Identité chrétienne

Book Description

Divers par tradition, les chrétiens le sont plus encore par leur type d'appartenance à l'intérieur de chaque église : de la foi approfondie au rattachement à une mentalité et à une culture chrétiennes, le paysage chrétien offre, de nos jours, de multiples possibilités. Le livre que voici ne se contente pas de décrire les différentes valorisations que l'on peut faire aujourd'hui du christianisme, il cherche à comprendre. Autre diversité à affronter : celle des religions. Face au développement de l'incroyance, à la nouvelle présence de l'islam, à l'essor des religions extrême-orientales et au développement du New Age, il n'est pas possible de se replier dans un vague sentiment religieux universel. Qu'est-ce donc qu'être chrétien ? Dans ce nouveau paysage religieux, l'auteur avance sans suffisance ni intolérance mais aussi sans se dérober. Avec un réalisme singulier, il éclaire le visage contemporain du christianisme.

Christian Identity

Book Description

This book is rooted in the quest for Christian identity in the Southern African context where Christianity is faced with many stark challenges, internal tensions and experiences of rapid social change. The book explores six aspects of the highly complex notion of Christian identity, namely Christian institutions, a Christian ethos, Christian rituals, Christian experiences (with specific reference to the notion of ?faith?), Christian narratives (with specific reference to the category of ?revelation? and the place of the Bible in the Christian tradition) and Christian doctrine.

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La Cité du Logos: L’ecclésiologie de Clément d’Alexandrie et son enracinement christologique

Book Description

Clément d’Alexandrie (150-215 Ap. J.-C.) est l’un des penseurs les plus brillants des premiers siècles chrétiens. Son enseignement, tout autant pétri de la Bible que de la pensée grecque, nous révèle la nature des débats aux premières heures de l’expansion du christianisme. Ce livre aborde un sujet peu étudié à ce jour, à savoir sa pensée sur l’Église. C’est pourtant un sujet récurent de ses ouvrages, où il réfléchit longuement sur l’Église à partir de l’être et la mission du Logos divin. L’analyse du discours de Clément sur l’Église permet donc de revisiter les intuitions principales de sa christologie tout en apportant un éclairage sur sa perception de l’identité chrétienne à une époque où celle-ci est encore en construction. Clement of Alexandria (AD 150-215) is one of the most brilliant thinkers of the early Christian centuries. His teaching, steeped as much in the Bible as in Greek thought, reveals to us the nature of the debates in the early days of the expansion of Christianity. This book deals with a subject little studied to this day, namely his thoughts on the Church. Yet it is a recurring subject in his works, where he reflects at length on the Church from the point of view of the being and the mission of the divine Logos. Analysis of Clement’s discourse on the Church therefore makes it possible to revisit the main intuitions of his Christology while shedding light on his perception of Christian identity at a time when it is still under construction.

Christian Identity

Book Description

In this age of globalization, a need for a communicative explanation of personal and group positions also motivates Christians to describe more precisely their identity in relation to other actors in society. What makes a Christian a Christian? What is specifically Christian in social acions or political calling? Is there a difference between Christian justice and justice in general – and the way Christians deal with justice? What is our calling as Christians? The contributions in this volume are the result of the 6th biannual IRTI conference in Seoul 2005 on this theme.

Stolen Identity

Book Description

Even today, many people still suffer from an identity crisis. They find themselves bound by their past. Many times, they feel like there is no way out of their situation, regretting things they have done. In this book, you will find out how to spot identity thieves and how to put a stop to them. You will learn how to let go of the past and take hold of the future, and you will find your true identity in Christ.

The Groupe Des Dombes

Book Description

This book explores the unique and substantial contribution to reflection on conversion and Christian unity by the Groupe des Dombes, a Reformed-Lutheran-Catholic dialogue in French-speaking Europe. Clifford traces the development of the dialogue from its founding in 1936 and its contribution to ecumenical consensus on eucharist, ministry, sacraments, episcope, the papacy, and Marian doctrine and devotion. The theme of conversion grounds the ethos the the Groupe des Dombes, marked by a deep appreciation of the interdependence of common prayer, theological dialogue, and the promotion of ecclesial reform and renewal. --Book cover.

Worshippers of the Gods

Book Description

Worshippers of the Gods shows how fourth-century Latin writers rethought traditional religion during Christianity's rise. Through five interlocking studies of inscriptions, laws, senatorial papers, and Christian polemics, it traces shifting conceptions of paganism from the Tetrarchic persecution, through Constantine's reign, to the 'disestablishment' of the Roman cults in the 380s.

befreit-verbunden-engagiert | liberated-connected-committed

Book Description

Europa lebt. Die 8. Vollversammlung der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa tagte im September 2018 mit ca. 200 Delegierten aus ganz Europa im Münster zu Basel. Der Dokumentationsband enthält Berichte, Beschlüsse und deren Begründungen, Vorträge, Predigten, Grußworte, Fotos und ein Friedenswort zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges vor 100 Jahren. Die Dokumente sind ein Abbild für die gelebte Kirchengemeinschaft der evangelischen Kirchen in Europa. Die Vollversammlung hat sich – weiterhin unter dem Leitgedanken der versöhnten Vielfalt - mit der innerkirchlichen Einheit wie auch mit den ökumenischen Partnern und dem Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft beschäftigt. Der Hauptvortrag von Andrea Riccardi, dem Gründer der Gemeinschaft von Sant'Egidio in Rom, ist neben wegweisenden Predigten von Mitgliedern des Präsidiums und dem Schlussbericht mit den Zukunftsthemen im Dokumentationsband enthalten. [liberated-connected-committed. Documents of the 8th General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) Basel, Switzerland, September 13-18, 2018] Bringing Europe alive. The 8th General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe brought together some 200 delegates from all over Europe in September 2018 to gather in Basle Cathedral. This volume of documents contains the reports, resolutions and their reasoning, speeches, sermons, addresses, photos and the message of peace commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War. These records reflect the church communion experienced between the Protestant Churches in Europe. Continuing to move forward under the guiding principle of reconciled diversity, the General Assembly addressed unity between the churches and with their ecumenical partners as well as the relationship with society as a whole. The keynote speech by Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome, is also included in this volume of documents, together with directional sermons from members of the Presidium and the Final Report outlining the key issues for the years ahead.