Identifying the gender of PCT inventors

Book Description

This paper analyzes the gender of inventors in international patent applications. We compile a worldwide gender-name dictionary, which includes 6.2 million names for 182 different countries to disambiguate the gender of PCT inventors. Our results suggest that there is a gender imbalance in PCT applications, but the proportion of women inventors is improving over time. We also find that the rates of women participation differ substantially across countries, technological fields and sectors.

Identifying the Gender of PCT Inventors

Book Description

This paper analyzes the gender of inventors in international patent applications. We compile a worldwide gender-name dictionary, which includes 6.2 million names for 182 different countries to disambiguate the gender of PCT inventors. Our results suggest that there is a gender imbalance in PCT applications, but the proportion of women inventors is improving over time. We also find that the rates of women participation differ substantially across countries, technological fields and sectors.

Using Inventions in the Public Domain

Book Description

This guide is designed to help researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs gain access to and use technology and business information and knowledge in the public domain, for the development of new innovative products and services in their own country. The focus of the guide is on information and technology disclosed in patent documents. Designed for self-study, the guide provides easy-to follow training modules that include teaching examples and other useful practical tools and resources.

Measuring the International Mobility of Inventors: A New Database

Book Description

This paper has two objectives. First, it describes a new database mapping migratory patterns of inventors, extracted from information included in patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. It explains in detail the information contained in the database and discusses the usefulness and reliability of the underlying data. Second, the paper provides a descriptive overview of inventor migration patterns, based on the information contained in the newly constructed database.

UNESCO Science Report

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Identifying and ranking the world's largest clusters of inventive activity

Book Description

This paper presents an empirical approach to identifying and ranking the world’s largest clusters of inventive activity on the basis of patent filings. Patent data offer rich information on the locality of innovative activity. Many researchers have already made use of these data to study individual clusters or selected clusters within a particular region. Our approach goes beyond existing work by identifying and ranking innovation clusters on an internationally comparable basis.

The Global Gender Gap in Innovation and Creativity

Book Description

This report analyzes women’s participation in international patent applications between 1999 and 2020 and finds that women are involved in only 23% of all applications, representing 13% of all inventors listed. Women’s participation in patenting varies across regions, sectors, and industries, with higher representation in biotechnology, food chemistry, and pharmaceuticals, and lower in mechanical engineering. Women inventors are more prevalent in academia than in the private sector, and typically work in mostly-male teams or alone. Achieving gender parity will require significant effort, with an estimated target year of 2061 based on current trends.

Brand Gender

Book Description

This book explores ways to drive and increase a brand’s most important property, its equity. Focussing on gender, the author analyses the impact of assigning personalities and characteristics to products and how this can affect the management of brands on a global scale. Using detailed examples, the author argues that brands with low masculine and feminine characteristics have the lowest equity, whilst brands with both high feminine and masculine characteristics are shown to have the strongest equity. Including notions of androgyny in brands, this significant study reveals the different factors which can affect a brand being perceived as either masculine or feminine. Aiming to develop a comprehensive theory and provide practitioners with a guide to increasing the equity of their brands, this controversial and pioneering book lays the foundation for creating a global brand personality model.

World Intellectual Property Indicators 2016

Book Description

A comprehensive picture of IP activity around the world based on statistics from national and regional IP offices, WIPO and the World Bank. Covers filing, registration and renewals data for patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection. Also includes an analysis of participation by women inventors in international patenting.

Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review - 2019

Book Description

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: 40 years of the Patent Cooperation Treaty