of sustainable development rather than lasting forms of integrative environmental management.

Incitations Fiscales Et la Protection de la Biodiversité en Europe

Book Description

This report looks at ways in which tax incentives may help to promote conservation of biological and landscape diversity in Europe. It outlines how tax incentives relate to other conservation policy options (Part I) before describing existing measures in and beyond Europe that directly benefit landholders (Part II) or create an enabling climate for the conservation sector (Part III). Part IV provides some indicators for the design of tax measures. Part V sets out conclusions and provides draft elements for a future recommendation to Council of Europe Member States on the development of fiscal incentive policies to support measures for biodiversity protection.

The European Landscape Convention

Book Description

This important and insightful book provides, for the first time, a broad presentation of ongoing research into public participation in landscape conservation, management and planning, following the 2000 European Landscape Convention which came into force in 2004. The book examines both the theory of participation and what lessons can be learnt from specific European examples. It explores in what manner and to what extent the provisions for participation in the European Landscape Convention have been followed up and implemented. It also presents and compares different experiences of participation in selected countries from northern, southern, eastern and western Europe, and provides a critical examination of public participation in practice. However, while the book’s focus is necessarily on Europe, many of the conclusions drawn are of global relevance. The book provides a valuable reference for researchers and advanced students in landscape policies and management, as well as for professionals and others interested in land-use planning and environmental management.

Guidelines for Action Plans for Animal Species

Book Description

La protection et la gestion appropriées des habitats naturels sont des impératifs pour la préservation de la diversité des espèces en Europe. Celles qui sont le plus menacées requièrent l'adoption des mesures complémentaires urgentes qui se présentent généralement sous la forme d'un "plan d'action", outil de conservation des espèces, grandement utilisé aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. Ce rapport en analyse l'emploi et les limites et propose quelques lignes directrices pour leur élaboration et leur mise en œuvre. La protection et la gestion appropriées des habitats naturels sont des impératifs pour la préservation de la diversité des espèces en Europe. Celles qui sont le plus menacées requièrent l'adoption des mesures complémentaires urgentes qui se présentent généralement sous la forme d'un "plan d'action", outil de conservation des espèces, grandement utilisé aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. Ce rapport en analyse l'emploi et les limites et propose quelques lignes directrices pour leur élaboration et leur mise en œuvre.

Taking a Multisectoral One Health Approach : A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries

Book Description

The 2018 FAO-OIE-WHO (Tripartite) zoonoses guide, “Taking A Multisectoral, One Health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries” (2018 TZG) is being jointly developed to provide member countries with practical guidance on OH approaches to build national mechanisms for multisectoral coordination, communication, and collaboration to address zoonotic disease threats at the animal-human-environment interface. The 2018 TZG updates and expands on the guidance in the one previous jointly-developed, zoonoses-specific guidance document: the 2008 Tripartite “Zoonotic Diseases: A Guide to Establishing Collaboration between Animal and Human Health Sectors at the Country Level”, developed in WHO South-East Asia Region and Western Pacific Region. The 2018 TZG supports building by countries of the resilience and capacity to address emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases such as avian influenza, rabies, Ebola, and Rift Valley fever, as well as food-borne diseases and antimicrobial resistance, and to minimize their impacts on health, livelihoods, and economies. It additionally supports country efforts to implement WHO International Health Regulations (2005) and OIE international standards, to address gaps identified through external and internal health system evaluations, and to achieve targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2018 TZG provides relevant country ministries and agencies with lessons learned and good practices identified from country-level experiences in taking OH approaches for preparedness, prevention, detection and response to zoonotic disease threats, and provides guidance on multisectoral communication, coordination, and collaboration. It informs on regional and country-level OH activities and relevant unisectoral and multisectoral tools available for countries to use.

2nd Pan-African Symposium on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Africa

Book Description

This bilingual publication results from a four-day symposium aimed at capturing the general directions and analytical issues that characterize approaches to sustainable use in Africa. The papers included in this work are organized under four major headings: modes of use, devolution, scale issues and external issues. Authors explore these themes through the use of case studies and the description of specific regional experiences. External issues are further explored in a series of commissioned policy papers which have also been included.